I do not know Ketanji Brown Jackson’s politics, nor do I know her judicial philosophy; as a result, I do not care that she is black and a woman nominated for the Highest court.
If the disgraceful self-hating Uncle TomAss is anything to go by, I would rather they stack the court with radical right-wing zealots as they have been doing since Trump took office, than elect another oreo cookie to the court…
After all, Ketanji Brown Jackson is married to a white man, like Uncle TomAss is married to a white woman. She is a woman right?.

Black doesn’t mean right, as we have seen with Clarence TomAss and even the hiring of Black police officers to police black neighborhoods, police abuse doesn’t necessarily decrease.
Today, my intention is not to question Ketanji Brown-Jackson’s judicial philosophy, but the fact that American democracy is in deep peril because what many people thought was a system of laws turned out not to be so.
A cop can pull a motorist over after following that motorist for a city block or two no matter how well that person drives, and the cop would have a pseudo legitimate reason for the stop as a result of the thousands of ordinances and laws that govern the simple act of operating a motor vehicle.
But there is no hard and fast rule as to when the United States Senate [must] advice and consent to Judicial nominees-or not.

Mitch McConnell refused to meet with Merrick Garland even though Obama nominated Garland for eight months before the 2016 Elections. Not that Merrick Garland would have amounted to much of anything had he been allowed onto the court.
If his performance at Justice is a barometer of how he would have performed on the highest court, I’ll pass…
Nevertheless, how can McConnell’s actions be possible in a democratic society where a government body plays politics and mock the process?
To add insult to injury, Neil Gorsuch was quickly foisted onto the highest court as soon as the most corrupt person ever to hold the office took over the executive branch.
Mitch McConnell wasn’t done; he reversed his own rule and inserted Amey coney Barrett onto the court a mere 27 days before the 2020 presidential elections because they knew Trump was going to lose. A Democratic president would have appointed Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s replacement.
A single person deciding on his own that he would not allow a vote so that a vacancy may be filled in over eight months then reverses himself and replaces a judge of his party in 27 days.
The weak Democrats allowed Republicans to get away with it and did nothing. Today Republicans want the Democrats to go slow with Ketanji Brown-Jackson’s nomination for no other reason than hoping to win the midterms and then jettison Brown-Jackson from the process.
Why would the Democrats play that game with them? The Republican Party is a political party that does not believe in free and fair elections, it does not believe in one man, one vote, and it no longer subscribes to the idea of constitutional democracy, as we saw on January 6th, 2021. Why play by the rules if your competitor isn’t?
I believe in fighting fire with more fire. Joe Biden did not need a month or more to decide who he would nominate to the court. He was obligated to nominate a Black woman to the court. Yes, I said it; black women made him president.
He also did not need time to vet Judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson; she had only a year earlier moved up to the Appellate division of the federal judiciary, she needed no vetting.
Charles Schumer has the gavel in the Senate, or at least I hope so; Mitch McConnell still seems to be running the show. There is no reason that the President’s nominee is not already confirmed to the highest court.
He made a campaign promise, his party nominated him based on that promise and the American people overwhelmingly elected him president based on that promise. It is time to stop playing around with the fascist right-wing party and put judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson on the court forthwith.
Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog mikebeckles.com.