What Does The Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Look Like, The People Have A Right To Know?

Any secu­ri­ty or intel­li­gence offi­cial will tell you that they would rather deal with threats that are on the out­side. It is expo­nen­tial­ly more prac­ti­cal to dis­lodge and dis­pel threats that emerge from the out­side, rather than deal with entrenched threats that have embed­ded them­selves to the inside.
Keeping out rad­i­cals is a much eas­i­er task than to find and root out rad­i­cals that are oper­at­ing from the inside.
Simply put, it is much eas­i­er for the hens to peck away at the Fox try­ing to get in than to defend them­selves from a Fox already in the Henhouse.
In America’s racist soci­ety, Black Americans strug­gle dai­ly, as they have strug­gled for hun­dreds of years, for civ­il rights, dig­ni­ty, auton­o­my, self-deter­mi­na­tion, and equality.
That chal­lenge is vast­ly com­pro­mised when the heads of Agencies in which racism is being chal­lenged hap­pens to have Black skin.
Even though the racist poli­cies are no less inher­ent, a black leader enforc­ing racist poli­cies, makes the case more dif­fi­cult to prove.

Get the picture?

It was that way dur­ing slav­ery, slaves work­ing in the big house would tell [mas­sa] what they knew about run­away plans. It is incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult to deal with the mole that oper­ates from within.
Today, even though African-Americans have won some of the rights they craved, those rights are under seri­ous threat from three ele­ments that con­tin­ue to enforce white supremacy,(1) the sen­ate that empow­ers white rur­al states with sparse pop­u­la­tions, through the two Senators per state rule, while can­cel­ing out the voic­es of heav­i­ly pop­u­lat­ed states with large pop­u­la­tions. (b) The Electoral College, which has caused Democrats two elec­tions, 2000 and 2016, in which they won the pop­u­lar vote by wide mar­gins, to the tune of mil­lions of votes, but lose the white house through the archa­ic elec­toral col­lege law. © And The unelect­ed Supreme Court that con­tin­ues to strip away the con­sti­tu­tion­al rights of ordi­nary Americans, while sys­tem­i­cal­ly empow­er­ing the rich and powerful.

Breonna Taylor

When the bul­lets from a way­ward Black cop hit and kills an inno­cent unarmed Black man, he is no less dead because the bul­let did not come from a white cop. The racist white poli­cies that gave the black cop the free­dom to shoot is equal­ly as guilty.
A 5 – 4 deci­sion from the supreme court, (a) in Shelby coun­ty Alabama Vs Holder, in which Clarence Thomas vot­ed to strip away vot­ing rights pro­tec­tions for African-Americans, or (b) in cit­i­zens United, or any oth­er vote he made that evis­cer­ates pro­tec­tions for the aver­age per­son, and African ‑Americans in par­tic­u­lar, are no less oner­ous and dev­as­tat­ing because Clarence Thomas is black.
It is said that a pros­e­cu­tor can pros­e­cute a ham sand­wich. The evi­dence pre­sent­ed to the grand jury is what the pros­e­cu­tor wants the grand jury to rule on. The grand jury process, a closed process, is part of the ring around the mil­i­tary arm of white pow­er, the police.
What is remark­able, is that Breonna Taylor’s neigh­bors were endan­gered and offi­cer Brett Hankison was indict­ed for endan­ger­ing them. Breonna Taylor is dead and no one is being held account­able for mur­der­ing her in her own home.

Daniel Cameron/ His com­mit­ment to work­ing with law enforce­ment was fur­ther acknowl­edged by the endorse­ment of the Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police. Did any­one expect that this sell­out would pro­vide any kind of jus­tice to a poor Black woman who was gunned down in her own home?

It should come as no sur­prise then, that Daniel Cameron, the Republican Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Former coun­sel to Mitch McConnell, after many months of a sup­posed inves­ti­ga­tion into the killing of Breanna Taylor, would refuse to tell the pub­lic the racial make­up of the grand jury that decid­ed only on endan­ger­ment charges against one cop.
One of the guid­ing prin­ci­ples in the dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice, is that it must not only be done, but it must also appear to be done.
The Attorney General works for the peo­ple, is paid by the peo­ple, and there­fore answer­able to the people.
It is bad enough that Breonna Taylor was mur­dered in her own home, as a con­se­quence of bad intel, signed and legit­imized by a judge.
That Ms, Taylor and her boyfriend, Mr.Kenneth Walker were the vic­tims of an arm of the state that is unac­count­able, is no sur­prise. That the Attorney General would seek to cov­er up the racial make­up of the grand jury that looked at the evi­dence is absolute­ly cor­rupt and indefensible.
We all know of the Uncle Tom fig­ures that have been part of the land­scape through­out this jour­ney which brought Black peo­ple from the shores of Africa, to America in chains.
It is no sur­prise then that the black-skinned coon that occu­pies the Attorney General’s office in Kentucky, and is seen in this pic­ture, coon­ing with Donald Trump, would sell out his own peo­ple for a mere pat on the back from [mas­sa].
Standing in the Oval Office, and being allowed to address the Republican Convention, was way more than enough to get that Black man to sell the entire Black race back into slavery.

Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove are three of the (LMPD) offi­cers, who on March 13th, 2020, fired dozens of bul­lets into the home of Ms. Taylor, as they tried to exe­cute a no-knock war­rant, signed by a judge.
The loss of life in this nev­er-end­ing fight, which is a con­tin­u­a­tion of the war on Black peo­ple com­menced under the Nixon Administration has tak­en an incal­cu­la­ble toll on the black community.
Ms. Taylor is dead, she com­mit­ted no crime, yet no offi­cer has been charged with her death. If Ms. Taylor is dead,(which she is), and her death is not demon­stra­bly an acci­dent, how can there be no true bill returned on her killing?
Who made the deci­sion only to charge Brett Hankison with endan­ger­ment and what do they look like.
Breonna Taylor was not endan­gered, she is dead.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.