A cou­ple walked into my busi­ness-place, I had seen the man before, a guy prob­a­bly in his 30’s, he had come to pur­chase video games before, the woman seem to be close if not his age. She told me she want­ed to pay her phone bill, as I attend­ed to her the guy picked up a video game priced at $39.00, he asked if I could sell him the game for $30. 00 I told him I could do $35.00 he agreed .

What hap­pened next awoke me to what I had always thought was a bur­geon­ing phe­nom­e­non. He asked her for the mon­ey to pay for the video game. She gruffly told him he could have the mon­ey for the game but the mon­ey would be com­ing from the mon­ey to pay for his boots.

She made no attempt to avoid being heard, if any­thing she want­ed to out him, to embar­rass him, he cosied up to her, she paid for the game and they walked out to the car, he got into the pas­sen­ger’s seat she took the wheel and drove off.

I jok­ing­ly asked my nephew who was stand­ing near­by,” will that be you in the future”, he vehe­ment­ly shook his head absolute­ly not. A few min­utes lat­er anoth­er man entered the store , he spent some time look­ing at movies, on his way to the door I asked him if he had found what he was look­ing for ?

He respond­ed that he was look­ing for movies, he how­ev­er would have to go home to see if his girl­friend would give him the mon­ey for the movies.

Movies are priced at $3.00 .

I know times are hard,I know I may be per­ceived to be over­ly sen­si­tive to this sub­ject, times are hard on men, they are hard on women too, so I think that is a lame argu­ment to make.

I guess my ques­tion is this.

What the hell is wrong with men nowadays ?

Does the uplift­ing of women have to come at the expense of our men?

As women march toward what they char­ac­ter­ize as greater equal­i­ty , it seem that men in gen­er­al are quite hap­py with being rel­e­gat­ed to sec­ond-class cit­i­zen­ship in their own homes.

Women are enrolling in larg­er num­bers in Colleges and Universities than their male coun­ter­parts, in ever bur­geon­ing num­bers, women are head­ing up house­holds. In what seem to be a steady march away from tra­di­tion­al norms, more and more house­holds does not even have a male .

No one denies women the right to earn a fair days pay for a fair day’s work, as a small busi­ness own­er myself , I could­n’t give two hoots who does the job , male or female, what I care about is how well the job gets done.

Some of this is due to the fact that many of what we knew as soci­etal norms, as it relates to “fam­i­ly” have been up-end­ed, many are now the object of ridicule and scorn.

The tra­di­tion­al idea of fam­i­ly, man ‚woman child/​children, is now viewed as old-fash­ioned and not rep­re­sen­ta­tive of present day real­i­ties in this new world order.

I have two mom­mies /​two dad­dies” is now accept­able part of our every­day vernacular.

Whether tele­vi­sion or on the big screen, be it movies, sit­coms, real­i­ty shows, or 30 sec­ond com­mer­cials, men are depict­ed as bum­bling idiots ‚who nec­es­sar­i­ly has to be shown the cor­rect way to do every­thing by their wives sig­nif­i­cant oth­er or even their pro­fes­sion­al colleagues.

It seem that straight men have been caught in a Tsunami cross-cur­rent, between the com­ing of age of the Feminist Movement and the Lesbian Gay Bi-Sexual and Transgender Communities.

This is not to blame our dimin­ished impor­tance on either of the two afore­men­tioned groups, on the con­trary it does seem that men have had it their way for too long, the play­ing field has been slant­ed in our favor for too long, now there is com­pe­ti­tion in the way the game is played, is it that men are sim­ply retreat­ing from the play­ground refus­ing to participate?

I’m absolute­ly sure that there are a pletho­ra of Scientific stud­ies which will do a bet­ter job than I ever could explain that men are indeed in crisis.

Over the last sev­er­al yes there have been sig­nif­i­cant change, not just in the way we view Feminism, or LGBT issues but Legislatively there as been changes as well. The Obama Administration has end­ed “Don’t ask don’t tell in the Military”, Just recent­ly the Military announced that women will be allowed to serve in com­bat roles for the first time in US history.

As we speak the boys scouts of America are seri­ous­ly con­sid­er­ing allow­ing Gays to be scout lead­ers. In many States of the Union, same-sex cou­ples are allowed to mar­ry and live their lives like het­ero­sex­u­al couples.

Women have been ele­vat­ed to some of the most senior posi­tions in Business and Government, with the Presidency of the United States being the only glass ceil­ing yet unbro­ken by women.

This is not unique­ly an American phe­nom­e­non, in more and more coun­tries women are get­ting col­lege degrees and there­by posi­tion­ing them­selves for good pay­ing jobs and posi­tions of lead­er­ship, far in excess of their male counterparts.

In Jamaica, the University of the West Indies the Premier Institution of high­er learn­ing is no stranger to this imbal­ance. both in enroll­ment and its gen­er­al stu­dent body.

UWI Mona Campus Jamaica WI.

2009−−−−−−−−−2010 Male 29% — — — -Female 71%

2010−−−−−−−−−2011 Male 30% — — — -Female 70%

2012−−−−−−−−−−2012 Male 30.5% — — -Female 69.5%

The Mona Campus is cog­nizant of the gen­der imbal­ance at the University. A num­ber of new 
pro­grammes in the Sciences, Cultural Studies, and Management Studies have been intro­duced in an 
effort to attract more male appli­cants to the UWI. Modest gains have been made in the per­cent­age of 
male stu­dents at the Mona Campus. The per­cent­age of males now stands at 30.5%, an increase of 1.5
per­cent­age points over 2009-10. (source UWI Website)

In Jamaica the Island Nation, as young women seek high­er learn­ing, young men stand on the cor­ners crush­ing mar­i­jua­na in the cen­ter of their palms, their pants hang­ing off their asses.

These devel­op­ments make 90’s group TLC’s lyrics ” scrub” even more res­o­nant now more so than it did then. As we watch these trends devel­op more clos­er to home in the black com­mu­ni­ty there is a cri­sis of epic pro­por­tion, and it seem that all are obliv­i­ous to it includ­ing those whose mis­sion it ought to be to address these issues.

The Church ought to be the guardian of our moral­i­ty, yet there is an increas­ing rush with­in the church to defend and legit­imize the very vices which are destroy­ing our soci­ety. Either the church is cheer-lead­ing or has remained silent out of fear of being condemned.

In the African-American com­mu­ni­ty the cri­sis is even more grave, as is every neg­a­tive char­ac­ter­is­tic is to our com­mu­ni­ty ‚71% of all babies born in the African-American com­mu­ni­ty are born to sin­gle unmar­ried females.

These num­bers are alarm­ing by them­selves, but when viewed in a par­al­lel prism against the per­cent­age of African-Americans who pop­u­late America’s pris­ons, it seem that these young moth­ers are sim­ple baby fac­to­ries for the Prison Industrial complex.

While all of this is going on the black Church is large­ly preach­ing feel-good ‚pros­per­i­ty doc­trine. The cor­re­la­tion between chil­dren born out-of-wed­lock and raised in sin­gle fam­i­ly house­hold and their prob­lems with law enforce­ment, makes researchers seem like mod­ern-day Einsteins.

As our com­mu­ni­ty con­tin­ue to dete­ri­o­rate and den­i­grate, many who posi­tion them­selves as lead­ers of sorts, ask the ques­tion if col­lege is worth it? This while they have cushy jobs made pos­si­ble by mul­ti­ple degrees no one pre­vent­ed them from earning.

Rick Santorum for­mer Presidential Candidate from Pennsylvania, labeled President Obama a “snob” for dar­ing to sug­gest that all young Americans get an education.

Rick Santorum him­self holds a Bachelor of Arts with hon­ors in polit­i­cal sci­ence.He then com­plet­ed a one-year Master of Business Administration pro­gram at the University of Pittsburgh’s,In 1986, Santorum received a Juris Doctor with hon­ors from the Dickinson School of Law.

Yet Santorum a Presidential wannabe, believes that ordi­nary Americans should not have col­lege degrees, and mere­ly sug­gest­ing high­er learn­ing makes the President a snob, while he ben­e­fits from hav­ing three. Ironically the President nev­er stat­ed that all Americans should have degrees, not that there would have been any­thing wrong if he did, he mere­ly sug­gest­ed that in an ever-chang­ing world, every­one should be trained so that they may earn a liv­able wage.

Though Santorum’s pos­tur­ing was repug­nant, that kind of Elitism is cer­tain­ly not con­fined to the Republican Right, there are more than enough peo­ple of influ­ence with­in the black com­mu­ni­ty who will vehe­ment­ly argue for the despi­ca­ble sag­ging pants hang­ing below the under­wear, and will move heav­en and earth to tell you that there is absolute­ly noth­ing wrong with the high inci­dences of out-of-wed­lock births.

Thankfully, despite the noise of those pro­nounce­ments, there are more than enough research which shows that kids raised in sin­gle fam­i­ly house­holds are far more like­ly to have prob­lems or drop out of school, and are sig­nif­i­cant­ly more like­ly to end up in trou­ble with the law.

There is a lot more to say on this sub­ject, I how­ev­er will do so at anoth­er time.