I am tired of hearing and seeing people persecuted and maligned for standing on their principles.Never buy into the lies and distortions which says your fundamental faith-based principles are wrong, or that new alien acceptances are right and you should bow down to them.

I don’t care how many Kings and Emperors, Senators and Congress-men and Women say something, if I do not believe it, I won’t accept it.

So President Obama is push­ing a gay agen­da, that’s his busi­ness, I refuse to accept an alien phi­los­o­phy sim­ply because some­one in high office sanc­tions it. If the President believes so strong­ly in fun­da­men­tal Human Rights for all, why does he not cham­pi­on the right of all Americans and all peo­ple on earth, who are opposed to Sodomy to stand on the foun­da­tions of their beliefs and not capit­u­late to the tor­ren­tial avalanche of deviant con­tem­po­rary counter-culture?

Think about this, les­bian, gay, and trans-gen­der prac­tion­ers come out open­ly about their pref­er­ences at their leisure, when they do they are cel­e­brat­ed and hailed as heroes,what makes them heroes, who both­ers them?

Congress and state leg­is­la­tures pass laws to pro­tect them, why is it that they are so vehe­ment­ly opposed to oth­er peo­ple exer­cis­ing their right of descent? Why should the rights of Gays be guar­an­teed at the expense of my right to say,” no thanks to your deviant behav­ior” Who is intol­er­ant here?

Washington Wizard pro-bas­ket-ball play­er Jason Collins comes out and tells the world he is gay, he is cel­e­brat­ed as a hero, he is on the cov­er of Sport’s Illustrated, he received a phone call from the President of the United States., Collins is all over the tele­vi­sion cir­cuit. Good for him.

If this guy likes to have sex with men in their rec­tum or receives a penis in his rec­tum that’s his busi­ness. Did any of you ever hear that Millionaire ath­lete Jason Collins was being per­se­cut­ed because he was sus­pect­ed of being gay?.….….….….……

Me nei­ther !

Miami Dolphins wide receiv­er Mike Wallace tweet­ed, “all these beau­ti­ful women in the world and guys wan­na mess with oth­er guys. ‘Shaking my head’.“Wallace lat­er removed the tweet and apologized.

Why did you remove your tweet Mike?Did the Organization which write your checks make you do it? If they did what about your right to free speech?

Everyone rushed to the defense of the counter cul­ture degen­er­ate behav­ior , while many in the élite media was all over Mike Wallace exco­ri­at­ing him for being stu­pid, out of touch, moron­ic, and every deroga­to­ry adjec­tive they could hurl at him. The NBA as well as Dolphins Executives were falling over them­selves to say how proud they are of Collins.

Well let me say my piece, those who believe and engage in the pri­mal hedo­nis­tic and dis­gust­ing prac­tice of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty are free to do so. I, on the oth­er hand seri­ous­ly reserves the right to stand on the chris­t­ian prin­ci­ples indeli­bly bur­nished into my con­scious­ness from my for­ma­tive child­hood years.

I will not sur­ren­der them on the altar of being part of the in crowd. The demon­ic forces of Hedonistic and Sodomite indul­gence may cru­ci­fy me, but I will stand on my prin­ci­pled belief that mar­riage is between one man and one woman. I stand on the belief that Homosexuality is devian­cy and an abom­i­na­tion to God Almighty. The Bible says so and I believe it.

No Gay, Lesbian or trans­gen­der per­son has any­thing to fear from me, nei­ther psy­chi­cal­ly or oth­er­wise, but nei­ther will I fear ret­ri­bu­tion from them because I do not acknowl­edge their indul­gences as nor­mal and moral. They have a right to live their lifestyle, I will live mine my way, they don’t have to accept mine because I damn well do not accept theirs.

I am pre­pared for the abuse and invec­tive which will be hurled my way , I’m hap­py that those who do will exact­ly be mak­ing my point. The Bible did say this time would come, it is here, those who have eyes to see let them see, those who have ears to hear let them hear, worse per­se­cu­tion is com­ing for those who dare stand opposed to the dark forces of Sodom and Gomorrah.

We will not be able to work or par­tic­i­pate in any area of dai­ly life, I’m ready for them to per­se­cute me for stand­ing on the pil­lars of right­eous­ness and fideli­ty to principles.

Are you.