We Must Reconcile That This Is A Criminal Nation

The shop­keep­er who slapped a school­girl was report­ed­ly charged by the Police. Social Media has been ablaze with pret­ty much all the com­ments laced with vit­ri­ol against the woman.
The poor school­girl was ter­ri­fied and was par­tic­u­lar­ly respect­ful to the woman. I am glad that action is being tak­en when these images are record­ed and a report made to police.

What I found appalling how­ev­er is the anger direct­ed at the woman in the video. Granted that the woman was way out of line in slap­ping some­one’s child, the take­away from the respons­es seemed to be fueled sole­ly because of who she isn’t, or more to the point who she is.
At a time when there are much angst and dis­may about Donald Trump’s shit­hole com­ments about Haitians and Africans, many are zeroed in on the Racism inher­ent in the state­ment attrib­uted to Trump.
It bears ask­ing, how­ev­er, whether the anger direct­ed at the woman may be about her race? Would there be such an out­pour­ing of anger at her if she was black?
Isn’t there some log­ic to the idea that the anger may be because of the fact that she is in fact Chinese?
It seems to me that she is as Jamaican as any­one call­ing for her head, yet the ani­mus seems to be cen­tered on her Chinese ancestry.

Welcome to the law­less Serengeti knows as Jamaica where law­less­ness rule as the police are forced by politi­cians to stand and watch.

People look at the way we con­duct our­selves, they make deci­sions how to inter­act with us based on how we treat our own kind.
Her lan­guage and the act of vio­lence toward the child is exact­ly the way we act. That explains why she felt empow­ered to act that way.
We can cry racism all we want but unless we begin to val­ue our­selves, oth­ers will feel no need to val­ue us.

The year 2017 saw a report­ed 1616 Jamaicans mur­dered by crim­i­nals. The new year is on par to reg­is­ter even greater num­ber of the murdered.
The United States State Department, as a result, has issued a trav­el advi­so­ry to Americans trav­el­ing to our country.
Yet the seri­ous­ness of the wan­ton killings has elicit­ed no demon­stra­tions, no out­cry from the citizenry.

Protest in Boscobel St Mary after police fatal­ly shot and killed one of their own.

What has brought out the anger in them is the fact that the police shot and killed one of them and recov­ered a weapon. The nar­ra­tive com­ing from many of the imbe­ciles is that if you got off the bus late the deceased would accom­pa­ny peo­ple home, a lit­tle fact which tells me that he was some kind of enforcer or wannabe don.
We have to come to the grim real­i­ty that these com­mu­ni­ties, these peo­ple, are them­selves crim­i­nal imbe­ciles unwor­thy of our care.

At some point in time, we have to come to the real­iza­tion that the peo­ple we are fight­ing for, the peo­ple we are ask­ing the Government to act to save, may not be worth saving.
At some point in time, we have to rec­on­cile that in many cas­es these peo­ple are inde­fen­si­ble hea­thens unwor­thy of our efforts.

This is what INDECOM has brought Jamaica to‑, to a place where the police are on scene and are afraid to lift a fin­ger to stop the car­nage and the threat and incon­ve­nience to the trav­el­ing public.
This is what Bruce Golding gave Jamaica, it is what Portia Simpson Miller and Percival Patterson and Andrew Holness have done to our country.
Effectively turn­ing our coun­try into a crim­i­nal state.This is what the polit­i­cal par­ties have done to our police department.

At this time it makes no sense to talk about the Commander on the scene who total­ly abdi­cat­ed his respon­si­bil­i­ty to the rule of law.