Any security or intelligence official will tell you that they would rather deal with threats that are on the outside. It is exponentially more practical to dislodge and dispel threats that emerge from the outside, rather than deal with entrenched threats that have embedded themselves to the inside.
Keeping out radicals is a much easier task than to find and root out radicals that are operating from the inside.
Simply put, it is much easier for the hens to peck away at the Fox trying to get in than to defend themselves from a Fox already in the Henhouse.
In America’s racist society, Black Americans struggle daily, as they have struggled for hundreds of years, for civil rights, dignity, autonomy, self-determination, and equality.
That challenge is vastly compromised when the heads of Agencies in which racism is being challenged happens to have Black skin.
Even though the racist policies are no less inherent, a black leader enforcing racist policies, makes the case more difficult to prove.

It was that way during slavery, slaves working in the big house would tell [massa] what they knew about runaway plans. It is incredibly difficult to deal with the mole that operates from within.
Today, even though African-Americans have won some of the rights they craved, those rights are under serious threat from three elements that continue to enforce white supremacy,(1) the senate that empowers white rural states with sparse populations, through the two Senators per state rule, while canceling out the voices of heavily populated states with large populations. (b) The Electoral College, which has caused Democrats two elections, 2000 and 2016, in which they won the popular vote by wide margins, to the tune of millions of votes, but lose the white house through the archaic electoral college law. © And The unelected Supreme Court that continues to strip away the constitutional rights of ordinary Americans, while systemically empowering the rich and powerful.

When the bullets from a wayward Black cop hit and kills an innocent unarmed Black man, he is no less dead because the bullet did not come from a white cop. The racist white policies that gave the black cop the freedom to shoot is equally as guilty.
A 5 – 4 decision from the supreme court, (a) in Shelby county Alabama Vs Holder, in which Clarence Thomas voted to strip away voting rights protections for African-Americans, or (b) in citizens United, or any other vote he made that eviscerates protections for the average person, and African ‑Americans in particular, are no less onerous and devastating because Clarence Thomas is black.
It is said that a prosecutor can prosecute a ham sandwich. The evidence presented to the grand jury is what the prosecutor wants the grand jury to rule on. The grand jury process, a closed process, is part of the ring around the military arm of white power, the police.
What is remarkable, is that Breonna Taylor’s neighbors were endangered and officer Brett Hankison was indicted for endangering them. Breonna Taylor is dead and no one is being held accountable for murdering her in her own home.

It should come as no surprise then, that Daniel Cameron, the Republican Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Former counsel to Mitch McConnell, after many months of a supposed investigation into the killing of Breanna Taylor, would refuse to tell the public the racial makeup of the grand jury that decided only on endangerment charges against one cop.
One of the guiding principles in the dispensation of justice, is that it must not only be done, but it must also appear to be done.
The Attorney General works for the people, is paid by the people, and therefore answerable to the people.
It is bad enough that Breonna Taylor was murdered in her own home, as a consequence of bad intel, signed and legitimized by a judge.
That Ms, Taylor and her boyfriend, Mr.Kenneth Walker were the victims of an arm of the state that is unaccountable, is no surprise. That the Attorney General would seek to cover up the racial makeup of the grand jury that looked at the evidence is absolutely corrupt and indefensible.
We all know of the Uncle Tom figures that have been part of the landscape throughout this journey which brought Black people from the shores of Africa, to America in chains.
It is no surprise then that the black-skinned coon that occupies the Attorney General’s office in Kentucky, and is seen in this picture, cooning with Donald Trump, would sell out his own people for a mere pat on the back from [massa].
Standing in the Oval Office, and being allowed to address the Republican Convention, was way more than enough to get that Black man to sell the entire Black race back into slavery.
Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove are three of the (LMPD) officers, who on March 13th, 2020, fired dozens of bullets into the home of Ms. Taylor, as they tried to execute a no-knock warrant, signed by a judge.
The loss of life in this never-ending fight, which is a continuation of the war on Black people commenced under the Nixon Administration has taken an incalculable toll on the black community.
Ms. Taylor is dead, she committed no crime, yet no officer has been charged with her death. If Ms. Taylor is dead,(which she is), and her death is not demonstrably an accident, how can there be no true bill returned on her killing?
Who made the decision only to charge Brett Hankison with endangerment and what do they look like.
Breonna Taylor was not endangered, she is dead.
Mike Beckles is a former police Detective corporal, businessman, freelance writer, he is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
You may subscribe to his blogs free of charge, or subscribe to his Youtube channel @chatt-a-box, for the latest podcast all free to you of course.