We Applaud We Won’t Engage!!

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IT appears that Rank and File cops in Jamaica are final­ly com­ing to their sens­es, at least some of them are. The Jamaica Gleaner Reported yes­ter­day that Rank and File Cops have decid­ed they will not engage crim­i­nals unless crim­i­nals engage them personally.

police in august town

On these pages we have long sug­gest­ed that good Jamaican Cops who are not engaged in crim­i­nal activ­i­ties should stand-down, wher­ev­er pos­si­ble. In Interviews with the Gleaner, Officers have voiced their dis­gust with the far left lean­ing Jamaican Constitutional Court’s deci­sion giv­ing pow­er-hun­gry Terrence Williams and (INDECOM) pow­er to arrest cops who have been accused of impro­pri­ety. Jamaica has a Director Of Public Prosecution, the Director’s office is quite capa­ble of han­dling the Nation’s crim­i­nal cas­es. If there are inad­e­qua­cies, then Government should allo­cate the nec­es­sary funds which will ensure the effec­tive dis­pen­sa­tion of Justice through that office.

Some were unmoved in their con­vic­tion that INDECOM is affil­i­at­ed to JFJ, which they believe is anti-police, even more so after Commissioner Terrence Williams shared the head table at a JFJ press conference.

The gun­men are not attack­ing our homes. The only time we engage them is to solve crimes and get weapons off the street. Why should I both­er? “Unless I am attacked at home, or the police sta­tion is attacked, I have no inten­tion of engag­ing any gun­man. Tell INDECOM fi guh look fi dem,” he declared.http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​3​0​8​2​5​/​l​e​a​d​/​l​e​a​d​5​.​h​t​m​l​#​.​U​h​o​W​Q​b​h​L​O​U​g​.​f​a​c​e​b​ook

It is the best strat­e­gy that Jamaican Police Officers have in a coun­try such as ours. There should be no place in the Department for rogue cops. However ‚dammit , I am tired of attach­ing these caveats, when I write or talk about Jamaican cops. The strat­e­gy to dis-engage is the best of a slew of bad options avail­able to them. In many Western Nations, mat­ters such as these may rea­son­ably be left to the Courts. There are no sane rea­son­able civic mind­ed Organizations or agen­cies in Jamaica which under­stands the impor­tance of strong law-enforce­ment. We haven’t seen any. That indict­ment includes Government and the Judiciary.

Many of the Island Judges were edu­cat­ed at the UWI , a hot-bed of lib­er­al and social­ist ide­ol­o­gy. Even now some of the peo­ple in top spots in the depart­ment are plants from that Institution who can­not get any oth­er job so they take up res­i­dence in the depart­ment. Officers can­not look to the Courts for ratio­nal rul­ings which pro­tects all Jamaicans. So it is up to them to pro­tect them­selves. I applaud them on this deci­sion. I hope this will be a sus­tained strat­e­gy of dis-engage­ment where pos­si­ble and not just a flash-in-the-pan emo­tion­al response to what has been a well coör­di­nat­ed and sus­tained attack by the Criminal Rights Lobby Jamaicans for Justice, using Williams and INDECOM in the process.

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Terrence Williams: Indecom Commissioner.

Terrence Williams is a plant and a stooge of JFJ. He heads a neo­phyte Agency he him­self is a neo­phyte Investigator. Williams has done immense harm to the Agency he heads, there was no need for dis­trust or enmi­ty between the JCF and INDECOM. Goods cops have nev­er object­ed to hav­ing over­sight, In fact many cops tell me they wel­come the scruti­ny because they have noth­ing to hide. Williams’ deci­sion to join forces with well know crim­i­nal sup­port­ing , anti-police group JFJ was a clear sign that he was not an inde­pen­dent par­ty, but one with an Agenda to persecute

May Cops have been finan­cial­ly ruined through­out the years, their careers left in tat­ters after being charged crim­i­nal­ly. In many of these cas­es there was no evi­dence of wrong doing. In many cas­es the DPP pro­ceed­ed on spu­ri­ous alle­ga­tions, unsub­stan­ti­at­ed by cor­rob­o­ra­tive evi­dence. Simply put , the DPP is empow­ered to file charges with no evidence,so pub­lic out­cry may be quelled. Most times pub­lic out­cry is as a result of paid demon­stra­tors who claim to have seen impropriety.

I will not re-hash all the points I have raised on this sub­ject, inter­est­ed par­ties may go to the archives on this site and ver­i­fy for them­selves the fac­tu­al records there. I applaud offi­cers who have decid­ed to take this approach,I have long advo­cat­ed it, bravo!!!

2 thoughts on “We Applaud We Won’t Engage!!

  1. I am hap­py the police are see­ing the light. The only vic­tor from the court rul­ing are Indecom and the crim­i­nals; if I was a crim­i­nal mind­ed man I would cer­tain­ly look to Jamaica to invest my mon­ey in the crim­i­nal com­mu­ni­ty. Jamaica is a crim­i­nal’s paradise!

    • Chris I have spo­ken to many Cops, every­one say they do not mind over-sight, or as they say (pres­sure groups), what they are opposed to is hav­ing to re-lit­i­gate every shoot­ing, no mat­ter how jus­ti­fied. Having those who do not even under­stand shit about the dynam­ics of what it takes , mak­ing deci­sions and pass­ing Judgement. Lets be clear cops make quick deci­sions, life and death deci­sions. No one wants killer cops. However Cops must have some lat­i­tude to do their jobs.

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