We have been talking about this Pope Francis . Not just about his American visit but his teachings and comments since his ascendancy to the Papacy. We make our observations in the context of Biblical teachings and more importantly Biblical Prophesy.
We believe it is important that we observe the Books of Daniel and Revelation as the very words of these the penultimate and ultimate books of the Bible are unfolding in front our very eyes today
We also look at this Pope in the context of the debate raging on the issue so called “marriage equality” .
We believe and as such we have articulated that in the context the next assault on the Church of Jesus Christ will be that the Powers of the Beast will go after houses of worship demanding that they pay taxes. We have argued we believe that that will be the next front in this war being waged against the Church of God.
Do not be confused when we say the Church of God . We do not believe the Catholic Church is of the Lord. We do not believe the Catholic Church is representative of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Conversely we believe the Beast of the Books of Daniel and Revelation are not what many Christians believe it to be. Many Christians may very well be surprised to find that the very place to which they are running is not a place of refuge against the calamity to come but may very well be the head of that calamity.
The Lord Commands us not to be deceived by the Beast. But to come out of Babylon which is the fallen Church.
Could it be that the fallen Church , the very place to which many will run will be the very place from which we should run?
We have argued that after Gays and Lesbians are allowed to legally get married the next front would be the stripping away of the tax-exempt status from Churches which refuses to marry Gays and Lesbians in their Sanctuaries , It will however come under the guise that they refuse to take care of the poor.
After all many will agree with that concept right ? Who doesn’t believe the poor should be the benefactor of our largess? But see the devil will never come and say I am the devil he comes in disguise as a do-gooder looking out for the poor.
How else to deceive but gain your confidence?
As the argument goes Kim Davis the Kentucky clerk should follow the law and issue those marriage licences to homosexual couples against her christian beliefs because of course it is the law right?
We said they will take the Churches tax-exempt next>
And then they will begin locking up the few Pastors who dare to refuse to marry gays in their churches.
On the eve of his visit to the United States, Pope Francis blasted religious institutions who are exploiting tax loopholes to make money instead of helping the needy. In an interview with a Portuguese Catholic broadcaster, the Pope discussed the need for Christians to fight the temptation of the ‘God of money’, into which many religious institutions often fall. He then called out those institutions that have opted to enter into the hospitality industry while exploiting a legal loophole to keep from paying taxes on their business enterprise operating under the guise of doing “God’s work.”
“Some religious orders say ‘No, now that the convent is empty we are going to make a hotel and we can have guests, and support ourselves that way, or make money.’ Well, if that is what you want to do, then pay taxes! A religious school is tax-exempt because it is religious, but if it is functioning as a hotel, then it should pay taxes just like its neighbor. Otherwise it is not fair business.”
This statement from the leader of the Catholic Church is part of his continuing call for the Church to set an example and create change in what he has continuously referred to as a “bad and unjust economic system,” that continues to maximize profits at the expense of the masses.
In Italy, which the Pope is using as a litmus test for the rest of the world, the Church owns more than 100,000 buildings with an estimated worth exceeding $10 billion. In 2013 the Italian Church started paying taxes on those facilities which are solely commercial, but still avoid taxation on any building that contains a chapel. In America, it is estimated that churches would generate $83.5 billion in annual tax revenue if the exemption was lifted on the ir $600 billion in un-taxed properties.
We hate to say we told you so but even I am surprised at how quickly this suggestion came behind my predictions. The truth is the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is closer than we think . The Children of the Lord must understand and not be deceived . It is important that Christians see these events happening daily and understand what they mean going forward.
If you do not know the Lord find a Bible preaching Church which teaches end time Gospel . Find a Church which is in the business of preparing Souls for God’s kingdom.