We Investigated Ourselves And Found We Did Everything According To Policy…

Ronald Greene

As part of our deci­sion to con­tin­ue to shine a light on American police cor­rup­tion, bru­tal­i­ty, Racism, and mur­der­ous prac­tices, here is anoth­er exam­ple of America’s finest.
The fol­low­ing is a case in which they mur­dered Ronald Green then lied to his fam­i­ly that he died in a traf­fic acci­dent. They cov­ered up evi­dence, and when it was dis­cov­ered that they mur­dered mis­ter Green an African-American man, as you must have imag­ined, they com­menced an inves­ti­ga­tion and found them­selves not guilty.….Look at these dement­ed sub­hu­man crea­tures lit­er­al­ly killing Ronald Greene.

Well, why don’t I let you see for yourself?

Louisiana State Trooper Accused of Hiding Body Camera Video From Ronald Greene Case Will Not Be Disciplined…

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An inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into the Louisiana State Police has con­clud­ed that Lt.John Clary, an offi­cer accused of hid­ing body cam­era footage of the bru­tal beat­ing and death of Black motorist Ronald Greene, will not be dis­ci­plined or charged. In a state­ment from the state police spokesman, the admin­is­tra­tive inves­ti­ga­tion deter­mined that no evi­dence proved or dis­proved the alle­ga­tions that Clary lied about the footage or pur­pose­ly hid it. According to ABC affil­i­ate WBRZ on Tuesday, the inter­nal affairs inves­ti­ga­tion con­clud­ed in July.
When Ronald Greene died in police cus­tody after attempt­ing to elude a traf­fic stop in May 2019, offi­cers told his fam­i­ly that he died after his car crashed into a tree. Both the fam­i­ly and med­ical exam­in­er noticed that Greene’s severe injuries showed a lot more than a car crash had hap­pened that night. Still, Clary, accord­ing to the Associated Press, told detec­tives that he didn’t have any­body’s cam­era footage from the incident.
Then last year, a graph­ic video mirac­u­lous­ly emerged show­ing that Greene was beat­en, choked, dragged, and tased by offi­cers. Clary’s body cam­era took it.NOLA reports that Clary’s footage was miss­ing from the inves­tiga­tive file sent to Union Parish District Attorney John Belton in 2019 and only turned up this past March after a State police train­ing instruc­tor told inves­ti­ga­tors that it existed.

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A fed­er­al civ­il rights inves­ti­ga­tion is under­way into Greene’s death, along with the beat­ings of at least three oth­er Black motorists by troop­ers with Monroe-based Troop F in 2019 and 2020. The troop, with about 60 mem­bers cov­er­ing a dozen north­east Louisiana parish­es, is almost entire­ly White.

When Clary arrived, Greene was already shack­led and face­down on the road­side. Master Trooper Kory York was strad­dling Greene and hold­ing him down while he moaned and howled.

Clary’s video shows troop­ers final­ly prop­ping up Greene, who had gone limp and stopped breath­ing by the time emer­gency tech­ni­cians arrived, accord­ing to a report by Trooper Albert Paxton, a State Police detec­tive assigned to the case. Clary gave a state­ment say­ing troop­ers sat up Greene and “held his head up so he could get a clear air­way,” but his video shows oth­er­wise, Paxton wrote.

Computer logs show that Clary, the high­est-rank­ing troop­er on the scene that night, down­loaded the footage from his body cam­era a few hours after Greene died, along with those of DeMoss and Hollingsworth. But accord­ing to Paxton, the videos Clary gave him that day end­ed up includ­ing three copies of his dash­cam video and none from his body camera.

Clary also claimed he’d reached the scene only after “every­thing was over,” and that he didn’t have body-cam­era video, the report said.

In February, State Trooper Kory York was sus­pend­ed with­out pay after the body cam­era footage showed him kick­ing and drag­ging Greene by his leg shack­les. According to AP, Chris Hollingsworth, who has since died in a car crash, was caught on audio from his body cam­era brag­ging about beat­ing and chok­ing Greene.

State troop­ers were also involved in the police bru­tal­i­ty cas­es of Aaron Bowman and Antonio Harris.

Over the week­end, Clary was seen guard­ing LA Tech head foot­ball coach Skip Holtz at a team game with Mississippi State on nation­al tele­vi­sion. That’s pret­ty high pro­file for some­one who alleged­ly lied about body­cam footage and qui­et­ly got away with it.

Let’s take a moment to real­ize that if Clary con­tin­ued to for­get about his body cam­era footage con­ve­nient­ly, Greene’s fam­i­ly and the pub­lic would still be left ques­tion­ing his death. It feels a bit cheap that he’s get­ting off with­out dis­ci­pline, but you can’t expect great results when the police are told to inves­ti­gate themselves.

The fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tion into the troop­ers, includ­ing Greene’s case, is still underway.

The idea behind the actions of these race sol­diers is to cause max­i­mum hurt to Black people.
Almost a decade ago, the FBI, which is itself no paragon of virtue, warned that white suprema­cists and skin­heads were infil­trat­ing and tak­ing over police departments.
Nothing was done about it; now imag­ine that those peo­ple are well entrenched in the almost 18,000 police depart­ments across all 50 states almost two decades later.
Their way of think­ing and actions has become the cul­ture that now guides how police react to Black and Brown cit­i­zens across the country.
Added to that is the con­tin­ued mil­i­ta­riza­tion of these police forces, which are mere mili­tias with badges and the pow­er to act under the col­or of law.
Don’t be shocked; get involved.
This is clas­sic American polic­ing; they bru­tal­ize and mur­der Black Americans, then lie about their crimes, pros­e­cu­tors in most cas­es know that they com­mit crimes, and they move moun­tains to cov­er the tracks of those mur­der­ous cops.
The Judges are no bet­ter; they accept the word of dirty cops and use that taint­ed evi­dence to con­vict peo­ple of col­or, then give Blacks, in par­tic­u­lar, expo­nen­tial­ly more prison time for the same crime than they do white defendants.
These mur­der­ous beasts mute the sounds and turn off body­cams that are sup­posed to record their con­tacts with the pub­lic, and yet they suf­fer no con­se­quences for these actions, which clear­ly are criminal.
The aver­age per­son who takes steps to con­ceal a crime is charged with felonies, not so for these pro­tect­ed mur­der­ers oper­at­ing under the col­or of law.
Even with clear evi­dence that this mur­der co-con­spir­a­tor Cleary, was part of the mur­der con­spir­a­cy, nei­ther he nor the oth­er mur­der­ous hea­thens have been held account­able by the so-called jus­tice sys­tem (MB)