We Said This Would Be The Next Step..


We have been talk­ing about this Pope Francis . Not just about his American vis­it but his teach­ings and com­ments since his ascen­dan­cy to the Papacy. We make our obser­va­tions in the con­text of Biblical teach­ings and more impor­tant­ly Biblical Prophesy.
We believe it is impor­tant that we observe the Books of Daniel and Revelation as the very words of these the penul­ti­mate and ulti­mate books of the Bible are unfold­ing in front our very eyes today
We also look at this Pope in the con­text of the debate rag­ing on the issue so called “mar­riage equality” .
We believe and as such we have artic­u­lat­ed that in the con­text the next assault on the Church of Jesus Christ will be that the Powers of the Beast will go after hous­es of wor­ship demand­ing that they pay tax­es. We have argued we believe that that will be the next front in this war being waged against the Church of God.
Do not be con­fused when we say the Church of God . We do not believe the Catholic Church is of the Lord. We do not believe the Catholic Church is rep­re­sen­ta­tive of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Conversely we believe the Beast of the Books of Daniel and Revelation are not what many Christians believe it to be. Many Christians may very well be sur­prised to find that the very place to which they are run­ning is not a place of refuge against the calami­ty to come but may very well be the head of that calamity.
The Lord Commands us not to be deceived by the Beast. But to come out of Babylon which is the fall­en Church. 
Could it be that the fall­en Church , the very place to which many will run will be the very place from which we should run?
We have argued that after Gays and Lesbians are allowed to legal­ly get mar­ried the next front would be the strip­ping away of the tax-exempt sta­tus from Churches which refus­es to mar­ry Gays and Lesbians in their Sanctuaries , It will how­ev­er come under the guise that they refuse to take care of the poor.

Obama and Francis
Obama and Francis

After all many will agree with that con­cept right ? Who does­n’t believe the poor should be the bene­fac­tor of our largess? But see the dev­il will nev­er come and say I am the dev­il he comes in dis­guise as a do-good­er look­ing out for the poor. 
How else to deceive but gain your confidence? 
As the argu­ment goes Kim Davis the Kentucky clerk should fol­low the law and issue those mar­riage licences to homo­sex­u­al cou­ples against her chris­t­ian beliefs because of course it is the law right?
We said they will take the Churches tax-exempt next>
And then they will begin lock­ing up the few Pastors who dare to refuse to mar­ry gays in their churches.



On the eve of his vis­it to the United States, Pope Francis blast­ed reli­gious insti­tu­tions who are exploit­ing tax loop­holes to make mon­ey instead of help­ing the needy. In an inter­view with a Portuguese Catholic broad­cast­er, the Pope dis­cussed the need for Christians to fight the temp­ta­tion of the ‘God of mon­ey’, into which many reli­gious insti­tu­tions often fall. He then called out those insti­tu­tions that have opt­ed to enter into the hos­pi­tal­i­ty indus­try while exploit­ing a legal loop­hole to keep from pay­ing tax­es on their busi­ness enter­prise oper­at­ing under the guise of doing “God’s work.”

Some reli­gious orders say ‘No, now that the con­vent is emp­ty we are going to make a hotel and we can have guests, and sup­port our­selves that way, or make mon­ey.’ Well, if that is what you want to do, then pay tax­es! A reli­gious school is tax-exempt because it is reli­gious, but if it is func­tion­ing as a hotel, then it should pay tax­es just like its neigh­bor. Otherwise it is not fair business.”

This state­ment from the leader of the Catholic Church is part of his con­tin­u­ing call for the Church to set an exam­ple and cre­ate change in what he has con­tin­u­ous­ly referred to as a “bad and unjust eco­nom­ic sys­tem,” that con­tin­ues to max­i­mize prof­its at the expense of the masses.

The Vatican
The Vatican

In Italy, which the Pope is using as a lit­mus test for the rest of the world, the Church owns more than 100,000 build­ings with an esti­mat­ed worth exceed­ing $10 bil­lion. In 2013 the Italian Church start­ed pay­ing tax­es on those facil­i­ties which are sole­ly com­mer­cial, but still avoid tax­a­tion on any build­ing that con­tains a chapel. In America, it is esti­mat­ed that church­es would gen­er­ate $83.5 bil­lion in annu­al tax rev­enue if the exemp­tion was lift­ed on the ir $600 bil­lion in un-taxed properties.

We hate to say we told you so but even I am sur­prised at how quick­ly this sug­ges­tion came behind my pre­dic­tions. The truth is the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is clos­er than we think . The Children of the Lord must under­stand and not be deceived . It is impor­tant that Christians see these events hap­pen­ing dai­ly and under­stand what they mean going forward.
If you do not know the Lord find a Bible preach­ing Church which teach­es end time Gospel . Find a Church which is in the busi­ness of prepar­ing Souls for God’s kingdom.