We Should Really Listen When Massa Speaks.

For years I have been say­ing that the (JCF) is top heavy and that the force and its mem­bers would be bet­ter served if there were less gazetted officers.
Now the Jamaican media has man­aged to find two utter fail­ures who [now ] feel that the force needs to be stream­lined because it’s too top heavy It is major news.

Hardly Lewin

These two most incred­i­bly insight­ful for­mer cops [sic] are two trans­plants who had no busi­ness in the JCF in the first place.
Hardly Lewin the for­mer head of the army turned top-cop and Mark Shields for­mer British cop sec­ond­ed to Jamaica for what rea­son I am yet to under­stand had much to say about the top heavy force.

Now don’t get me wrong I total­ly agree that the force is top heavy.
I am on record hav­ing said it year in year out that the force does not need all of the peo­ple it has in senior positions.
I sim­ply do not want to hear that from either of the two men who did not have the char­ac­ter to make those rec­om­men­da­tions while they were in the force.
You don’t get high­er than Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner in the force so why now?

Shields (pho­to cour­tesy of the Daily Gleaner)

Both Lewin and Shields had no prob­lem while they sat atop the dirt pile, now they got kicked off they have a prob­lem with the pile.
Mark Shields and Hardly Lewin caused more harm than good.
Shields tenure was marked more by his for­ays into the upper St. Andrew social scene than any­thing he brought to the table to assist in law enforcement.

Nevertheless, I nev­er blamed Shields for tak­ing advan­tage of the oppor­tu­ni­ty to come down and super­vise the natives.
Oh, by the way, he also mar­ried one of the lit­tle native girls, has a nice con­sul­tan­cy gig and is much sought after for com­ments by the native press.
There is noth­ing to be said about Lewin except that his tenure at the helm of the JCF was an exper­i­ment which had cat­a­stroph­ic con­se­quences for the morale of the hard work­ing men and women of the department.


Nevertheless, as I have been say­ing in recent times the series of actions under­tak­en by the Andrew Holness admin­is­tra­tion seemed more geared at dis­man­tling than enhanc­ing the strength of the force.
It is an open secret that they twice offered the job of Commissioner of police to  Major General Antony Anderson and he turned it down.
Another slap in the face of the peo­ple who are quite qual­i­fied to lead the force but are unable to do so because of the stran­gle­hold pol­i­tics has on its abil­i­ty to do so.

I’m still unsure what it is about the police which so fucks with the head of the upper Saint Andrew mulattos?
Oh, I get it these are the left overs from the Island’s colo­nial past, these are the new Bucky mas­sas.
That’s it, you can’t have these chil­dren of the peas­antry have a say over the blue bloods.
So there you have it, any­way I am still inter­est­ed in learn­ing what exact­ly is the con­tri­bu­tion of Mark Shields to our coun­try for the mon­ey he was paid?
Hell, will some­one please edu­cate me on what good Hardly Lewin did in the time he was there, please?

Oh nev­er mind that Mike, the Government just tripled INDECOM’s bud­get while police sta­tions do not have com­put­ers and cops in bar­rack rooms are look­ing up at the stars at night.
You ever won­dered why they are so in love with INDECOM?

Wonder no more, INDECOM is their police force to police the lit­tle boys from the peasantry.
Ha ha ha…