If you ever lost focus on what is really happening in America with race, or if you were never educated on it, this is where you need to begin opening your eyes to the ghastly violence that was unleashed on black people, not just by white citizens, but by the state & Federal Governments.
Today, as people march for justice in the name of the multiple black men, women & children who have been murdered by both police and vigilantes, it is important to understand the genesis of this hatred.
The last thing we black people need is to have white people tell us what we need to do, what we want from white people is for them to listen to what we are saying and for them to ask us to help them to understand what we are feeling.

If we understand that this [hatred] is (endemic to white Anglo Saxons) then we begin the process of understanding that waiting and marching will not change hearts and minds of a people who are by definition the personification of hatred.
It did not change hearts and minds 57 years ago before they assassinated Dr. King, it will not do so now.
It is for those reasons that Dr. King was against it and Malcolm X demanded change by whatever means necessary.

Fifty-seven (57) years ago Dr. Martin Luther King warned African-Americans about accepting gradualism, in his August 1963 speech he spoke of what he characterized as [the fierce urgency of now].
“We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I have a dream speech, August 28,1963.

Someone said if white police were kneeling on the necks of dogs or shooting them as they are doing to black people every single police department would have been disbanded.
If they value the lives of dogs (no offense to my dog Bud), more than they do the lives of black human beings, what makes you think that anything you do other than force them to respect you will impact their hearts.

In the first place, I am offended solely on the basis of any concept by which my existence should be based on anyone else’s sense of comfortability or acquiescence.
So the very premise of gradualism as a concept ought to be tossed out the window. If you are not comfortable with me in the space that I occupy you are free to find somewhere that you are more comfortable. What is not going to happen is that I am not going to adjust my life just so that you can be comfortable living your life the way that you want to live it.

If the police which is supposed to keep communities safe, has gotten to the point that those communities are worse off because of them , then it is time to get rid of the police.
Sure we need crimes investigated and we have some wonderful & proffessional officers who do that every day. The problem is not with those unbiased professionals who go and do their jobs as pros.
The problem comes from the poorly-educated, poorly-trained racialists that are sent out into the communities to generate income for the states and municipalities.
They are little more than tax-collectors with a racial agenda. That is where the problem lies.

(1)So we are calling for qualified immunity.
(2) Stop sending police to the Apartheid state of Israel to train to kill black people.
(3) Make police get malpractice insurance.
(4) Stop police unions from standing in the way of police accountability.
(5) Stop hiding police officers’ personnel records from the public when police commit crimes against the community.
(6) Once an officer is fired from a police department for misconduct he/she should not be able to work in law enforcement again.
(7) End the practice of keeping police in their departments, even after multiple misconduct allegations of use of force excesses.
(8) Remove the police from schools.
(9) Begin dismantling the indiscriminate stopping of motorists for minor traffic infractions.
(10) Begin dismantling laws like the stop and frisk laws in New York, and the marijuana laws that police have used to abuse people of color.
We can begin with these changes without abolishing the police altogether.

Mike Beckles is a former Jamaican police Detective corporal, businessman, researcher, and blogger.
He is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog chatt-a-box.com.
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
You may subscribe to his blogs free of charge, or subscribe to his Youtube channel @chatt-a-box, for the latest podcast all free to you of course.