Weak Democrats Allow Republicans To Dictate To Them Even From The Minority

I do not know Ketanji Brown Jackson’s pol­i­tics, nor do I know her judi­cial phi­los­o­phy; as a result, I do not care that she is black and a woman nom­i­nat­ed for the Highest court.
If the dis­grace­ful self-hat­ing Uncle TomAss is any­thing to go by, I would rather they stack the court with rad­i­cal right-wing zealots as they have been doing since Trump took office, than elect anoth­er oreo cook­ie to the court…
After all, Ketanji Brown Jackson is mar­ried to a white man, like Uncle TomAss is mar­ried to a white woman. She is a woman right?.

Ketanji Brown-Jackson and her hus­band, Patrick

Black does­n’t mean right, as we have seen with Clarence TomAss and even the hir­ing of Black police offi­cers to police black neigh­bor­hoods, police abuse does­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly decrease.
Today, my inten­tion is not to ques­tion Ketanji Brown-Jackson’s judi­cial phi­los­o­phy, but the fact that American democ­ra­cy is in deep per­il because what many peo­ple thought was a sys­tem of laws turned out not to be so.
A cop can pull a motorist over after fol­low­ing that motorist for a city block or two no mat­ter how well that per­son dri­ves, and the cop would have a pseu­do legit­i­mate rea­son for the stop as a result of the thou­sands of ordi­nances and laws that gov­ern the sim­ple act of oper­at­ing a motor vehicle.
But there is no hard and fast rule as to when the United States Senate [must] advice and con­sent to Judicial nom­i­nees-or not.

The look TomAss’s face pret­ty much relieves me of the urge to be nasty.

Mitch McConnell refused to meet with Merrick Garland even though Obama nom­i­nat­ed Garland for eight months before the 2016 Elections. Not that Merrick Garland would have amount­ed to much of any­thing had he been allowed onto the court.
If his per­for­mance at Justice is a barom­e­ter of how he would have per­formed on the high­est court, I’ll pass…
Nevertheless, how can McConnell’s actions be pos­si­ble in a demo­c­ra­t­ic soci­ety where a gov­ern­ment body plays pol­i­tics and mock the process? 

To add insult to injury, Neil Gorsuch was quick­ly foist­ed onto the high­est court as soon as the most cor­rupt per­son ever to hold the office took over the exec­u­tive branch.
Mitch McConnell was­n’t done; he reversed his own rule and insert­ed Amey coney Barrett onto the court a mere 27 days before the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions because they knew Trump was going to lose. A Democratic pres­i­dent would have appoint­ed Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s replacement.
A sin­gle per­son decid­ing on his own that he would not allow a vote so that a vacan­cy may be filled in over eight months then revers­es him­self and replaces a judge of his par­ty in 27 days.

The weak Democrats allowed Republicans to get away with it and did noth­ing. Today Republicans want the Democrats to go slow with Ketanji Brown-Jackson’s nom­i­na­tion for no oth­er rea­son than hop­ing to win the midterms and then jet­ti­son Brown-Jackson from the process.
Why would the Democrats play that game with them? The Republican Party is a polit­i­cal par­ty that does not believe in free and fair elec­tions, it does not believe in one man, one vote, and it no longer sub­scribes to the idea of con­sti­tu­tion­al democ­ra­cy, as we saw on January 6th, 2021. Why play by the rules if your com­peti­tor isn’t?
I believe in fight­ing fire with more fire. Joe Biden did not need a month or more to decide who he would nom­i­nate to the court. He was oblig­at­ed to nom­i­nate a Black woman to the court. Yes, I said it; black women made him president.
He also did not need time to vet Judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson; she had only a year ear­li­er moved up to the Appellate divi­sion of the fed­er­al judi­cia­ry, she need­ed no vetting.
Charles Schumer has the gav­el in the Senate, or at least I hope so; Mitch McConnell still seems to be run­ning the show. There is no rea­son that the President’s nom­i­nee is not already con­firmed to the high­est court.
He made a cam­paign promise, his par­ty nom­i­nat­ed him based on that promise and the American peo­ple over­whelm­ing­ly elect­ed him pres­i­dent based on that promise. It is time to stop play­ing around with the fas­cist right-wing par­ty and put judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson on the court forthwith.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.