We Salute Dr King

Martin Luther King was born on the 15th of January 1929. He was born Michael King, but his father changed his name in hon­or of the German reformer Martin Luther. Dr. King spent his life in ser­vice to human­i­ty and the cause of racial and human jus­tice. Today we hon­or Dr King and his accom­plish­ments. On Monday January 19th we will com­mem­o­rate the life of Dr. King who would have been 86 years old had he lived. Martin King fell vic­tim to an assas­s­in’s bul­let in Memphis Tennessee on April 4th 1968 , he was only 39 years old. The forces whose bul­lets silenced his voice thought they would win with demise, they were wrong, they cre­at­ed a mar­tyr. They ele­vat­ed him to heights not even they could imag­ine. Today many who want­ed him gone, now pub­licly sing his praise. Thank you Dr King.

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