What’s The Truth Surrounding The Death Of Constable Barrett..

Constable Lyndon Barrett
Constable Lyndon Barrett

Since release of infor­ma­tion con­firm­ing the death of Constable Lyndon Barrett there as been scarce­ly any addi­tion­al sub­stan­tive report­ing on his death.
Constable Barrett lost his life pur­port­ed­ly as he was a part of a patrol team in the Wellington street area of the community.
Since then The Nations Commissioner of Police Dr. Carl Williams has vis­it­ed the Division along with Deputy Commissioner of Police Novelette Grant and Assistant Commissioner of Police with respon­si­bil­i­ty for Crime Ealan Powell.
They report­ed­ly con­fer­enced with Commanding Officer for the Area Senior Superintendent Cornwall (Bigga) Ford in what they char­ac­ter­ized as a case man­age­ment meeting.

In the mean­time there is con­flict­ing reports from the streets as to just how this young offi­cer actu­al­ly met his demise.
The death of Constable Barrett fol­lowed swift­ly on the death of Constable Curtis Reid who was mown down by a motor­cy­clist who refused to heed his com­mand to stop. Constable Reid’s leg was sev­ered from his body as a result of the force of that collision. 
Additionally Constable Crystal Thomas lost her life a day lat­er when she was assas­si­nat­ed while on her way home from work as a pas­sen­ger on a Bus. 


We have no idea what caused the death of Constable Barrett, nei­ther does his fam­i­ly or the Nation. However the fam­i­ly of this offi­cer need to know that the death of their loved one is not sur­round­ed by uncer­tain­ty, even­tu­al­ly end­ing up as a mere statistic. 
Generally when there are rum­blings sur­round­ing an issue in Jamaica there is usu­al­ly some degree of truth to the noise.
As some­one who have worked with both Ford and Powell I have every con­fi­dence that Ford has the capac­i­ty to bring this to a clo­sure which will be accept­able to Constable Barrett’s fam­i­ly the JCF and the Nation.


One of the great­est tragedy which can occur is for mur­der­ers to walk free with­out being held account­able for their crimes. This is true across the board. However when cops are killed and the killer/​s are not held to account we are on a much more slip­pery slope.
This does not make any life more impor­tant than another.
The ratio­nale is sim­ple. If the police can­not find the killers of their own, how can they be trust­ed to find the killers of others?

We are not ask­ing that the police work mir­a­cles . What we believe the fam­i­ly and the pub­lic needs is a trans­par­ent account­ing of what led to the death of this offi­cer. They deserve no less.

One thought on “What’s The Truth Surrounding The Death Of Constable Barrett..

  1. Am tru­ly sorry.but no doudt about con­sta­ble lyn­don Barrett death that its den­ny who kill him

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