Now What.….…..

Massive show of force makes one ask whose country is it. Does the country belong to the people or does the people belong to the country
Massive show of force
makes one ask whose coun­try is it.
Does the coun­try belong to the peo­ple or does the peo­ple belong to the country

Main stream Media are report­ing that the Jury con­sid­er­ing the Michael Brown case in Missouri have reached a deci­sion. It is report­ed that the Grand jury will announce it’s deci­sion at 9:pm tonight. In the mean­time Authorities are brag­ging they will be pre­pared to deal with what­ev­er emanates from the deci­sion. They tell News Organizations they have over a thou­sand police in place to quell unrest and if that is not enough the state’s Democratic Governor Jay Nixon have already acti­vat­ed the state’s nation­al guard.

welcome to America , land of the free , home of the brave (photo adapted
wel­come to America , land of the free , home of the brave
(pho­to adapted

Protesters are lin­ing up for the ver­dict all across the coun­try, whether Officer Darren Wilson is guilty or not we don’t know, how­ev­er Wilson does not seem too wor­ried about the out­come of the case we learned Wilson recent­ly mar­ried. According to a report from the New York Times’ Julie Bosman and Campbell Robertson, Wilson man­aged to get mar­ried in October to a fel­low offi­cer in the Ferguson Police Department, Officer Barbara Spradling, 37, with­out any­one find­ing out.

These people have had enough
These peo­ple have had enough

We don’t want to pre­judge what is going on in the mind of Darren Wilson, how­ev­er it seem he is not par­tic­u­lar­ly wor­ried one way or the oth­er about the out­come of this case.

Conventional wis­dom dic­tates that he would have stayed low and away from the lime-light. Salon​.com reports.

The cou­ple obtained their mar­riage license in Clayton, Mo., out­side St. Louis, in the recorder of deeds office on the fourth floor of the Lawrence K. Roos admin­is­tra­tive build­ing, steps away from the cour­t­house where the grand jury has been meeting.

While secu­ri­ty guards ques­tion peo­ple going in and out of the build­ing, the deeds office itself is a bland­ly bureau­crat­ic place where clerks sit in open cubi­cles. A clerk at the mar­riage license desk said on Monday that she was sur­prised that Officer Wilson went there, as opposed to anoth­er coun­ty or state — pos­si­bly Las Vegas, she said — where he could have filled out paper­work with a greater guar­an­tee of privacy.

This should be the norm
This should be the norm

Authorities seem tone deaf to what cit­i­zens in Ferguson are say­ing, some peo­ple are hap­py to tell the President he is not a King. The same peo­ple are woe­ful­ly inca­pable of under­stand­ing that black peo­ple are Americans. They are going nowhere. The soon­er they lose the sense of sole own­er­ship the bet­ter every­one will be.

There will need to be a lot more of the hand hold­ing than the guns and mil­i­ta­riza­tion . The soon­er they real­ize that the better.