Tonight in Long Island New York on the Campus of Hofstra University the world saw the second of three debates between the presidential candidates for the American presidency.

At stake was the direc­tion the free world will take for the next 4 years, like all well think­ing peo­ple who do not have their heads up their A** I was spit­ting mad at President Obama for what I thought was a lack-lus­ter first debate per­for­mance in Denver Colorado. True to form as we have been taught there is no pain time can­not heal, as the days have pro­gressed, I am still pissed at the pres­i­dent for his per­for­mance, but I am no longer mad at him because he did bad­ly in terms of his tone. I am mad at him because he allowed snake-oil sales­man Mitt Romney to con­tin­ue on the path of patho­log­i­cal men­dac­i­ty. The polls have tight­ened marked­ly and sig­nif­i­cant­ly since that debate, many believe those peo­ple who broke for Romney were inde­pen­dents who were some­how con­vinced that all of a sud­den Mitt Romney is a cred­i­ble alter­na­tive to Barack Obama. I dis­agree with the con­ven­tion­al wis­dom and the talk­ing-heads. Those were white repub­li­cans look­ing to Romney to stand up to the black guy, put him in his place, bloody his nose, if you will. But I am curi­ous to know this, why is this elec­tion close? There is nev­er a men­tion by Republicans as to what caused the great Recession in the first place, one would think that it fell out of the sky! The fact of the mat­ter is that it was trick­le down eco­nom­ics. It nev­er worked and it nev­er will.

So again I ask why is this elec­tion close? Obama took over an econ­o­my that was hem­or­rhag­ing 4 hun­dred thou­sand jobs each month even before the pres­i­dent took office. No one ful­ly under­stood the sever­i­ty of the sit­u­a­tion until Obama got into office and the full extent of the dam­age was assessed. Bush passed a stim­u­lus plan before his sec­ond term expired , President Obama also request­ed mon­ey for a sec­ond stim­u­lus, that was passed. Republicans had no choice but to sup­port the sec­ond stim­u­lus, they had just sup­port­ed the pre­vi­ous one request­ed by Bush. Even as the sec­ond stim­u­lus was being passed Republicans were bet­ting and plot­ting against the pres­i­den­cy of Barack Obama.

Throughout the first term of Obama Tea Party affil­i­at­ed Republicans in the House and Senate have used Obstructionist tac­tics to stymie and derail the President’s Agenda​.In the Senate there have been record num­bers of fil­i­busters , requir­ing 60 votes on the most mun­dane Bills . This was a direct affront to the vot­ers who had cho­sen this pres­i­dent and par­ty to lead after 8 years of trick­le down eco­nom­ics. An unfet­tered Wall Street Banking sys­tem that was with­out reg­u­la­tions. Record Government spend­ing. Unfunded wars. America’s image in tat­ters. Torture and eco­nom­ic collapse.

The Republican par­ty’s behav­ior has been as atro­cious as Romney behav­ior, in con­tin­u­ing to run for pres­i­dent, even before the new pres­i­dent was even sworn into office. What Romney and his Republican cronies said by their actions, was that they did not respect the will of the American elec­torate. Since Obama took Office there has been a sig­nif­i­cant mul­ti-pronged approach toward legit­imiza­tion the new pres­i­dent. It took the form of Racial Caricatures, The birther move­ment, aimed at cast­ing doubt on his right and legit­i­ma­cy to be pres­i­dent. A uni­fied front aimed at oppos­ing every­thing the pres­i­dent pro­pos­es, even when they sup­port­ed those ideas to begin with, even when the ideas come out of the Ultra Right Wing Heritage foun­da­tion. They have also used Voter sup­pres­sion. The purg­ing of vot­ers lists. Voter intimidation,and oth­er unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic tactics.


Objective peo­ple who sup­port Obama either with vote, mon­ey, orga­niz­ing , oth­er meth­ods, or all of the afore­men­tioned, loved the Barack Obama who put the patho­log­i­cal liar, Mitt Romney in his place. Personally I would have liked for him to be even more aggres­sive with Romney, I per­son­al­ly would have phys­i­cal­ly pushed Romney out of my space, but then again that is among the rea­sons I am not President of the United States and he is. The sole black per­son allowed to ask the first black pres­i­dent a ques­tion said he vot­ed for Obama , but want­ed to know why the pres­i­dent deserved his vote this time around, great ques­tion , I thought.

This gave the President a chance to rat­tle off some of his achieve­ments but more impor­tant­ly, it gave him the oppor­tu­ni­ty to focus the elec­torate on just how grave the eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion was when he was giv­en the reins. The pres­i­dent won hands down, as usu­al Romney was dis­gust­ing­ly abra­sive and arro­gant, talk­ing over the mod­er­a­tor , but more impor­tant­ly inter­rupt­ing the President of the United States. The President , by then was in full stride, and he used Romney’s crass­ness to remind vot­ers of the dis­re­spect that has been met­ed out to him by many in the Rethuglican[sic] Party. Quote “Candy, I am used to being inter­rupt­ed”. This was a thin­ly veiled ref­er­ence to some of the more recent inci­dents of dis­re­spect , when a local punk in the employ of a right wink web­site called the  Daily Caller, inter­rupt­ed the President when he was still deliv­er­ing com­ments in a Rose gar­den address. Of course the Country remem­bers well, the infa­mous and dis­gust­ing “you lie” intem­per­ate out­burst from Republican Congressman Joe Wilson, while the President was still deliv­er­ing the State of the Union Address.

Mitt Romney steam­rolled his oppo­nents dur­ing the Republican Primary process, not just with mon­ey advan­tage, but by using the very same tac­tics, talk­ing over them , inter­rupt­ing them, offer­ing $10,000 bets, chal­leng­ing them to look at their retire­ment port­fo­lios and a slew of oth­er thug-like tac­tics, that may have played well with the unin­formed back-woods FOX crowd, but I doubt that ulti­mate­ly that kind of boor­ish behav­ior will play pos­i­tive­ly with oth­er people.

In the end President Obama clear­ly sep­a­rat­ed the man from the boy, not that there was any ques­tion in my mind that Mitt Romney was an oppor­tunis­tic light­weight , who ran for Governor of Massachusetts for one term, sole­ly to pad his Resume, because he want­ed to run for pres­i­dent. Mitt Romney and his fam­i­ly believes they have a right to the pres­i­den­cy. Remember his wife’s com­ments” It’s our turn now, it’s Mitt’s turn?.http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​9​U​M​_​a​u​t​A​G8s. Mitt Romney is a very qual­i­fied Harvard edu­cat­ed cor­po­rate raiderhttp://​www​.the​free​d​ic​tionary​.com/​c​o​r​p​o​r​a​t​e​+​r​a​i​der. He was very suc­cess­ful at what he did, and it shows he made a lot of mon­ey , he should be very proud of that, if of course mon­ey is the barom­e­ter which deter­mines suc­cess. Mitt Romney clear­ly does not have an under­stand­ing of the way ordi­nary peo­ple live and strug­gle to sur­vive. On this issue his largest neg­a­tive is his fail­ure to under­stand that the bless­ings he inher­it­ed, which have con­tin­ued into his life up to this point, are not the sto­ry of most peo­ple. As a result he is very dis­mis­sive and unem­phat­ic of peo­ple not in his finan­cial class.

That to my mind is a dis-qual­i­fi­er and on that basis Mitt Romney should not be elect­ed President of the United States of America.