Were The Commissioner Of Police To Accede To This Demand He Would Have Effectively Ceded His Authority Over Personnel Transfers To Outside Forces Hostile To The Rule Of Law.

One of the most con­se­quen­tial build­ing blocks on which a demo­c­ra­t­ic and pros­per­ous soci­ety is built is the rule of law.
The rule of a law is not com­plex it is sim­ply a set of rules that soci­ety sets for itself which if fol­lowed argues for a smooth run­ning society.
By exten­sion that soci­ety may then go on with its anoth­er busi­ness of pro­vid­ing edu­ca­tion, health­care, infra­struc­ture, and oth­er neces­si­ties which allow for the entre­pre­neur­ial spir­it of the peo­ple to then cre­ate wealth.

It is in that order that Western European nations, Some Asian coun­tries like Japan, Singapore, South Korea, the American soci­ety and oth­ers are built.


It is naïve and mis­guid­ed to believe that any­thing out­side that social order will bear any fruit oth­er than chaos and con­fu­sion which result in pover­ty and ram­pant criminality.
To some extent that sim­ple mem­o­ran­dum has not found its way into the spaces of the Jamaican soci­ety where it matters.
As a result, what obtains there is a social order which relies on the man rather than the law. A social order which is any­thing but social or orderly.

There is a peck­ing order in which lit­tle sprats vie and com­pete to see who can speak the loud­est over oth­ers and who can demon­strate that he is bet­ter edu­cat­ed so he should be mas­ter over all things.
The end result is a tiny caul­dron of boil­ing bile in which a bunch of scald­ing min­nows strug­gles to out­ma­neu­ver each oth­er to get to the top in an end­less yet futile strug­gle which inevitably results in every­one get­ting scald­ed to death.

Arlene Harrison-Henry

It is in this vein that the state­ments com­ing from Jamaicans for Justice, the Nation’s most vis­cer­al anti-police group and the tax pay­er fund­ed Public Defenders office is so inher­ent­ly offensive.
Commissioner of Police George Quallo has a right, the sole right and respon­si­bil­i­ty to place his assets, includ­ing his human resources where he believes they will be of opti­mum effectiveness.

That per­og­a­tive should not be sub­ject to polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence or consultation.
It cer­tain­ly should not be influ­enced by out­side lob­by groups which have demon­strat­ed their vocal and sys­temic hatred for the rule of law and law enforce­ment officials.


On the part of the tax-pay­er fund­ed office of pub­lic defend­er, it is shock­ing that a gov­ern­ment office could exist in the coun­try which seem­ing­ly is ded­i­cat­ed to the destruc­tion of the rule of law.
It was from that very same office that for­mer pub­lic defend­er, at best mediocre attor­ney Earl Witter,said that in order for police accounts of fatal shoot­ings to be cred­i­ble there should be more dead cops.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Donovan Graham

Now it’s Arlene Harrison Henry turn. In response to Commissioner Quallo’s appro­pri­ate and right­ful trans­fer of senior per­son­nel under his com­mand which takes effect today Arlene Harrison Henry, in col­lu­sion with the ene­my of the state JFJ is demand­ing that Assistant Commissioner of Police Donavan Graham who head­ed Police Area Three, which com­pris­es Clarendon, Manchester, and St Elizabeth not be trans­ferred to head police Area One.

It should be put on hold, espe­cial­ly in light of the con­cerns and espe­cial­ly in light of the fact that he inevitably will be in charge of a spe­cial zone,” said John Clarke, JFJ’s legal officer.
“We are say­ing that in light of the find­ings and the rec­om­men­da­tions of the [West Kingston Commission of Enquiry], he ought nev­er to have been in charge of the Manchester area, and this trans­fer ought to stop.”

Were the Commissioner of Police to accede to this demand he would have effec­tive­ly ced­ed his author­i­ty over per­son­nel trans­fers to out­side forces hos­tile to the rule of law.
The non­sen­si­cal yet pre­sump­tu­ous argu­ment that an Assistant Commissioner who already heads a police Division should not be allowed to head anoth­er police Division in the same small coun­try of 4411 square miles is beyond ridicu­lous even with­out both­er­ing to pay atten­tion to the lack of stand­ing that the com­plain­ers have to make such demands.

Jamaica is a coun­try that is tee­ter­ing pre­cip­i­tous­ly on the brink of all out chaos con­trary to what the politi­cians and faux patri­ots tell you.
The coun­try is expe­ri­enc­ing civ­il war type homi­cide num­bers. No, not every killing is relat­ed to the illic­it Lotto-scam.
It is intel­lec­tu­al indo­lence and worse to sug­gest that the peo­ple dying are scammers.

It is a lazy and easy answer which is not sup­port­ed by the facts. If that asser­tion was true then each and every home­own­er should remove the iron grille for­ti­fi­ca­tions from their homes and sleep with their doors open at nights as the prime min­is­ter assured them would hap­pen were he elect­ed to office.
The stark real­i­ty is that con­trary to the plat­i­tudes and protes­ta­tions that crime is every­where, clos­er to seven(7) Jamaicans are slaugh­tered each and every day as opposed to the four they would have us believe.

Two AK 47 rifles, 15 oth­er guns, ammo found in car­go at GNIC

Even if the num­ber was four peo­ple mur­dered each day, the year­ly num­ber of slaugh­tered Jamaicans would be 1460.
Those are the num­bers the so called human rights cru­saders should chew on for a while.
No greater right does a per­son have than the right to life. Without life, noth­ing else matters.
If they want to con­tribute to Nation build­ing what bet­ter place for them to direct their efforts than at help­ing to reduce murders?
Instead, like so many oth­er enti­ties in the tiny, fish­bowl they cozy up the worse ele­ments in the soci­ety and demo­nize the police.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Donavan Graham and oth­ers did their duty at a time when oth­ers were cow­er­ing in fear of the takeover of our coun­try by a transna­tion­al war­lord and his militiamen.
He was slimed by a Kangaroo court made up of three fee­ble legal pros­ti­tutes two from with­in and one from without.
Unless their find­ings were find­ings of crim­i­nal cul­pa­bil­i­ty which it weren’t, Jamaicans for Justice and the oth­er Slimers at the Public Defender’s office have no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for their con­tin­ued besmirch­ing of this pub­lic ser­van­t’s character.

Their opin­ions and utter­ances should be col­lect­ed with the remain­der of Kingston’s garbage and dis­posed of in the Riverton Dump where they belong.