What Is The Value Of A Life In Jamaica?


A 41 year old radio per­son­al­i­ty who is the mar­ried father of two, has an illic­it affair with a co-work­er, she became preg­nant. He demands that she have an abor­tion, she refused, so he hires a 37 year-old trig­ger-man, pays him J$250.000 to exter­mi­nate her. He dri­ves the shoot­er to the gate of his for­mer para­mour where the trig­ger man shoots the 7 months preg­nant woman, Once in the face and once in the right hand.

The shoot­er runs back to the car and he and the would be mur­der mas­ter-mind dri­ves away, after he was able to con­vince the mas­ter-mind Wayne Whyte that the vic­tim Jody-Anne gray was indeed dead.. The police shows up and rush­es the seri­ous­ly wound­ed preg­nant woman to the Hospital.On the way to the hos­pi­tal the woman gath­ered the strength to point out the car with her assailants to the police. they were arrest­ed and, sub­se­quent­ly plead guilty to the attempt on her life.

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Wayne Whyte (adapt­ed)

This is not a Hollywood script, it is just anoth­er day in the annals of the mur­der cap­i­tal called Jamaica.

It is the sto­ry of Jamaican radio per­son­al­i­ty 41 year-old Wayne Whyte and 37 year-old Rastafarian, Safari Farr the trig­ger-man who pumped two bul­lets into the woman 7 months preg­nant. It is report­ed that both would be mur­der­ers broke down and wept like lit­tle bitch­es when the ver­dict was hand­ed down yes­ter­day July 7th 2013.


Wayne Whyte and Jody-Anne Gray at an event in hap­pi­er times


So I’m sure you are all con­fi­dent these two dirt-bags will nev­er see the light of day again right? Well not so fast, this hap­pened in Jamaica , remem­ber? They were sen­tenced to 14 years in prison and could be out in as lit­tle as 9 years with good behavior.

The intend­ed vic­tim Jody-Anne gray is not a per­fect per­son, no one is with­out sin but she sure­ly did not deserve to be shot in the face and arm for her trans­gres­sions, and by the way she has been forced to live over­seas because of fear for her life.

As I argued in anoth­er forum the court should not have accept­ed the plea deal of wound­ing with intent. The Director of Public Prosecution was hap­py to get this ver­dict, that office is hap­py for any win. Yet the plea of wound­ing with intent leaves ques­tions unan­swered . What is intent?.….….…. Intent is to kill.

There is ample evi­dence in this case to prove intent, the mas­ter­mind Wayne Whyte paid J$250.000 to Safari Farr to kill the woman car­ry­ing the child he did not want. Farr shot the defense­less preg­nant woman twice then ran back to the car, Whyte refused to dri­ve away until he was con­vinced that Farr had killed Jody-Anne Gray, the woman car­ry­ing his child.

There is more than enough evi­dence of mal­ice, depraved indif­fer­ence, wan­ton dis­re­gard for human life and intent to mur­der, to send these two low-lives away for life, yet they may very well be out in 9 years.

Gangster Paradise, Jamaica nice.