Hidden in this sentence, notwithstanding, is a deeper, more significant lesson for Jamaica. The 23-year sentence to run consecutively, not concurrently, is significant for Christopher Coke. The greater significance for Jamaica and Jamaicans, however, is that America’s Justice system is not the ridiculous criminal-friendly farce that obtains in Jamaica. Every defendant charged with a crime should be given a fair and impartial trial; justice demands it. On the other hand, those who have been victims of crime also deserve a rigorous defender of their right to be safe in their persons, their homes, or wherever they lawfully exist. That is where the criminal justice system comes in to adequately investigate, prosecute, and effectively apply necessary and sufficiently punitive and rehabilitative remedies. Years ago, in another forum, I wrote that Jamaica would submit to the rule of law in this new world order. I am vindicated to some degree, though still not satisfied, that the people at the top of these criminal empires are still running around Jamaica untouched.
Police stations burned.
Streets barricaded
There is a plethora of different conditions within Jamaica, which created Christopher (Dudus) Coke), Jim Brown, Claudie Massop, Skeng Don, George Pang, Feather Mop, Bury Boy, Jah T, Chubby Dread, Sandokan, Natty Morgan, and the seemingly endless list of infamous degenerates who have disgraced our historical landscape. At the core of it all is a population that largely relishes and feeds on the glorification of all things illegal and worships at the feet of these low-life heathens. The media and the local culture dutifully feed this insatiable, rapacious desire for things illicit, vis-a-vis dance hall music, the theater, etc.
This fertile culture of acceptance is the perfect breeding ground for the existing culture of pervasive and debilitating corruption, which is suffocating the very lifeblood of the country and subjecting generations of our nation’s people to a life of abject poverty and many deaths. It was the culture that produced Dudus Coke. Not that he is without sin, as even he has alluded to, but had the system effectively punished and rehabilitated him when he started down that path, he would certainly not have been in that courtroom yesterday hearing those dreaded words from Justice Patterson. Despite being arrested and charged several times, Jamaica’s criminal coddling judges turned him back onto the streets without penalty time and again. How could he not feel above the laws?
The system that failed the people Dudus transgressed against also failed Dudus. The Culture that fomented and maintained a state within a state is exponentially responsible for those who died at his hands directly or indirectly. Even as Coke now has time to contemplate his actions, countless others are doing what he did in the same tiny piece of real estate with its 2.7 million inhabitants.
Dirty politicians, Judges, and other highly-placed bureaucrats, a woefully inadequate broken justice system, from top to bottom, an impotent, timid, lap-dog police force, and a cheer-leading media add a criminally complicit civil society, and the result is a perfect storm, which creates a country that breads the Christopher Cokes of this world. As some seek to demagogue Christopher (dudus) Coke, we would be well reminded that if Jamaica had clearly established laws, judges who understood their responsibilities in applying those laws, and police who were capable and willing to investigate, we would not have this conversation. Christopher Coke would have no choice but to be a legitimate businessman.
As we Jamaicans express our varying opinions on this subject, we are reminded that there are more people in Jamaica doing the very same things that he was sentenced for. Some people occupy positions of power, such as politicians, businesspeople, lawyers, and people from all walks of life. Dudus had a chance to do the right thing. He argued with Judge Patterson that he was a benefactor for his community; no one denies that. Many in Jamaica see that kind of largess as worthy of sainthood. Once again, that mentality is derived from the glorification of evil, all things criminal, and an unexplainable acceptance of criminality. Sentences meted out for infractions to the most egregious crimes and acts of terror send a message that the state does not attach any significance to crime’s corrosive and destructive consequences. The Media, or what passes for one, does significantly more damage than good to an already gullible, low-information populace by cheerleading criminality and glorifying criminals. In the end, those who seek fame do so at the expense of the agencies put in place to provide for the country’s security, even as they clutch tightly their American visas, green cards, and, in many cases, citizenship.
Newspaper editors constantly berate law enforcement about every minute detail while they ignore the over 200 gangs operating with impunity in the country. The security forces are hamstrung, too afraid to do anything for fear of criminal prosecution. Those in power who make the rules are the very ones benefiting from crime. Absent the United States and its resolve to get transnational criminals irrespective of where they operate from, Jamaica would have already been a failed state.
Day after day, the number one printed dish-rag (THE DAILY GLEANER) from its Editorial pages screams out for investigations into the deaths of those who died in Tivoli Gardens. That’s when it can pull itself from homosexual advocacy.
There is never any mention by this garbage dispenser about the police officers killed when Coke’s militia decided to over-power the Jamaican state. There is no mention of the death of members of our military. There is no mention of the death of the innocents killed, as bands of marauding militiamen went on a rampage, killing at will. There is no mention of the police stations torched in the images displayed above. Inimitable and indelible images seared into our consciousness that our beloved country was ever so close to being taken over by filthy hoodlums who decided that the laws did not apply to them. Institution of higher learning churns out so-called intellectuals whose only interest is their own. Higher learning has no nobility, commitment to service, or dedication to nationhood. Those who earn a degree in Jamaica use it solely as an instrument to club others less fortunate. So where will Jamaica be as it enters its 50th year of so-called independence? Will it continue to be a haven for criminality run by two groups of criminals/criminal-supporting leaders who have visas and citizenship for countries where the rule of law is respected? Or will a leader or group rise to take the reins and tell the people your future is in your hands? It is not in criminality or remittance from abroad, and it’s all up to you.
Only time will tell!