Weapon , Ammo, And Magazine Found In Lakes Pen.

Police on Tuesday removed anoth­er dan­ger­ous weapon from the streets, this time in Lakes Pen St Catherine.Ralsford Hardy, head of Operations for the St. Catherine North Police, said the team has been tar­get­ing gang con­trolled com­mu­ni­ties in the division.

Weapon, ammu­ni­tion, and mag­a­zines Police found in Lakes Pen St. Catherine on Tuesday.
Hardy says sev­er­al weapons have been seized in Lakes Pen but in Tuesday’s oper­a­tion, the police found a Magnum 1919 rifle along with five 5.56 car­tridges, three M16 mag­a­zines, two mag­a­zines, five 12 gauge car­tridges and one Glock emp­ty magazine.