What Is Commissioner Williams Smoking..

Williams calls for partnerships to fight crime .jis file photo
Williams calls for part­ner­ships to fight crime .jis file photo

Youth Unemployment is rough­ly twice the National Average in Jamaica . Youth Unemployment Rate in Jamaica decreased to 5.70 per­cent in May of 2015 from 5.90 per­cent in April of 2015. accord­ing to the Ministry of Internal Affairs & Communications. According to the same report­ing the very same Ministry reports that Youth Unemployment in 2015, reached an all time high of 13.20 per­cent in March of 2003.
To Jamaicans famil­iar with the num­ber of young peo­ple with absolute­ly noth­ing to do these num­bers are beyond laughable.
Despite this, I am not talk­ing specif­i­cal­ly about youth unem­ploy­ment in the abstract but as one of the rea­sons for the Country’s high mur­der rate.
Youth Unemployment. Deportation. Lack of ade­quate Laws. Lack of laws with teeth. Police Incompetence. Lack of sup­port for the Rule of Law. Lack of sup­port from the Political Directorate to Law Enforcement, are only some of the issues fuel­ing the Nation’s bur­geon­ing crime wave.

Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams yes­ter­day gave him­self a per­fect rat­ing of 10 out of 10 as he launched what he said were a num­ber of new and tweaked ini­tia­tives to go after crim­i­nals who are respon­si­ble for almost 90 per cent of the 602 mur­ders record­ed in the island over the first six months of this year , accord­ing to the Jamaica Observer. SEE STORY HERE Perfect 10.

According to the report­ing , that fig­ure rep­re­sents a 19 per cent jump (98 more) in the num­ber of mur­ders com­mit­ted over the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od last year. The Article the­o­rized that Williams is seek­ing to allay the fears of Jamaicans.

I am unsure to what extent anoth­er pro­nounce­ment from the Police High Command offer­ing grand plat­i­tudes and mak­ing promis­es it can­not and has no capac­i­ty to ful­fill will do that.
Williams argues that at the top of the list of ini­tia­tives to stem the tide of dead­ly crimes was a new pro­gram called ‘Get the Guns Campaign’, which will offer mon­e­tary incen­tives to cit­i­zens who pro­vide infor­ma­tion that lead to the con­fis­ca­tion of dead­ly weapons. “In light of this and the increased use of guns in mur­ders, I am here intro­duc­ing the ‘Get the Guns Campaign’,” the com­mis­sion­er told jour­nal­ists at a news con­fer­ence at his office in Kingston. “This cam­paign is designed to one, inter­cept ille­gal guns com­ing into the coun­try; two, seize ille­gal guns in the hands of the crim­i­nals; and three, ulti­mate­ly reduce the num­ber of gun mur­ders in the coun­try,” Williams said.!!!
Call me unin­formed and sil­ly but I have to ask this of Commissioner Williams.
If the pro­gram is to quote : Offer mon­e­tary incen­tives to cit­i­zens who pro­vide infor­ma­tion that lead to the con­fis­ca­tion of dead­ly weapons.!
How will the very same pro­gram quote: Intercept ille­gal guns com­ing into the coun­try; two, seize ille­gal guns in the hands of the crim­i­nals; and three, ulti­mate­ly reduce the num­ber of gun mur­ders in the country,”?
Hence my ques­tion to the good­ly Dr. What are you smoking?

erecting crime scene tape and collecting names does nothing to reduce crime of alter the mindset of criminals. It simply does not work.
Erecting crime scene tape and col­lect­ing names does noth­ing to reduce crime or alter the mind­set of crim­i­nals. It sim­ply does not work.

Essentially this is just anoth­er Gun Amnesty which gen­er­al­ly does pre­cious lit­tle to reduce Crime but pro­vides a stream of income to those already immersed in crim­i­nal con­duct and more specif­i­cal­ly those engaged in the gun trade.
Generally, Criminals do not give up their guns, they will turn over unused or unus­able old weapons to the police while hold­ing onto their stash of real weapons.
Probably more con­se­quen­tial, a gun amnesty opens up new oppor­tu­ni­ties for gun traders to source weapons ille­gal­ly then sim­ply sell them to the Police/​Government at a profit.

As a for­mer front line street cop I was nev­er par­tic­u­lar­ly enthused about gun amnesty. They nev­er real­ize the intend­ed results. In the end they offer pay-offs to cit­i­zens who should have called police about their knowl­edge of ille­gal weapons for their own good to begin with.
Good cit­i­zens call police about crim­i­nal activ­i­ty, includ­ing the where­abouts of ille­gal weapons. Jamaicans must under­stand the lives they save may be their very own.
As a sup­port­er of the Rule of Law, and a Jamaican who yearn for the Police Department to be an effi­cient enti­ty which pro­duces results, I am pained at the Commissioner’s statements.
This state­ment is a clear indi­ca­tion that on the mer­its the Police has no real strat­e­gy to push back against seri­ous crimes in Jamaica.

In the end the bodies pile up...
In the end the bod­ies pile up…

I am aware that the Government has not sup­plied near­ly enough resources to do the Job. We are also aware that to some extent The Administration is heav­i­ly invest­ed in Criminal con­duct through sur­ro­gates who are well placed in crit­i­cal areas of the society.
I am also aware that the Administration has a net­work of Garrisons through­out the Country in which Criminal behav­ior is nur­tured and encouraged .
Despite this, it is impor­tant that the Police employ more stri­dent and work­able strate­gies geared at pro­vid­ing returns on Investments for the Jamaican Nation.
I ful­ly under­stand that the Force is large­ly demor­al­ized as a result of the fore­gone and oth­er issues, how­ev­er the Commissioner must use the tools he has at his dis­pos­al more effectively.
A gun Amnesty is not the answer real and tan­gi­ble strate­gies are ..

(1)Training Detectives to Investigate Crimes.
(2) Using your Office to push the Administration to pass Laws putting crim­i­nals behind bars and keep­ing them there.
(3) Use Officers more effi­cient­ly by hav­ing very vis­i­ble , coör­di­nat­ed pres­ence in high risk communities .
(4) Having your­self and the rest of the Gazetted Ranks stand firm­ly and unequiv­o­cal­ly behind Officers until they are proven to have bro­ken the laws. Over the decades Commissioners and the Gazetted Ranks have been noth­ing but boot lick­ing lack­eys when it comes to sup­port­ing police who do the real work.
(5) Be pro­fes­sion­al take no bull­shit from nei­ther the Administration nor the Opposition. In order to effect change the Police must become an equal oppor­tu­ni­ty offend­er in sup­port of the Nation’s Laws.
(6) Stop being sub­servient and def­er­en­tial to Politicians.

Over the years this pub­li­ca­tion has made real and sub­stan­tive sug­ges­tions which if adopt­ed would have seri­ous­ly placed seri­ous crimes in remission.
Many years ago while I was a young Constable sta­tioned at the Mobile Reserve crim­i­nals would ter­ror­ize Brook Avenue and oth­er parts of the com­mu­ni­ty of Duhaney Park.
Armed with high-pow­ered weapons they used the high ground at the back of Brook avenue as a stag­ing ground from which to launch assaults on the Community.
A sin­gle Police Unit with four offi­cers, appro­pri­ate­ly armed, strate­gi­cal­ly placed brought those attacks to a halt.
These are not new strate­gies. They worked in the Eastern St Andrew com­mu­ni­ties of Nannyville, at the foot of Wareika Hills, and in oth­er loca­tions all across the cor­po­rate area.
As a young offi­cer I was part of sim­i­lar strate­gies all across the Country as we were air­lift­ed into com­mu­ni­ties like Hayes and adjoin­ing com­mu­ni­ties in the Parish of Clarendon. Flankers in St. James and oth­er com­mu­ni­ties all across our country.
The place­ment of well trained , well equipped offi­cers who are unafraid to take action is the best way to tamp down on seri­ous crimes.
Placing band-aid on gun­shot wounds is a fool’s errand.
Commissioner Williams may have spent too much time behind desks to ful­ly under­stand­ing crime fight­ing techniques.
Empty out the Police sta­tions, flood the com­mu­ni­ties with uni­formed cops .
The best deter­rent against crim­i­nals is catch­ing them when they com­mit crimes.
If offi­cers are placed and their place­ment strate­gi­cal­ly coör­di­nat­ed with appro­pri­ate rein­force­ments crime trends down dramatically.
As I have said before there are struc­tur­al and geo­graph­i­cal chal­lenges to effi­cient polic­ing in Jamaica, despite those chal­lenges, sus­tained ‚coör­di­nat­ed intel­li­gence-based polic­ing is possible.
It’s time the Commissioner and his cohorts above Cross Roads real­ize that PhD’s are good but they do pre­cious lit­tle to impact crime . Flowery goobly-gook sounds good but real polic­ing from real cops has no substitute.
That is the job of real ded­i­cat­ed crime fight­ers who know what the hell they are about.

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