What Is The Basis For The Pass Given Antony Anderson For His Failures?

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I hate to be the Gringe who brings the bad news of real­i­ty in this fes­tive sea­son, but I can­not in good con­science pre­tend that every­thing is okay.
The mur­der rate is high as hell, in fact, some esti­mates have the num­bers in excess of five vic­tims per day.
Still, oth­ers say that those num­bers are not ful­ly rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the killings which are tak­ing place, par­tic­u­lar­ly when the miss­ing are tak­en into account.

The truth is that we real­ly want to enun­ci­ate the pos­i­tives in the stock mar­ket, the new con­struc­tions, and the ter­rif­ic pos­i­tives the tourism sec­tor has been expe­ri­enc­ing. Nevertheless, it would be high­ly irre­spon­si­ble of me to ignore the killings, and oth­er acts of vio­lence plagu­ing the coun­try. We sim­ply can­not paint a glow­ing pic­ture while ignor­ing the dark real­i­ty which lurks just below the surface.

The Jamaica Constabulary Force has seen Commissioners of Police come and go. So too has Ministers of National Security come and gone, but we are expe­ri­enc­ing a strange dose of unre­al­i­ty at the present time and I am per­son­al­ly watch­ing it with a mix of sar­casm and dis­gust.
It is rather strange the way the entire coun­try has decid­ed to look away and pre­tend on this issue.
I have always main­tained that Jamaicans are high­ly pre­ten­tious and this is absolute con­fir­ma­tion.
You are all gonna sit there, and pre­tend that the mur­der sta­tis­tics are not as bad and, may I say, far worse than when pre­vi­ous com­mis­sion­ers of police were in charge?
Simply because the Commissioner of Police, Antony Anderson came from out­side the JCF?
Yes, you peo­ple are a bunch of hypocrites. 

Where are all the hand wring­ing and the calls from the bour­geoise uptown?
The truth is that the bour­geoisie sees Anderson as one of its own, and on the basis of that he gets a free pass. What a tan­gled web of deceit?
And so as vio­lent crime con­tin­ues to climb, the Commissioner of Police announced a raft of ini­tia­tives designed to paper over the huge craters in the wall, hop­ing that none of the partiers will lean onto the wall, amidst the glitz and glam­or of the fes­tiv­i­ties.
Well, I am sor­ry, I am an inquis­i­tive prod­der, I like to touch and prod and feel to make sure that I am not being sold a bill of goods.
And guess what I found? I found that this newest announce­ment is designed to pla­cate, yes placate.

Image result for jamaica's police commissioner of police antont anderson

Anderson says the Jamaica Constabulary Force will roll out a spate of tech­no­log­i­cal tools to boost the crime fight, start­ing next year. Anderson declares, “[relics like sta­tion diaries will become a thing of the past”]. Yea that should real­ly bring down vio­lent crime.
The idea that a police depart­ment would still be using sta­tion diaries in 2019 would be laugh­able if it was­n’t so archa­ic.
The Commissioner says the police will be fit­ting patrol cars with a license plate mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem. Also, inves­ti­ga­tors will ben­e­fit from a new train­ing school.
Am I say­ing these ini­tia­tives are not pos­i­tive if and when they become real­i­ty?
Not at all, what I am say­ing is that these are basic ini­tia­tive announce­ments. They are run of the mill things which need to be done. None of these ini­tia­tives will do a damn thing about low­er­ing vio­lent crime.

I can­not imag­ine that this Island would be so com­fort­able with Commissioner George Quallo hav­ing this kind of suc­cess rate?
Or should I say fail­ure rate?
It damn sure did­n’t give Commissioner Dr. Carl Williams that kind of def­er­ence. I guess the men who came up through the ranks, you know,.….…. the chil­dren of Jamaica’s poor­est, are not wor­thy of that respect, despite their careers of sac­ri­fice.
Oh, by the way, I hate to bring this up but the ZOSOs and SOEs have not done a damn thing to lessen the inci­dents of vio­lent crimes.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, a busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.