London based Amnesty International said there needs to be full trans­paren­cy by the Jamaican Government on alle­ga­tions of human rights vio­la­tions by the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the rea­sons for the sud­den depar­ture of Commissioner of Police, Owen Ellington.

Jamaica’s DAILY GLEANER report­ed Thursday July 24th that the watch­dog group is demand­ing that the Government obey it’s inter­na­tion­al obligations .

Amnesty demands

*Any infor­ma­tion relat­ed to alle­ga­tions of human rights violations
*The out­come of inter­na­tion­al inves­ti­ga­tions into the actions of the JCF
*The nature of the human rights vio­la­tions reported
*The iden­ti­ty of the inter­na­tion­al part­ners and the rec­om­men­da­tions they have made. http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​l​a​t​e​s​t​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​.​p​h​p​?​i​d​=​5​4​431


Entire family of 8 killed by Israel's bombs
Entire fam­i­ly of 8 killed by Israel’s bombs

Over 800 Palestinians have been slaugh­tered in Gaza by the Zionist state of Israel in recent fight­ing . Less than 50 Israeli’s have died in the conflict.

In response to the wide dis­par­i­ty in the body count between the two fac­tions Ami Ayalon, the for­mer head of Israel’s Shin Bet secu­ri­ty agency said quote:

Bombed out Palestinian homes reduced to craters
Bombed out Palestinian homes reduced to craters

We do not mea­sure ethics and moral­i­ty by count­ing dead bod­ies. The fact that many more Palestinians than Israelis have died does not mean that our cause, or this war, is not just. Many more Germans than Americans died in World War II. Does that mean that Hitler was right and America was wrong?

There is that moral equiv­a­lence again. America did it so we can too. Israel has used that tact over and over in jus­ti­fy­ing its war crimes against the Palestinian peo­ple for decades. Whether it be WW11 or America’s response to the September 11th 2001 attacks, Israel has hitched its wag­ons to the moral equiv­a­lence train of America.

This tact is strate­gic for Israel, not just in using America’s mil­i­tary might to fright­en it’s more pow­er­ful ene­mies, but in keep­ing in line, a Democratic American President less than anx­ious to wage war.

Yesterday as I stood in the Departure lounge of a Florida Airport I over­heard on tele­vi­sion that 39 Israelis have been killed since the start of renewed con­flict between the two sides. I asked my wife whether she heard how many Palestinians were killed ? She shook her head no. An elder­ly woman stand­ing close by chimed in “it’s a shame they only report on the Israeli’s as if the oth­er side are not peo­ple too”! I looked at her and smiled, I guessed she saw that what she said encap­su­lat­ed my thoughts result­ing in the ques­tion to my wife. We both watched for a lit­tle while longer then saun­tered off to catch our flights.

Oh by the way I have not heard any­thing from Amnesty International on this wan­ton slaugh­ter, which involves most­ly women chil­dren, and inno­cent families.


Staten Island res­i­dent Eric Garner was laid to rest yes­ter­day . Garner was killed when NYPD Cops placed him in a banned choke hold as they tried to arrest him. The Police alleges Garner was sell­ing un-taxed cig­a­rettes. The father of 6 chil­dren died on the spot from all accounts. Neither the cops who placed him in the choke hold and cuffed him nor the EMT who arrived on scene did any­thing to help Garner.

EMT supposedly feeling for pulse . Garner was lying there un-moving for minutes even before they arrived
EMT sup­pos­ed­ly feel­ing for pulse . Garner was lying there unmov­ing for min­utes even before they arrived

The Video was shock­ing, a female EMT per­son­nel who arrived on scene felt Garner’s neck for a

Mourners getting ready to lay Eric Garner to rest
Mourners get­ting ready to lay Eric Garner to rest

pulse and nod­ded in the affir­ma­tive to one of the cops that Garner was still alive. This was clear­ly a lie . Her opin­ion was not sup­port­ed by the video evi­dence. From all indi­ca­tion Eric Garner died as NYPD cops stood by and did nothing.

EMT per­son­nel clear­ly lied to cov­er for cops who knew Garner was dead on scene. Two EMT’s and two Paramedics have since been sus­pend­ed with­out pay in con­nec­tion with this inci­dent. The tech­niques used to hoist mis­ter Garner’s body onto a stretch­er was clear­ly not in con­junc­tion with their own guide­lines. No Oxygen was giv­en to mis­ter Garner , even after they were told he said he could­n’t breathe. Why would they not give him Oxygen, could it be that they knew he was already dead? http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/funeral-today-eric-garner-article‑1.1877381

The wan­ton killing and abuse of Black men con­tin­ue unabat­ed across America by Police.. Black women are not exempt from the vis­cous testos­terone jack-boot­ed assault, from what now pass­es for Police offi­cers in America. In inci­dent after inci­dent Cops beat peo­ple of col­or mer­ci­less­ly, large­ly with­out con­se­quence. On the International stage Israel kills Palestinians as a mat­ter of course, uncon­cerned with the dic­tates of International law. On nei­ther of these issues have we heard from Amnesty International.

In these Blogs we have con­sis­tent­ly point­ed out these incon­sis­ten­cy in the inter­est of jus­tice. The Palestinian peo­ple do not depend on oth­ers to fight their bat­tles , though out gunned and out maneu­vered they con­tin­ue the fight for their sur­vival despite innu­mer­able odds.

Amnesty International con­tin­ue on it’s path to self imposed irrel­e­vance. Well mean­ing peo­ple the world over now rec­og­nizes that they are for selec­tive Human Rights and cer­tain­ly not about justice.

Despite Hundreds of years of slaugh­ter , first by slavers, then slave own­ers , through Jim Crowe, chain gangs, the KKK and now Police, blacks con­tin­ue to focus large­ly on enter­tain­ment. We have played into the nar­ra­tive that if one wants to hide some­thing from us all they have to do is place it in a book. Even those of us who come from oth­er coun­tries would rather pre­tend that things are fine in America, sav­ing our ven­om for our cops back home.

Things are not fine, many young men of Jamaican par­ents have been abused and killed by Police in these United States. Yet many of us pre­tend that American cops are cour­te­ous respon­si­ble pub­lic servants.

All we are able to do is to con­tin­ue to try to awak­en your con­scious­ness. The rest is up to you.

2 thoughts on “WE INFORM YOU DECIDE

  1. Thanks Mike for the insight .…. Indeed , Amnesty inter­na­tion­al is about selec­tive human rights abus­es and not jus­tice . The U.S is guilty of some of the most atro­cious human rights vio­la­tions and hard­ly noth­ing or any­thing is said by Amnesty , their silence is deaf­en­ing . But yet Jamaica’s is bla­zoned across the globe . We are then forced to jump to the tunes of our ’ inter­na­tion­al part­ners ’ or else those grants and loans will be a pipe dream. I blame our gov­ern­ment for the posi­tion we are in , if our pre­cious resources were not wast­ed , robbed and siphoned off we would not be in this sor­ry state .…..

    • This is a strat­e­gy used by these Agencies which come under the cov­er of Human Rights. We have seen what JFJ has brought to Jamaica under the same guise. They are wolves in Sheep cloth­ing. In Jamaica’s case it is deserved, too many are invest­ed in things foreign.

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