Here is the dilemma for Jamaica, the people who interpret the Constitution have no imagination. Consequently, the 1962 Independence Constitution is interpreted as a static uncompromising bulwark rather than a living, breathing document representing our time.
Oh, and on that note, it is for those reasons that I continue to believe and call for a new constitution. One that is free from language that is remotely deferential to our past colonial slavers.
The Government is to some degree constrained as to )(a) what it can do legally to bring the runaway murder rate down because of the court’s myopic interpretation of the constitution; (b) the lawless elements and their apologists now believe that the lawlessness in Jamaica is an entitlement and they will not allow that to be wrested away from them. (Anything a anything”)
The sad reality is that there are not enough sane people in the nation of 2.8 million who realize that this is not a normal problem; therefore, normal enforcement procedures will not suffice.
What passes for the judiciary is a criminal-friendly cabal of leftist elitists that releases murder convicts and other violent felons back onto the streets as soon as they are convicted.
Judicial bias must be exposed, and reforms to increase courtroom honesty implemented. To ensure a fair adjudication of each and every case, the judiciary has to be independent, impartial, and act with integrity. (Transparency. Org).
It is time for a new constitution, new and effective crime-suppression laws. Jamaica’s judges are making a mockery of our system, costing lives and exposing our country to criminal overthrow.
It is time that they can no longer hide behind the cover of sentencing guidelines while screaming about the need for judicial independence. Independence comes with responsibilities.
One of the most pressing dangers facing our country is that judges continue to grant not just repeat murder accused bail (some having killed five separate times after being given bail and are yet to be tried on the first arrest); they release convicted murderers, tiny slaps on the wrist , then back onto the streets on the day they are convicted of murder.
What incentive does a convicted murderer has for not going on a killing spree?
There is the feeling among some Jamaicans that our tiny country should be a place where anything goes. They have no respect for the nation’s laws; the roads and highways are a case study in that lawlessness.
No one believes in joining a cue to be served; we all gather around shouting because the idea of an orderly line is an alien concept to us.
We view obnoxious coarse behavior as virtuous; deferential, reverential & respectful behavior is scoffed at as weakness.
Badness is glorified by what passes for media. For example, the radio, which once was a medium that attracted professionals like Marie Garth, Don Toppin, Winson the Whip Williams, Allan Magnus, Tony Vertie, and others, is now populated with the likes of .….…Oh well, I won’t… you do the naming.
But there is significant data that proves that Jamaicans are not heathens who kill each other at the drop of a hat. There are probably twice as many Jamaicans living and thriving in the diaspora than Jamaicans living on the Island.
The common thread that ties all Jamaicans overseas together, allowing them to remain in their adopted homelands, is respect for the laws of those countries. Those who have other ideas.…… .…..receive a first-class one-way ticket back.
This medium is loaded with information going back over a decade, contributing writers and I have been warning about what Jamaica would become if we failed to put guardrails in place to protect innocent JAMAICANS from the mindless sociopathic killers in our country. Neither the PNP administrations of the past nor the JLP took those warnings seriously.
Because, of course, those morons believed in their hearts that they knew better than the experts.…..actual crime fighters who did the hard work in the trenches to keep the country safe.
They elevated antagonists like Flo Oconnor, Carolyn Gomez, Mark Witter, Horace Levy, Terrence Williams, and other dumbass mouthpieces who did not know their heads from their stupid asses. They demonized the valiant officers who placed their bodies between the killers and ordinary society.
Finally, the street cops who knew the ropes knew how to deal with the threats pulled back. ( I warned about that too).
The idea of modernization became a rallying cry. Police must now operate as a courtesy corps, among some of the most blood-thirsty, mindless killers, whose mantra is, ‘kill and collect, drink and forget.’
Sure we rubbished ZOSO’s and SOEs; we rubbished the strategies employed because, as a former street cop, I argued that as far as violent criminals are concerned, the country was actually incentivizing criminals. Added to the dilemma is the constant stream of deportees being dumped back onto the Island. Many of these people are seasoned and hardcore criminals who spent decades honing their craft against sophisticated enforcement infrastructures in developed nations.
(We warned about that too, these pages are chock-full of those warnings), yet here we are. So while the people living in their gated communities pat themselves on the back believing they are safe, may I remind them that the gangsters have money too, they live right beside you in those gated communities.
The supposed head of the Klansman gang, Andre “Blackman” Bryan, did not live in a Spanish Town hovel; he lived uptown Saint Andrew. ( Money talks bullshit walks). Uptown is now a haven for gangsters and white-collar criminals alike.
(1) Failed state, a state that is unable to perform the two fundamental functions of the sovereign nation-state in the modern world-system: it cannot project authority over its territory and peoples, and it cannot protect its national boundaries. The governing capacity of a failed state is attenuated. It cannot fulfill the administrative and organizational tasks required to control people and resources and provide minimal public services. Its citizens no longer believe that their government is legitimate, and the state becomes illegitimate in the international community’s eyes. A failed state is composed of feeble and flawed institutions. Often, the executive barely functions, while the legislature, judiciary, bureaucracy, and armed forces have lost their capacity and professional independence. Source- (Britannica).
(2) Nation-states fail because they are convulsed by internal violence and can no longer deliver positive political goods to their inhabitants. Governments lose legitimacy, and the very nature of the particular nation-state itself becomes illegitimate in the eyes and hearts of a growing plurality of its citizens. Source- (Brookings Institution).
(3) A failed state is a government that has become incapable of providing a sovereign nation’s basic functions and responsibilities, such as military defense, law enforcement, justice, education, or economic stability. Fail states’ common characteristics include ongoing civil violence, corruption, crime, poverty, illiteracy, and crumbling infrastructure. Source- (
Typical factors contributing to a state’s failure include insurgency, high crime rates, ineffective and impenetrable bureaucracy, corruption, judicial incompetence.
Some of the broader consequences to the average citizens in failed states are pretty steep; revocation of visas, no granting of new ones, the limited ability of citizens to travel to other countries because those countries that [matter] are unable to trust the government bodies that they rely on to attest to the character of the citizens, brain drain, people trying to leave in droves, etc.
In summary titled “Bad Neighbors: Failed States and Their Consequences,” proclaimed quote; ” When states fail, neighboring states are also likely to experience higher levels of political instability, unrest, civil war, and interstate conflict. State failure is not contagious, but some of its most negative consequences diffuse to other states. (
For example, the inability of Haiti to form and maintain a stable and competent government has resulted in a flood of Soviet-era weapons into the hands of Jamaican criminals through our porous borders.
That is not to say that all of the guns coming into our country are being sourced through Haiti; much of it is still getting in from the United States.
Partly because (a) American authorities have not attached the same vigor and enthusiasm to preventing its guns from getting out and into the hands of people who should not have them, as it does in trying to control the drugs getting into the nostrils and veins of its insatiable addicts. (b) due to the incompetence of the Islands customs officials who are more concerned with extorting money from people with goods to clear at the wharves than they are at protecting our country from contraband coming in.
The people willing to pay can still bring in guns and other contraband because of corrupt customs officials.
I had high hopes for Jamaica after the PNP was defeated at the polls. I hoped against hope that the new administration would have had a greater understanding of what it takes to bring the violent murder statistics down.
Unfortunately, I was quickly disillusioned by the rhetoric of Andrew Holness. I realized early on that this was not going to be a change government, just the latest iteration of the status quo.
And so, no.…… Jamaicans cannot sleep with their windows and doors open; the country faces an existential crisis from the hundreds of gangs scattered throughout the country. The type bottom feeders like Horace Levy renamed corner crews.
No, ZOSOs and SOEs will not change the paradigm; those restrictions are now time-worn. They will only serve to frustrate and antagonize an already edgy population that has already been asked to stay inside from COVID-19.
But by all means, if that is all that’s left, then it is what it is; this administration, too, is out of ideas.
Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog