When It Comes To The NYPD Words Do Not Speak To Who They Are; So Let Their Actions Do It…

The New York Police Department has always been a gang; it has been a racist gang pop­u­lat­ed with white inter­lop­ers from Long Island, Staten Island, and Queens since its inception.
The his­to­ry books are full of tales of cor­rup­tion, racism, and law­less­ness; City of New York res­i­dents are forced to pay for this crim­i­nal gang of wel­fare leech­es to bru­tal­ize them.
Unfortunately for peo­ple of col­or who live in New York City, this law­less, unac­count­able gang does as it please, and no one in author­i­ty has the pow­er to bell the cat.……no, not even the Mayor, this gang long belled him.


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