Interesting developments in Jamaica regarding three highly placed individuals , one a prominent politician,the other a high ranking member of the business community and of course not to be outdone a high ranking member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

I do not know the busi­ness­man, I’m not sur­prised that a politi­cian or police offi­cer would be involved in some­thing like this, I’m just sur­prised and dis­ap­point­ed that James Forbes would get tan­gled up in this sor­did mess. First let me say I have no infor­ma­tion on this mat­ter oth­er that which is report­ed in the Jamaican media, at least not just yet. So I will have to base my analy­sis on what I have read in the report­ing of those enti­ties. Embroiled at the cen­ter of this triv­ial storm in a tea-cup are these three peo­ple who stu­pid­ly , through arro­gance, good-hard­heart­ed­ness, or loy­al­ty to friends, have been caught up in the trade winds of change, when they ought to have rec­og­nized that change nev­er comes with­out casu­al­ties and act­ed accord­ing­ly, or in this case not at all.

Featured here are Member of Parliament Darrel Vaz, Senior Superintendent James Forbes and Businessman Bruce Bicknell: (cour­tesy Jamaica dai­ly gleaner) 

The alle­ga­tions in this case are that Police Sergeant Jubert Llewellyn who is a traf­fic cop, stopped a white SUV which was speed­ing , the car dri­ven by busi­ness­man Bruce Bicknell was alleged­ly doing 80 km in a 50km zone. The alle­ga­tions are that in the process of giv­ing his doc­u­ments Bicknell gave two one thou­sand dol­lar bills to offi­cer Llewellyn with his doc­u­ments, the report went on to state that the offi­cer asked mis­ter Bicknell if he was attempt­ing to bribe him, upon which Bicknell offered the mon­ey to him, essen­tial­ly to make the tick­et go away.http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​2​0​8​2​2​/​l​e​a​d​/​l​e​a​d​1​.​h​tml

In sum­ma­tion Bicknell was arrest­ed, he calls his friend the Politician, who call his boy the senior police super­in­ten­dent, to apply some sub­tle pres­sure to make it go away, sur­prise of sur­pris­es, the offi­cer stood his ground, The alle­ga­tions gets more sor­did, it is alleged that Vaz vis­it­ed offi­cer Llewellyn at his job and invit­ed him to drop the case as a favor and that he would be tak­en care of, mean­ing more good­ies would be com­ing his way. The sergeant alleged­ly told Vaz he will need time to think about it, feel­ing the pres­sure he went to some­one he has con­fi­dence in , retired Commissioner of Police Lucius Thomas. Thomas alleged­ly told Llewellyn to think about his fam­i­ly , what­ev­er that means, he also encour­aged medi­a­tion, again what the hell does that mean, this is a mat­ter for the courts , what medi­a­tion? There is no prece­dent for this advice in law , but I digress.

So of course a medi­a­tion was done in the office of James Forbes the Senior Superintendent, but that was not the end of the mat­ter . Sergeant Llewellyn was told by his boss at a lat­er date to sub­mit a state­ment involv­ing the whole affair to the office of Assistant Commissioner Felice head of the Anti-Corruption Branch, which he did, of course the Director of Public Prosecution has now ruled that all three men be charged with attempt­ing to per­vert the course of justice.

The entire sto­ry may be accessed at the link pro­vid­ed above.

This is clas­sic domi­no effect, for what­ev­er rea­son mis­ter Bicknell, feel­ing both­ered by the process of hav­ing to sub­mit to the author­i­ty of the Traffic Court, alleged­ly offered the offi­cer a bribe, inher­ent in his mind when he alleged­ly offered the bribe, was the cor­rup­tion with­in the (JCF ). He must have felt suf­fi­cient­ly con­fi­dent that it would have been accept­ed, that he did­n’t both­er con­tem­plat­ing the con­se­quences to him­self ‚in the event this offi­cer was not a cor­rupt Cop.

His gam­ble did not pay off, so now he had to revert to call­ing high­er author­i­ty, the politi­cian. Isn’t that the way it has worked in Jamaica for­ev­er> why would it not work this time? So the Politician gets involved. Vaz alleged that he sought the per­mis­sion of the Commissioner of Police Owen Ellington to speak to offi­cer Llewellyn, those were the words of Daryl Vaz.

If true why would the Commissioner of police grant per­mis­sion of a politi­cian to speak to an offi­cer in a mat­ter where there are crim­i­nal charges pend­ing ? Furthermore where does the Commissioner of Police gets that author­i­ty to grant or deny per­mis­sion of any­one to speak to anoth­er office?

So the medi­a­tion is set up, on the face of it, it seem abun­dant­ly clear that offi­cer Llewellyn received inju­ri­ous advise from Lucius Thomas, the medi­a­tion by itself is an abro­ga­tion of Jamaican Law. What was the pur­pose of the medi­a­tion? The medi­a­tion was con­struct­ed to make the charges go away !! this alleged­ly hap­pened in the Office of James Forbes (SSP) . Forbes a car­rear police offi­cer who is not by any­one’s stan­dard an idiot, dis­played a glar­ing lack of com­mon sense.

There are no alle­ga­tions that he ben­e­fit­ed finan­cial­ly or oth­er­wise from this, at least not yet, so we are left to assume that he was just doing a favor for a friend, or worse some­one who has him as a lap-dog, the politi­cian Daryl Vaz.

I have writ­ten about these prac­tices (ad nase­um) in these blogs the chick­ens have now come home to roost.

The tragedy of this whole under­tak­ing from the advice of Lucius Thomas (for­mer com­mis­sion­er of police) to the alle­ga­tions of Ellington giv­ing his bless­ings to speak to Sergeant Llewellyn, to the medi­a­tion alleged­ly which took place in the office of James Forbes, all of it was designed to do one thing , and one thing only, cir­cum­vent the law.

That is a fact, and all of the play­ers knew it going in, yet they were pre­pared to keep going, because they were con­fi­dent that at some stage of the pro­ceed­ings the cor­rupt­ing influ­ence of mon­ey and oth­er good­ies cou­pled with good old top down pres­sure would win the day. Of course why would it not work? this is the way it has always worked? What nei­ther of them con­tem­plat­ed, includ­ing Ellington if true, is the resolve of integrity.

Good job Jubert Llewellyn, we’ll be watch­ing this one , we are still watch­ing, wait­ing and won­der­ing, what it will take for the Kern Spencer tri­al to be resolved?

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