What Affliction Is This That Affects The Jamaican Male?

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There is a bench on the side­walk, in an area that would gen­er­al­ly not find favour among the mid­dle class.This bench is a favourite park­ing spot for a mid­dle class Jamaican woman and her two ancient friends, Vic and Mike. Vic is a 76 year old fish­er­man and Mike is an 84 retiree. Both are high­ly prin­ci­pled men but have sinned in the past. Mike served time for being cre­ative with people’s check leaves and Vic had numer­ous inter­est­ing encoun­ters with ladies who had vowed life­time com­mit­ment to oth­er than he.
Vic once had a fair amount of mon­ey. Most of this mon­ey was earned through a busi­ness that was oper­at­ed by his wife. Vic’s wife decid­ed that the mon­ey would bet­ter serve the needs of the fam­i­ly, if the fam­i­ly con­sist­ed of her and their 5 year old only, so she migrat­ed and left Vic to man­age the best way he could. He now lives in that area that does not gen­er­al­ly find favour among the mid­dle class, and he expe­ri­ences all the hard­ships that came with liv­ing in that environment.
Vic and Mike shared her lat­est con­cern with their mid­dle class female bench-bud­dy. “Irie”, a man near­ing 50, had found favour with and in a local sket­tel. Irie was a self-employed mar­ried man who lived out­side the area. His wife oper­at­ed a small busi­ness from home. “Skettel” was proud of her rela­tion­ship with Irie and she worked hard to ensure that the stars were main­tained in his eyes.
Skettel was par­tic­u­lar­ly skilled at telling tall tales and with Irie as a star-struck audi­ence, she honed that skill to a high­er lev­el. Skettel was the cen­tre of Irie’s life and she man­aged to con­vince him that his lov­ing, car­ing wife had a dark side and had indulged in many “unwife­ly” activ­i­ties. Irie did like many self-respect­ing men do when they found their wife had been a devi­ous woman for so many years – he divorced her.
Skettel now had the resources she need­ed for her­self and her chil­dren. She was a respon­si­ble woman too…she made sure that every month, Irie was remind­ed of his court-man­dat­ed respon­si­bil­i­ty to his chil­dren. In fact, she vol­un­teered to take the mon­ey to the court office her­self. Irie was a man in heav­en, at least until he accept­ed a tele­phone call from his daughter.
“Daddy, how you feel when you and Skettel ah eat, and we nah eat?”
In a very short time, Irie dis­cov­ered the fol­ly in leav­ing a lov­ing, car­ing woman who used the mon­ey she earned to enrich the lives of her hus­band and chil­dren, for woman with three adult depen­dent off-springs, who has nev­er worked in her life and is still unemployable.
Submitted :
Author: Nom-De-plume con­tributed this Article.
This work is the prop­er­ty of the Author. It may not be dupli­cat­ed or oth­er­wise used with­out the own­ers consent.
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