What Does Sessions Firing Mean For The Muller Investigations

Just a day after los­ing the house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives to the Democrats Donald Trump fired Attorney General Jefferson B Sessions.

Former Attorney General Jefferson Sessions

Dear Mr. President,

At your request, I am sub­mit­ting my resignation.

Since the day I was hon­ored to be sworn in as Attorney General of the United States, I came to work at the Department of Justice every day deter­mined to do my duty and serve my coun­try. I have done so to the best of my abil­i­ty, work­ing to sup­port the fun­da­men­tal legal process­es that are the foun­da­tion of justice.

The team we assem­bled embraced your direc­tive to be a law and order Department of Justice. We pros­e­cut­ed the largest num­ber of vio­lent offend­ers and firearm defen­dants in our coun­try’s his­to­ry. We took transna­tion­al gangs that are bring­ing vio­lence and death across our bor­ders and pro­tect­ed nation­al secu­ri­ty. We did our part to restore immi­gra­tion enforce­ment. We tar­get­ed the opi­oid epi­dem­ic by pros­e­cut­ing doc­tors, phar­ma­cists, and any­one else who con­tributes to this cri­sis with new law enforce­ment tools and deter­mi­na­tion. And we have seen results. After two years of ris­ing vio­lent crime and homi­cides pri­or to this admin­is­tra­tion, those trends have reversed – thanks to the hard work of our pros­e­cu­tors and law enforce­ment around the country. 

I am par­tic­u­lar­ly grate­ful to the fab­u­lous men and women in law enforce­ment all over this coun­try with whom I have served. I have had no greater hon­or than to serve along them. As I have said many times, they have my thanks and I will always have their backs.

More impor­tant­ly, in my time as Attorney General we have restored and upheld the rule of law – a glo­ri­ous tra­di­tion that each of us has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to safe­guard. We have oper­at­ed with integri­ty and have law­ful­ly and aggres­sive­ly advanced the pol­i­cy agen­da of this administration. 

I have been hon­ored to serve as Attorney General and have worked to imple­ment the law enforce­ment agen­da based on the rule of law that formed a cen­tral part of your cam­paign for the Presidency.

Thank you for the oppor­tu­ni­ty, Mr. President.


Jefferson B. Sessions III

Attorney General

For the record, if you say ” At your request, I am sub­mit­ting my res­ig­na­tion”.you were ter­mi­nat­ed, fired.
We wait like every­one else to see what this means for this [democ­ra­cy].