Welcome To Jamaica,everything Cool Man.

Jamaican police officer stands guard
Jamaican police offi­cer stands guard

Jamaica’s pre­mier news­pa­per the Daily Gleaner since the depar­ture of Oliver Clarke ‚has been on a down­ward spi­ral. The qual­i­ty of the Gleaner’s Journalism mir­rors the dys­func­tion and chaos that has become syn­ony­mous with present day Jamaica. There seem to be no real attempt to ver­i­fy sto­ries for jour­nal­is­tic integri­ty, sen­sa­tion­al­ism seem to trump prop­er jour­nal­ism, as the air­waves have been inun­dat­ed with filth and medi­oc­rity , it seem the once proud Gleaner has now joined the mad race to the bot­tom. Even the read­ers feed­back are manip­u­lat­ed in a parochial small-mind­ed way to suit a nar­row polit­i­cal view, go fig­ure, the trav­es­ty in all of this is the vast illit­er­a­cy which is per­va­sive with­in the society.

May 4th Daily Gleaner’s let­ter of the day :LETTER OF THE DAY — Cops out of control.

On Wednesday, May 2, 2012, I went into the taxi park in Half-Way Tree to take a taxi head­ing to Three Miles. When the taxi was full with the req­ui­site three pas­sen­gers, the taxi dri­ver attempt­ed to leave, but there was a police­man stand­ing in the way. Other taxi dri­vers want­ed that space, but the police­man was adamant that they would not get the space, and he told them to “go dung di road, unnu nah get it”. After look­ing at the taxi I was in, the cop asked the taxi dri­ver if it was a hack­ney car­riage or a route taxi (to my knowl­edge all taxis on the Three Miles to Half-Way Tree route are clas­si­fied as hack­ney car­riage) and said some­thing else to the dri­ver. The cab dri­ver start­ed to dri­ve out, and at this point the police­man hit the bon­net of the car and shout­ed, “Licence and reg­is­tra­tion, yuh deaf?” The taxi dri­ver con­tin­ued to dri­ve the car. Another police­man came by and attempt­ed to open the door to take out the key, while the oth­er cop pro­ceed­ed to clutch his weapon (Some say he actu­al­ly pulled the weapon, but I did not see that because I was appeal­ing to the dri­ver to stop). At this point, the taxi dri­ver sped off with us scream­ing and telling him to stop. He even­tu­al­ly said we should come out of the car on reach­ing the exit of the park, and by the time we got out, he sped off, and one of the young ladies fell in the road. 

Trigger-hap­py policemen.

It was the mer­cy of God that the police did not open fire that night, because I know that I would have been shot (because inno­cent per­sons are nor­mal­ly vic­tims in clash­es between police and taxi oper­a­tors). When I look back at this inci­dent, I see where I could have been like Vanessa Kirkland. Do the police have the right to pull their weapon in the open when no one is fir­ing at them? Do we want these trig­ger-hap­py police­men to pro­tect us? How many more per­sons will die because of the irra­tional actions of the police before some­thing is done about them? I am not say­ing that the taxi dri­ver was right, but he was not dis­re­spect­ful or threat­en­ing in any way to the police, and I do not think that kind of behav­iour from the police was war­rant­ed.(jamaica​glean​er​.com)

This is an exam­ple of how this once proud news­pa­per oper­ates now as a dish rag of sen­sa­tion­al­ism. Not only did they pub­lish this non­sen­si­cal piece of garbage , in their infan­tile mind they went a step beyond by mak­ing this non­sense “let­ter of the day” . Then they went one fur­ther, it appeared that all the com­ments were in sup­port of the police offi­cers so they post­ed 4 com­ments and cut off com­ments. This total lack of under­stand­ing but unre­strained gib­ber­ish is not con­fined to this illit­er­ate woman who wrote it, it is a gen­er­al feel­ing which per­me­ates the entire spec­trum of Jamaican soci­ety. A com­pre­hen­sive dis­re­spect for the rule of law and those who enforce them. Certainly this is not con­fined to the total dunce who wrote this.

My friend told me of an expe­ri­ence he had recent­ly at the Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston. A taxi pulled up to the ter­mi­nal and stopped in an area where he clear­ly must have under­stood he could not park. Not only did they stop but the dri­ver left the car in that restrict­ed area on his return he was in time to see the car being hoist­ed onto a tow-truck. He con­front­ed the spe­cial con­stab­u­lary offi­cer and demand­ed that he release the car,that was not enough he got into the face of the police offi­cer, upon which the offi­cer attempt­ed to arrest him.

Of course in Jamaica every­one wants to inter­vene when cops attempt an arrest, so every­one got involved includ­ing the pas­sen­ger the taxi dri­ver took to the air­port. He alleged­ly grabbed the offi­cer’s hand demand­ing he release his friend. On the arrival of anoth­er cop the pas­sen­ger ran into the ter­mi­nal and dis­ap­peared , no con­se­quence, no inter­fer­ing with gov­ern­men­tal admin­is­tra­tion, no prison , he just caught his flight.

Let’s fast for­ward a lit­tle, most of you have trav­elled from Jamaica through Kennedy International Airport, and you have seen the ICE Agents with the dogs, sniff­ing prod­ding, check­ing, ques­tion­ing, have you ever seen or heard any of the high and mighty Jamaicans open their mouths to protest?

I will see you next time.

Ps. The morons in Jamaica lam­bast the police when they speak patios which is the dialect the vast major­i­ty of the pop­u­la­tion under­stands , yet they are push­ing it at the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to. They only have a prob­lem when the police use patios.