We Told You There Was Corruption There; Former Prosecutor Charged With Corruption In Ahmaud Arbery Investigations…

After Gregory McMichael and his son Travis mur­dered Amhaud Arbury in 2020, aid­ed by their neigh­bor William(Roddy) Bryan, this writer argued that the case was mis­han­dled by the then pros­e­cu­tor Jackie Johnson who clear­ly had shown favoritism toward the two killers, one of whom was a for­mer cop who worked in her office as an investigator.
Well, we are hap­py to see that your hum­ble ser­vant was not the only per­son who thought that Jackie Johnson had com­mit­ted crimes in the way she han­dled the inves­ti­ga­tions until it blew up in her face.

Here is pros­e­cu­tor Jackie Johnson with Gregory McMichaels, one of the white suprema­cist killers of Ahmaud Arbery.

However, it was not only Johnson, whom I per­son­al­ly believed was crim­i­nal­ly cul­pa­ble; I also believe the pros­e­cu­tor from the neigh­bor­ing coun­ty, George Barnhill, may have also com­mit­ted crim­i­nal acts to pro­tect the father and son mur­der team.
Below is a video and a link to an arti­cle I did dis­cussing the ins and outs of the cor­rup­tion as I saw it then, even as much of the con­ver­sa­tion was cen­tered on the killing itself.


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Jackie Johnson is accused of direct­ing police not to arrest one of the sus­pects and show­ing “favor and affec­tion” to anoth­er. Ms. Johnson has pre­vi­ous­ly denied any wrong­do­ing in her han­dling of the case. The Georgia attor­ney gen­er­al’s office indict­ment claims Ms. Johnson “know­ing­ly and will­ful­ly” hin­dered police offi­cers from arrest­ing sus­pect Travis McMichael.

Jackie Johnson was just indict­ed for inter­fer­ing with the inves­ti­ga­tions in the Ahmaud Arbery case; she is only the tip of the ice­berg; it runs the gamut all the way up the judi­cial food chain.

It also alleges that Ms. Johnson showed “favor and affec­tion” to Travis’ father, Gregory McMichael, a for­mer dis­trict attor­ney employ­ee. In the indict­ment, Jackie Johnson also failed to treat Mr. Arbery and his fam­i­ly “fair­ly and with dig­ni­ty” by not dis­clos­ing she had sought the help of anoth­er dis­trict attor­ney, George Barnhill.
Those of you who both­er to take the time to read or lis­ten to the con­tent on this medi­um will recall that I have con­sis­tent­ly point­ed out that though police are the actu­al killers, pros­e­cu­tor’s offices and judges are equal­ly as guilty of the cor­rupt racism; plagu­ing American policing.

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As a con­se­quence of Jackie Johnson’s con­duct, police did not charge the McMichaels until the shoot­ing gained wide­spread atten­tion and sparked nation­wide protests. Jackie Johnson was vot­ed out of office lat­er that year after the nation­al uproar over the case.
In the mean­time, I will con­tin­ue to shine a light on the pros­e­cu­tors who not only shield cor­rupt, mur­der­ous cops they hin­der full and trans­par­ent inves­ti­ga­tions into their crim­i­nal conduct.



