Watch Video As Cops Execute Man, On His Knees In A Horrific Display Of Barbarism…

Cops Claimed Man Charged at Them, But Video Shows They Executed Him on His Knees

Houston, TX — Suicide by cop — in the land of the free — is an unfor­tu­nate, and oft-used option for those in men­tal dis­tress. All too often, police offi­cers respond to inci­dents in which men­tal­ly ill peo­ple need help, and then kill those peo­ple, so it makes it a rather easy option. As a case out of Houston, Texas illus­trates, some­times the details of these sto­ries that the pub­lic is told by author­i­ties, do not match up with what actu­al­ly unfolded. 

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