I have consistently said in these blogs that the present leadership in Jamaica will not be able to turn the country around, from the plague of serious crimes and poverty.

I have post­ed for your infor­ma­tion a speech giv­en by the coun­try’s National Security Minister Peter Bunting. I must con­grat­u­late Minister Bunting for the can­did elo­quence and heart-felt empa­thy which is inher­ent in his speech. I am not a fan of politi­cians and cer­tain­ly no fan of Bunting, but for this moment and this speech I do believe the Minister is being sin­cere. But in as much as Minister Bunting was being sin­cere, his speech gave a not often seen win­dow into the soul of how he and the Miller Administration feels at least on the sub­ject of crime. On this issue I am vin­di­cat­ed in my pro­nounce­ments that they do not have the answers , but I’m also fear­ful for the Jamaican peo­ple whose lead­er­ship is at their wit’s end on how to con­tain crime.

I would like to draw your atten­tion to this sen­tence I pulled from para­graph 3 of the Minister’s speech.

Quote: “However, I think that after 15 months I am con­vinced that the best efforts of the secu­ri­ty forces, by itself, will not solve the crime prob­lem in Jamaica.”

By this state­ment alone, the Minister revealed that they had no plan as an admin­is­tra­tion to curb, much less cure the crime epi­dem­ic, as I have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly point­ed out.

I can­not write too much on this issue, my site admin­is­tra­tor tells me my blogs are too long wind­ed, but I just want to give the Minister a few point­ers. He may con­tact me for details.

(1) Tough uncom­pro­mis­ing leg­is­la­tion which puts crim­i­nals away for good, look at the American Rico Statue.

(2) Set per­for­mance stan­dards for all police Officers, to elim­i­nat­ing dead-wood cops from the depart­ment, start­ing with the Commissioner of Police down.

(3) Remove the Police Department from polit­i­cal con­trol. Create an effec­tive Police review board from civ­il soci­ety. Each mem­ber of that pan­el should have impec­ca­ble cre­den­tials, (as per crim­i­nal record), like that of police offi­cers. Panelist must be sup­port­ive of the rule of law and of the needs of law enforce­ment officers.

(4) Equip the Police with the tools they need to do their jobs.

(5) Divide the coun­try into grids, keep tight con­trol of each grid by posi­tion­ing offi­cers at strate­gic loca­tions in vehi­cles so they may respond to the needs of the cus­tomers , the Jamaican public.

(6) This would effec­tive­ly remove cops from sta­tion hous­es and place them with the public.

(7) Sub Officers and offi­cers must be out with the men aug­ment­ing staff strength, day and night .

(8) The way patrols are done must be revamped. There is no need for offi­cers on patrol to be dri­ving around for an 8 hour shift, it is a colos­sal waste of gas and wear and tear on the vehi­cles which are already in short sup­ply> (see parked strate­gi­cal­ly in grid per­spec­tive).

(9)All ser­vice vehi­cles must be added to grid sup­port, no gazetted or sub-offi­cer should dri­ve a ser­vice vehi­cle home. All use of vehi­cles must be for doc­u­ment­ed police duties.

(10) Increase expo­nen­tial­ly, penal­ties not just for prin­ci­pal offend­ers who com­mit crimes ‚but also for sec­ondary offend­ers who aid or are oth­er­wise involved.(see rico statute)

(11) Hire and train more detec­tives, give them mer­it pay/​promotions.

(12) Remove cops from office duties except in super­vi­so­ry positions.

(13) No police depart­ment makes pub­lic its inter­nal mem­os. Stop mak­ing the Force Orders pub­lic, giv­ing away staff strength, , where cer­tain offi­cers are sta­tioned, or will be trans­ferred to and oth­er infor­ma­tion the pub­lic has no expec­ta­tion of hav­ing. You are endan­ger­ing offi­cers lives, and threat­en­ing nation­al security.

I give the Minister a 13 point plan com­men­su­rate with the list of thir­teens attrib­uted to his speech. Bunting’s addressed was on April 13th, 2013 to the “13th Annual Prayer and Thanksgiving Service for the Security Forces of Jamaica”