Watch White Cop Murder Another Black Man In Plain Sight (video)

In a video shared on social media ear­ly Tuesday morn­ing a white Minneapolis cop who seemed to be get­ting his rocks off the sadism of lit­er­al­ly snuff­ing the life out of a black man, pins his knee against the neck of the man who clear­ly was strug­gling to breathe on the ground.
“I can­not breathe! I can­not breathe!” the man yells as bystanders gath­ered. “Don’t kill me!” The Minneapolis Police Department announced ear­ly Tuesday that the unnamed man, who is believed to be in his 40s, lat­er died of a “med­ical inci­dent” after police respond­ed to a report of a forgery in progress on Monday.

The FBI and state author­i­ties are inves­ti­gat­ing his death as advo­cates and city offi­cials call for a quick response. The inci­dent began when two cops arrived at the 3700 blocks of Chicago Avenue South around 8 p.m. Monday, police said. Officers locat­ed the man, who they believed to be under the influ­ence, inside his car. After he got out, police said the man “phys­i­cal­ly resist­ed officers.”

Officers were able to get the sus­pect into hand­cuffs and not­ed he appeared to be suf­fer­ing med­ical dis­tress,” a Minneapolis police spokesman said in a news brief­ing ear­ly Tuesday. “Officers called for an ambu­lance. He was trans­port­ed to Hennepin County Medical Center by ambu­lance where he died a short time later.“Police said that no weapons were used at any time by the man or the offi­cers dur­ing the encounter.
What the police press­er does not say is that the med­ical dis­tress was caused and main­tained by its killer cop refus­ing to remove his knee from the neck of the man he was lit­er­al­ly mur­der­ing in plain sight.
There was no need for the cop to have his knee pressed into the neck of the man who was already long hand­cuffed and non-resis­tant.
The ques­tion now emerges, as to whether cit­i­zens have the moral respon­si­bil­i­ty to inter­vene and stop a mur­der like this one, regard­less of who the killer is?

Darnella Frazier was on her way to see friends when she saw the inci­dent unfold­ing out­side of a Cup Foods gro­cery store on the south side of Minneapolis. She quick­ly began record­ing the encounter in a 10-minute video lat­er shared to Facebook. “When I walked up, he was already on the ground,” Frazier said in a Facebook video. “The cops, they were pin­ning him down by his neck and he was cry­ing. They weren’t try­ing to take him seri­ous­ly.” As more peo­ple gath­ered around the encounter out­side the gro­cery store, the man plead­ed that his whole body was in pain. Frazier recalled that the man’s face was being pressed so hard against the ground that his nose was bleed­ing. Witnesses begged the white offi­cer to take his knee off the man’s neck. “You’re going to just sit there with your knee on his neck?” one bystander said on the video.
The demon­ic mur­der­er showed no emo­tion as he fin­ished killing the already restrained man for absolute­ly no reason.

Minutes lat­er, the man appeared to be motion­less on the ground, his eyes closed and head lay­ing against the road. “Bro, he’s not even f — — mov­ing!” one bystander plead­ed to police. “Get off of his neck!” Another asked, “Did you kill him?” Later, the dead man was loaded onto a stretch­er and into an ambu­lance. Bystanders who remained in front of Cup Foods point­ed at the two offi­cers and said the inci­dent would haunt them “for the rest of your life.” “The police killed him, bro, right in front of every­body,” Frazier said on Facebook. “He was cry­ing, telling them like, ‘I can’t breathe,’ and every­thing. They killed this man.

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Make no mis­take about it, the man was killed on the spot despite the report put out by the Minneapolis Police Department ear­ly Tuesday that the unnamed man who is believed to be in his 40s, [lat­er died of a “med­ical inci­dent]” Bull.…..He died on the spot, he could have only be declared dead once he reached a med­ical facil­i­ty, or by the respond­ing EMT’s.
It was clear to all of the wit­ness­es stand­ing there beg­ging the state exe­cu­tion­er to get off his neck that the man was mur­dered right there in front of them.
The FBI warned almost two decades ago that white suprema­cists and skin­heads are infil­trat­ing police depart­ments all across the coun­try. To date, noth­ing has been done about root­ing them out.
This is in addi­tion to the stark real­i­ty that America’s police depart­ments were always rid­dled with racist white cops who still see black peo­ple as chat­tel to be bru­tal­ized and mur­dered.
This is anoth­er exam­ple of the Supreme court’s rul­ing on [qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty] that gives despot­ic mur­der­ers like this state-appoint­ed killer the right to mur­der the inno­cent, with­out any care or con­cern about suf­fer­ing the con­se­quences of his actions.

The star tri­bune is now report­ing that the demon­ic mur­der­er we saw in the video killing the man was ter­mi­nat­ed along with three oth­ers. According to the Tribune, two sources iden­ti­fied the uni­formed killer as Derek Chauvin.

Mayor Jacob Frey said at a news con­fer­ence it was clear from the video that race played a part in the encounter. “Being black in America should not be a death sen­tence,” said Frey. “For five min­utes, we watched a white offi­cer press his knee into a black man’s neck. Five min­utes. When you hear some­one call­ing for help, you’re sup­posed to help. This offi­cer failed in the most basic, human sense. What hap­pened on Chicago and 38th last night is awful. It was trau­mat­ic. It serves as a reminder of how far we have to go.”

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