Watch Rancho Cordova Cop Pummel 14-year-old Black Boy…

A Rancho Cordova police offi­cer beat this 14-year-old boy, his crime?
hav­ing in his pos­ses­sion a cig­a­rette prod­uct. Not mar­i­jua­na, even though hav­ing mar­i­jua­na in small; quan­ti­ties would not have been a crime. The 14-year-old boy was in pos­ses­sion of a sweet tobac­co product.


Now here is the new chief of police’s state­ments after first sug­gest­ing that the boy was respon­si­ble because he apol­o­gized for his actions.
Remember the kid is 14-years-old. These days one can get access to CBD prod­ucts here online.


Here is what hap­pened in Austin Texas just days ago. As Austin PD cops mur­der a man who had his arms raised when they decid­ed to esca­late the sit­u­a­tion, first shoot­ing him with some kind of non-lethal weapon, he got in the car and begun to dri­ve away when they opened up with a rifle killing him.