1394741170E_VEHICLEThe Independent com­mis­sion of Investigations (INDECOM)was cre­at­ed to inves­ti­gate civil­ian com­plaints against mem­bers of Jamaica’s secu­ri­ty forces. The Commissioner of the Independent Commission of Investigations, (INDECOM) Terrence Williams says he has asked the Minister of National Security to review a sub­mis­sion on the use of gear cov­er­ing the faces of secu­ri­ty per­son­nel while on oper­a­tions. The Independent Commission of Investigations is to under­take inves­ti­ga­tions con­cern­ing actions by mem­bers of the Security Forces and oth­er agents ofthe State that result in death or injury to per­sons or the abuse ofthe rights of per­sons; and for con­nect­ed mat­ters. The Independent Commission of Investigations Act, repealed the Police Public Complaints Act on April 15, 2010. http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​=​p​l​a​y​e​r​_​e​m​b​e​d​d​e​d​&​v​=​R​M​U​z​o​L​r​j​-uU Posted for your infor­ma­tion as to what the role of this Agency is as well as the lack of sup­port that is giv­en to the rule of law in Jamaica.http://www.japarliament.gov.jm/attachments/341_The%20Independent%20Commission%20of%20Investigation%20Act,%202010,.pdf 5:02 am, Sun December 18, 2011 Commissioner Williams says he has writ­ten to the Police Commissioner, ask­ing that he desists from per­mit­ting his offi­cers wear­ing masks as it is ille­gal. Mr Williams says the JCF’s Book of Rules does not pro­vide for the wear­ing of bal­a­cla­va or ski masks cov­er­ing the faces of offi­cers He notes that the rules can­not sim­ply be changed by the Commissioner, but by the Minister of National Security. Mr Williams point­ed out that while he under­stands that there may be cir­cum­stances when an offi­cer may need to wear a mask, t his need to be done under set pol­i­cy. The Indecom head wants the Minister of National Security to exam­ine the pro­pos­als pre­sent­ed and make rec­om­men­da­tions re the wear­ing of masks​.Mr Williams says he has giv­en the Commissioner of Police 60 days to reply to sev­er­al oth­er rec­om­men­da­tions made to assist the pub­lic in iden­ti­fy­ing secu­ri­ty forces.“The iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber of police offi­cers should be worn on bal­lis­tic hel­mets and all out­er cloth­ing includ­ing high vis­i­bil­i­ty vests so the pub­lic can iden­ti­fy the police offi­cers they are deal­ing with. We have giv­en the Jamaica Defense Force six­ty days to respond to our rec­om­men­da­tions that where the JDF is involved in oper­a­tions in sup­port of the police so that the JDF sol­dier and Officer can be iden­ti­fied by the per­sons they are deal­ing with” said Mr Williams.

This is the Independent Commission of Investigations at the table with the adver­sar­i­al JFJ , address­ing their Press con­fer­ence even as the com­mis­sion is sup­pos­ed­ly active­ly engaged in inves­ti­gat­ing a case that involved fatal shoot­ing by the police the pre­vi­ous day, and which he referenced.


We would like to know what it was that the com­mis­sion­er of police Owen Ellington said to mem­bers that made them decid­ed to halt their calls for Williams to step down.The three police groups had called for Commissioner Williams to step down, fol­low­ing his par­tic­i­pa­tion in a press con­fer­ence host­ed by crim­i­nal rights lob­by group Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ).We in the dias­po­ra want to know what did the com­mis­sion­er say , did he threat­en mem­bers with sanc­tions, what did he promise them, if any­thing? We live in coun­tries where the rule of law rules, we do not advo­cate that police run rough-shod over cit­i­zens rights, but we cer­tain­ly do not want to see reac­tionary forces spear­head­ed by Gomes and Goffe and Horace Levy to derail the rule of law and turn Jamaica over to crim­i­nal Dons or (cporner crews are whatever)as have been the case.