We Are Mentally And Physically Paralyzed To Whats Happening To Us!

It seem we have been lulled into a state of paral­y­sis, I don’t pur­port to know or under­stand the rea­son for this, the world as we knew it has been turned upside down yet we seem to sim­ply shrug and move on.

There are mass killings in our schools, the peo­ple elect­ed to make deci­sions on our behalf ‚make deci­sions which suit their cor­po­rate spon­sors, we move on.

An American cit­i­zen revealed that the Government is secret­ly read­ing our email and lis­ten­ing to our phone con­ver­sa­tions. He argues if the gov­ern­ment is to do those things, the pub­lic ought to say it is com­fort­able with it,that’s all. Before the peo­ple can decide whether it wants the gov­ern­ment to con­tin­ue with those inva­sive prac­tices, the media tells us the whis­tle-blow­er is a guy who nev­er fin­ished high school, that he broke both his legs in a mil­i­tary train­ing exer­cise, he had no col­lege degree, he is a low-lev­el employ­ee of an employ­ee of the Government.

So he is depict­ed as trai­tor before you had the chance to decide whether he is, friend or foe, the media took the gov­ern­men­t’s side, no need for a free press any­more! After the media fin­ished paint­ing the pic­ture they want you to see , you are bound to come away believ­ing the 29-year-old is a trai­tor who deserve to be shot in the pub­lic square. That absolves the Government from explain­ing to the American peo­ple why it is doing the things it is doing and doing them in secret.

Never mind that those in the Government, Republicans and Democrats ‚will spend the next sev­er­al months telling you how bad this whis­tle-blow­er is, why not? they are the ones who are ben­e­fit­ing from the infor­ma­tion farmed from phone and inter­net com­pa­nies, and it’s all for your pro­tec­tion right?.…. Right.

The gov­ern­ment sur­veil­lance sys­tem feeds on itself it gets big­ger as it con­vinces you the peo­ple to give more of your rights and free­doms . As it takes more of your rights and free­doms, you give it because you want to be kept safe. The prob­lem is, as you unwit­ting­ly shrug and give it ‚you have not stopped to think how the gov­ern­ment uses those rights and pow­ers you unwit­ting­ly hand­ed over, in your quest for an unat­tain­able Utopian sense of security.

Not all elect­ed offi­cials are ine­bri­at­ed lambs to the slaugh­ter, Vice President Joe Biden dis­agrees with whole-sale farm­ing of Americans most pri­vate infor­ma­tion, oth­ers like Senators Bernie Saunders, Ron Widen and Congress-man Keith Ellison are not so sure they want to trust President Obama when he basi­cal­ly said trust us we got this.

It is shock­ing that the American peo­ple are so dis­con­nect­ed from this mon­stros­i­ty of a police state, which has been autho­rized in the Patriot Act. Never mind that many Senators have con­fessed that they did­n’t even both­er to read the bill before they vot­ed “yay”.

Obama for his part, crit­i­cized President Bush harsh­ly for what he saw then as a bla­tant over-reach and a dra­mat­ic infringe­ment on the rights of Americans, speak­ing of the said Patriot Act. Yet he has dou­bled down on fun­da­men­tals of the Act, in fact Obama and his Justice Department has pros­e­cut­ed more whis­tle-blow­ers than all the oth­er Administrations combined.

The prob­lem with the affair is that the con­gress which is sup­posed to offer over­sight and to a large extent about half of the coun­try could not care less whether the gov­ern­ment takes onto itself such sweep­ing pow­ers over their lives.

One Democratic law-mak­er char­ac­ter­ized the gov­ern­men­t’s intru­sion as nec­es­sary, liken­ing it to look­ing for the nee­dle in a haystack. He argued that in order to get the nee­dle they need the haystack! I won­der if we leave the haystack out what remains? Wouldn’t that be the needle?

I stand to be cor­rect­ed but I chal­lenge the American peo­ple to find an instance when total Government con­trol over it’s peo­ple have ever had a pos­i­tive effect for the peo­ple any­where in history.