Watching The Lies About Why Cops Are Being Attacked Is Interesting To Say The Least…

At a time when cops are get­ting shot and killed, police, politi­cians„ and their sup­port­ers in the media blind them­selves to obvi­ous facts when they get on tele­vi­sion and pon­tif­i­cate about why there is an uptick in peo­ple shoot­ing cops.
They gloss over the real rea­sons, blam­ing guns (yes„ if peo­ple do not have guns„ they can­not shoot)„ but they still have the ani­mus in their hearts.
They blame defund­ing the police calls while not men­tion­ing that the calls to defund the police came because of the bla­tant abuse and mur­ders com­mit­ted by police on inno­cent cit­i­zens dai­ly„ result­ing in over 800 dead Americans in 2021 at the hands of police.
They blame the cor­rec­tive mea­sures tak­en by some states like New York which has moved to release some non-vio­lent offend­ers from incarceration.
Even though there is absolute­ly no data sup­port­ing their asser­tions that non-vio­lent drug offend­ers recent­ly released from prison are respon­si­ble for shoot­ing any­one, they still con­tin­ue to prop­a­gate the lie as if it will make it true…
They gloss over the truth with hyp­o­crit­i­cal fanati­cism, ignor­ing the real­i­ty that vio­lence begets vio­lence, or that call­ing it what it is, that a large seg­ment of the cops in the United States are extreme­ly vio­lent thugs who mer­ci­less­ly beat, oth­er­wise abuse and even mur­der peo­ple with­out consequence.


Police release video showing 9 officers fatally shoot man on Tennessee interstate

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One of nine offi­cers who opened fire on a man on a Tennessee inter­state Thursday has been stripped of his police pow­ers pend­ing a review of the inci­dent, Nashville police said Friday.

Authorities released body cam­era video of a stand­off on the inter­state that end­ed when the nine fired their guns, killing a man accused of car­ry­ing a box cutter.

Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Chief John Drake ordered the decom­mis­sion­ing of police pow­ers for Officer Brian Murphy, a 25-year depart­ment vet­er­an, who fired the final two shots from a rifle, accord­ing to a statement.

Five oth­er Nashville offi­cers who opened fire were placed on admin­is­tra­tive leave while the depart­men­t’s review of police posi­tion­ing, tac­tics, and pro­ce­dures got under­way, the depart­ment said.

The deceased, iden­ti­fied as Landon Eastep, 37, of Nashville, did not pos­sess a gun, but took out a cylin­dri­cal object from a pock­et, prompt­ing offi­cers from three agen­cies to shoot at him on Interstate 65, Nashville police spokesper­son Don Aaron said in a video intro­duc­ing the body cam­era footage.

Eastep was killed after he “took a stance as if he had a firearm,” Aaron said.

NBC News does not know what pre­ced­ed the released video, which was edit­ed by police and showed body cam­era footage from two officers.

The oth­er shoot­ers includ­ed two offi­cers with the Tennessee Highway Patrol and an off-duty offi­cer with Mount Juliet police, Aaron said. The off-duty offi­cer stopped to assist a state troop­er and attempt­ed to de-esca­late the sit­u­a­tion with Eastep for about 30 min­utes, accord­ing to the spokesperson.

The inci­dent began short­ly before 2 p.m. when a state troop­er saw Eastep sit­ting on a guardrail on the shoul­der of the freeway.

The troop­er report­ed that he stopped and approached Eastep with the intent to give him a ride off the inter­state,” Aaron said.

The troop­er also said Eastep car­ried a box cut­ter, and Nashville police were called to assist, Aaron said.

In the video, police iden­ti­fy the off-duty offi­cer, with­out nam­ing him, as the offi­cer who most­ly spoke direct­ly to Eastep. The off-duty offi­cer repeat­ed­ly plead­ed with him that offi­cers didn’t want to hurt him and urged him to drop the knife and put his hands up, video showed. The offi­cer also told Eastep he would not be going to jail.

Whatever you’re wor­ried about, we can fix it. Let’s get you some help, though,” the Mount Juliet offi­cer says. “This is not the answer. You and I know it. You don’t want to hurt me. I know you don’t. I damn sure don’t want to hurt you.”

Police released more than four min­utes of inter­ac­tion between the offi­cers and Eastep from one offi­cer’s body cam­era. That footage was from Officer James Kidd’s body cam­era, police said. Another van­tage point shows video from Officer Sean Williams’ body cam­era, police said.

During moments in both videos, offi­cers can be seen stand­ing sev­er­al feet away from Eastep with their guns drawn.

At one point in footage from Kidd’s body cam­era, the Mount Juliet offi­cer says he has a fam­i­ly and chil­dren to go home to and is not wear­ing a vest.

I want you to go home today. I don’t want you to end up dead on the side of the inter­state. Nobody wants that,” the offi­cer says.

Shortly before offi­cers fire at Eastep, he appears to move toward offi­cers, then makes a quick move­ment with both arms, accord­ing to the footage.

The Mount Juliet offi­cer is heard say­ing, “Landon, please broth­er, don’t do it. Don’t do it. No, no, no.”

Aaron said Thursday it wasn’t clear why Eastep was on the interstate.

Given his very abrupt move­ment, kind of aim­ing some­thing toward the offi­cers, the offi­cers fired,” he said.

They did so “in defense of them­selves not know­ing what poten­tial threat could have been in that right hand as it quick­ly emerged out of the pock­et,” Aaron said.

No offi­cers were injured dur­ing the incident.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is also inves­ti­gat­ing along with the Davidson County District Attorney’s Office.

I am sad­dened by any loss of life, and I send my con­do­lences to the Eastep fam­i­ly,” Nashville Chief Drake said in today’s statement.