What Economy, Dude That Was Barack Obama’s Economy, You Lying Bastard…

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One of the things you have heard a lot this election cycle a lot about especially from Donald Trump and his lying cronies is how great the economy was when he took office.
I’ve consistently asked, ‘What Trump economy are they talking about?
Donald Trump inherited Barack Obama’s economy, and the numbers show that after he took over, the economy started on a downward slide on his watch. Democrats don’t talk about Obama’s economy. They allow Donald Trump to take credit for Obama’s work of eight years of straight and consistent growth and job creation, and that’s a fact. 

These are prov­able facts, yet he keeps tak­ing cred­it, and many peo­ple out there, includ­ing some black men, are giv­ing him cred­it for an econ­o­my that he does­n’t deserve.
Donald Trump lies about every­thing; every­one knows he’s a patho­log­i­cal liar. President Obama spoke to that the oth­er day when he talked about Trump tak­ing cred­it for his econ­o­my. “What econ­o­my, that was my econ­o­my?” Obama mocked; final­ly, some­body was say­ing what need­ed to be said.
He does­n’t have an econ­o­my to talk to; Donald Trump has nev­er earned any­thing or acquired any­thing that he has­n’t stolen from somebody.
When Donald Trump took office in January 2017, he inher­it­ed an econ­o­my that was steadi­ly recov­er­ing under President Obama fol­low­ing the 2008 finan­cial cri­sis. Obama imple­ment­ed poli­cies that pulled the US econ­o­my out a Great Recession which could have end­ed up as the Great Depression, anoth­er iter­a­tion of the Great Depression but it did­n’t Obama saved the American econ­o­my and nobody talks about it, they give Donald Trump cred­it for it.
By the end of Obama’s pres­i­den­cy, the econ­o­my had seen sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments in sev­er­al key areas, and the unem­ploy­ment rate had fall­en dra­mat­i­cal­ly at its peak dur­ing the reces­sion. Unemployment reached 10%, but by the time Trump was sworn in, it had dropped to 4.7%. Job growth had been con­sis­tent, with the US adding mil­lions of jobs dur­ing Obama’s tenure.

The stock mar­ket was also in a strong posi­tion. The Dow Industrial Average had more than dou­bled from its low dur­ing the reces­sion, reflect­ing grow­ing investor con­fi­dence under Obama. Corporate prof­its were robust, and con­sumer con­fi­dence was at an all-time mul­ti-year high. GDP growth, while mod­est, had sta­bi­lized, and the econ­o­my grew by about 2% annu­al­ly. By the time Obama’s sec­ond term came around, far from the con­trac­tion expe­ri­enced dur­ing the reces­sion, infla­tion remained low, and inter­est rates were grad­u­al­ly ris­ing, sig­nal­ing a return to nor­mal­cy after years of ultra-low rates set by the Federal Reserve. Trump gave him­self and his rich friends tax cuts, adding tril­lions to the nation­al debt. Moreover, Obama had over­seen a shrink­ing bud­get deficit, which fell from 9.8% of GDP in 2009 to 3.2% in 2016. Though the nation­al debt increased, the rate of bor­row­ing had slowed com­pared to the cri­sis years.

I don’t hear the weak and feck­less reac­tive Democrats talk­ing about these things. They sit back and allow the grifter, who has nev­er accom­plished any­thing in his life, to keep talk­ing about his econ­o­my. In short, Trump was hand­ed a healthy and sta­ble econ­o­my with low unem­ploy­ment, ris­ing mar­kets, and mod­er­ate growth, but with chal­lenges like income equal­i­ty and wage stag­na­tion that per­sist­ed through­out both pres­i­den­cies. What econ­o­my is Trump tak­ing cred­it for? What did he do? I under­stand that his racist fol­low­ers accept the lies he tells, but the blacks who stu­pid­ly fall for this are a real prob­lem. Let’s set the record straight: Trump inher­it­ed Obama’s econ­o­my and wrecked it. Obama built that year after eight for eight years after George Bush’s fail­ures, wars, and tax cuts for the very rich. And oh, by the way, Black men, the stim­u­lus check you received dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, even though many of you should have received one because you con­tributed noth­ing. After all, you have no jobs; a Democratic Congress autho­rized those checks.
Trump want­ed to pre­vent you from get­ting them, and when he found out he could not stop it, he had his name added to them,

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