What Is Taking So Long For The Police To Say What Was The Cause Of Death Of Corporal Thompson..

There is much spec­u­la­tion regard­ing the death of (JCF) Corporal Tyrone Thompson, thus far media reports sug­gest sui­cide. Initial reports sug­gest the offi­cer was found lying dead in bed by his twin broth­er also a police offi­cer of the same rank clutch­ing a weapon with a sin­gle gun­shot wound to the head.
Media leaks also sug­gest he had asked for a trans­fer to anoth­er sta­tion and that he was hav­ing per­son­al and rela­tion­ship problems.
As far as we know there is no offi­cial cause of death from Police Investigators.
However there is a pic­ture of what appears to be the deceased on social media which begs the ques­tion, who made that pho­to­graph avail­able ? Was it the Police and if so why?
If it was­n’t the Police who else have had access to the scene?

Police corporal Tyrone Thompson
Police cor­po­ral Tyrone Thompson

As we await a cause of death we are remind­ed that the death of cor­po­ral Thompson is just anoth­er in a series of three deaths of police offi­cers in a mat­ter of days. Constables Curtis Lewis and Crystal Johnson both lost their lives in the line of duty a few days before Corporal Thompson.
Despite my per­son­al objec­tion to the release of the pho­to­graph of Corporal Thomas (if not a fake) I too have some obser­va­tions which con­tra­dicts the notion that his death was a suicide.
Lets not for­get that there still is no offi­cial word from the police. In the mean­time the rumor mill keep churning .

The pho­to­graph which appears on social media is stir­ring a mas­sive debate regard­ing whether the cause of death could pos­si­bly be suicide.
Many offi­cers past and present have offered up the­o­ries why they believe he could not have shot himself.
Points of con­tention are var­ied and many . My obser­va­tions are simple.
♦ The posi­tion of his arm with the weapon lay­ing loose­ly in his right arm appear to have been placed in his hand after he was killed. If he shot him­self in the head it seem to me the weapon would have fall­en from his hand clos­er to his head and not come back to where his hand was to rest com­fort­ably in his palm.
♦ His body was in a fetal posi­tion which sug­gest he was sleep­ing . If he was sleep­ing that is incon­sis­tent with suicide.
♦From all appear­ance he was shot while sleeping.
♦ I would say he nev­er knew what hit him.
All of this is spec­u­la­tion in the absence of an offi­cial cause of death from the Police.
Now that these opin­ions are in the pub­lic domain, hope­ful­ly the police will not come out with a sui­cide cause of death which would make them look real­ly sil­ly and do a tremen­dous dis-ser­vice to the fam­i­ly of this fall­en officer.

Out of respect for cor­po­ral Thompson’s fam­i­ly we decid­ed not to not to post the pic­ture of his body.