
Anti-gang leg­is­la­tion is bogged down in the Jamaican Parliament, stalled because crim­i­nal sup­port­ers in both polit­i­cal par­ties wants the Bill watered down and even­tu­al­ly scrapped by Jamaica’s crim­i­nal lob­by Jamaicans for Justice (jfj). This is hap­pen­ing even as mur­der is on the increase in the coun­try with over 58 peo­ple report­ed killed in a sin­gle week . On any giv­en day the chance of get­ting killed is 1 in 44’000. Those are not long odds, in fact they are down­right alarm­ing. As I post­ed ear­li­er since the begin­ning of this year over 1’160 have been report­ed mur­dered to police, that num­ber does not mean those are the only peo­ple killed. As far as Jamaica goes there may very well be far more mur­dered and dis­posed of which author­i­ties are unaware of. This brings that 1 in 44’000 num­ber into sharp­er focus, and prob­a­bly makes it clos­er to 1 in 43’000 or less.