We Will Never Forget !!!!

Amidst the noise and hoopla which will emanate this week in and around the Nation’s cap­i­tal this week­end , let us peo­ple of col­or, con­sci­en­tious peo­ple of African ances­try ‚take a few moments to rec­og­nize the incred­i­ble sac­ri­fice Martin Luther King made, and the high price he paid along with thou­sands of oth­er unsung heroes.

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Many peo­ple of col­or ignore momen­tous events like the instal­la­tion of a new American President as insignif­i­cant to their lives.
This how­ev­er is a mistake .
Thinking of these events in parochial terms lulls us into a false sense of ambivalence.

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An American President’s poli­cies have tremen­dous­ly far reach­ing impact and con­se­quences on every­thing across our planet ,
These poli­cies not only deter­mine war and peace, pros­per­i­ty and pover­ty, but even more press­ing exis­ten­tial issues as crit­i­cal as the air we breathe and the water we drink.

We make a trag­ic mis­take if we ignore the events hap­pen­ing in our world today.