They Wanted Barabbas: They Got Him.…


It ‘s ironic that people who did not go out to vote for Hillary Clinton, or against Donald Trump, now have the nerve to pretend they are surprised that Donald Trump will be the next president.

There is no such thing as your vote don’t count.
The elec­tion was a bina­ry choice between Hillary Clinton and a fas­cist dem­a­gogue named Donald Trump. The idea that one would vote for Jill Stein , Ron Johnson, Evan McMullin or write in a can­di­date who had no chance of win­ning was the essence of van­i­ty and stupidity.
Who were they hurting?

Remarkably peo­ple indulge in those van­i­ty endeav­ors as if they are send­ing a mes­sage to some­one, I was nev­er quite sure who was sup­posed to get that mes­sage. Now We the entire world is stuck with the con­se­quences of this train-wreck.
Two peo­ple were seri­ous­ly shocked about the elec­tion results last tuesday.
Hillary Clinton was told by pun­dits, plau­dits and poll­sters that she was win­ning, such was their screw-up that Clinton seem­ing­ly nev­er mulled over the thought in her head ” what if I don’t win”?
I always tried mulling things over in my head when I am fac­ing sit­u­a­tions which may result in ways out­side what I would like, it helps me to deal with disappointment.

Trump finally meets the President of the United States of America and immediately talked about his respect for the president, wants counsel from prez.
Trump final­ly meets the President of the United States of America and imme­di­ate­ly talked about his respect for the pres­i­dent, wants coun­sel from prez.

Donald Trump despite the con­sis­tent brava­do was shocked that he won !
In fact it may rea­son­ably be argued that he want­ed to lose bad­ly . He said and did things which would have sunk pre­vi­ous can­di­dates . He refused to do things oth­er can­di­dates did for the vet­ting process , none of it mat­tered the vot­ers want­ed “Barabbas”.
The raw racist, misog­y­nis­tic, xeno­pho­bic, Islamophobic offen­sive mes­sage which char­ac­ter­ized his cam­paign gained so much trac­tion that his fol­low­ers would not allow him to lose.
Finally some­one had the balls to say the things white America was told is no longer accept­able since the sign­ing of the civ­il rights act in the 60’s.
This silent white major­i­ty was mad as hell and they were going to sup­port this man who speak their lan­guage. Everything and every­one else be damned , they need­ed to take back their coun­try and make America white[sic], my bad, great again .
Everyone else be damned.

The look on Trump’s his face as he sat in the Oval office with President Barack Obama fac­ing the media gag­gle said it all. “How did I get myself into this, how the hell do I get out of this s***t”.
Donald Trump’s run for the white house was like noth­ing we have ever seen before. In the past can­di­dates made sure they crossed all the T’s ‚dot­ted all the I’s .
After all, pre­vi­ous cam­paigns have been job inter­views between can­di­dates and their boss­es the vot­ers. The racial tem­per­a­ture at Trump’s ral­lies was the fault of no one oth­er than Donald Trump .
Here was a man run­ning for pres­i­dent of the United States , leader of the free world, yet he was devoid of com­mon decen­cy and basic respect for those unlike him, or dis­agrees with him.
He open­ly and con­sis­tent­ly berat­ed and derid­ed the media which was there to report to the peo­ple , label­ing them despi­ca­ble , crooked and against him. He encour­aged open hos­til­i­ty toward even female reporters. He told his igno­rant cow­ard­ly sup­port­ers to attack protesters,to which they were hap­py to oblige the bully.
He sur­round­ed him­self with oth­er bul­ly­ing racist dem­a­gogues like him­self, Rudolph Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Steven Bannon, Chris Christie, and a long list of oth­ers who believe their views are the only views wor­thy of respect.
He admired and praised the likes of Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin , and Kim Jong-un.
He berat­ed and dem­a­gogues respect­ed world lead­ers like Angela Merkel and our own President as weak and feck­less as he bad mouthed alliances like NATO and the non pro­lif­er­a­tion treaties, argu­ing that maybe coun­tries like Japan and South Korea should have their own nuclear arsenals.
He wants the American Press muz­zled , he crit­i­cis­es the elec­tions process as fixed against him , of course now that he has won there are no more cries that the elec­tions are rigged.
All of this with­out both­er­ing to go through the laun­dry list of indi­vid­u­als he disrespected.

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Presidents have the pow­er and abil­i­ty to destroy the world .Effectively eras­ing mankind from the face of the plan­et . Hence it was always thought that a lev­el head­ed per­son , one who can remain calm under pres­sure, would prob­a­bly be best suit­ed to have such awe­some pow­er. Presidents have the high­est lev­el of Intelligence access , more than any­one else out­side the mosts senior intel­li­gence officials.
So how does a man get to be President while refus­ing to sub­mit to the require­ments which was a must for pre­vi­ous candidates?
How does the per­son seek­ing the job say to the poten­tial employ­er, I will not give you my resume?
I will not sub­mit to any of the require­ments which will help you decide whether I am qual­i­fied or even suit­ed for the job, you have to take my word for it?

Thousands take to the streets in cities across the country...
Thousands take to the streets in cities across the country…

That’s what Trump did and it worked for him .
The rules which pre­vi­ous­ly applied did not apply to Donald Trump.
Independent mem­ber of the Irish Taoiseach TD Mick Barry, said “Tuesday’s elec­tion result will see a “racist, sex­ist, big­ot­ed bil­lion­aire in the White House” and upbraid­ed leader Enda Kenny — as well as the lead­ers of Fianna Fail and Sinn Féin — for con­grat­u­lat­ing the future president.
You are not offer­ing those con­grat­u­la­tions in my name and you are not offer­ing those con­grat­u­la­tions in the name of AAA/​PPP,” said Mr Barry. “I am sure there will be a lot of peo­ple out there who will sec­ond my emo­tions in rela­tion to that”. I remind the Taoiseach that this is a man who has spo­ken of 11 mil­lion depor­ta­tions from the United States over the next peri­od of time.

In Wellsville, N.Y., a massive swastika is scrawled on a park wall: "Make America White Again."
In Wellsville, N.Y., a mas­sive swasti­ka is scrawled on a park wall: “Make America White Again.”

In the mean­time demon­stra­tions have bro­ken out across American cities as thou­sands of peo­ple demon­strate against a man they believe is total­ly unfit to hold the office of the Presidency.
Young lati­no chil­dren are being bul­lied and intim­i­dat­ed in school by white stu­dents. Muslim women are being attacked in the streets by alleged Trump sup­port­ers, and not to be out­done the usu­al cow­ards are out spray-paint­ing offen­sive racist graf­fi­ti on build­ings and pri­vate property.
At the University of Vermont, stu­dents found a Donald Trump cam­paign sign paint­ed with a swasti­ka three doors down from the cam­pus Hillel.

In San Marcos, Texas, Texas State University police are try­ing to deter­mine who is respon­si­ble for a series of omi­nous, threat­en­ing fliers post­ed around cam­pus. “Now that our man Trump is elect­ed and Republicans own both the Senate and the House – time to orga­nize tar & feath­er vig­i­lante squads and go arrest and tor­ture those deviant uni­ver­si­ty lead­ers spout­ing off all this diver­si­ty garbage,” one of the fliers read.
In Minnesota, offi­cials at Maple Grove Senior High launched an inves­ti­ga­tion into the racist graf­fi­ti which was wide­ly shared on twitter.
In California, San Jose State University said a woman lost her bal­ance and choked when a man attempt­ed to rip her head­scarf away.
The best Trump could come up with was a tweet ques­tion the first amend­ment right of demonstrators.

The nation sure­ly got it’s Barabbas . He alone can fix everything.
Interesting times ahead.

3 thoughts on “They Wanted Barabbas: They Got Him.…

  1. I am a black vet­er­an! My advice to those who are out there demon­strat­ing is wast­ing their time because the votes are already count­ed, and the Electoral College mem­bers are going to select Donald Trump as the win­ner of the election.
    So, with the anger that they have they should chan­nel it into to pos­i­tive direc­tion. All of us know that Donald Trump is racist, BUT at least he told us that he is. What about the ones who claims that they love BLACK peo­ple and are super racists?
    To the decent black peo­ple, look at the bright side of it: Donald Trump is a con­man, patho­log­i­cal liar, and a nar­cis­sis­tic man. The peo­ple vot­ed for him, and that is that.
    When he was echo­ing about a “RIGGED SYSTEM,” do you think that he didn’t know what he is talk­ing? The man is rich, and pow­er­ful too, so he must have inside infor­ma­tion about how the sys­tem is being con­trolled, and he is the one who could expose him. How all of a sud­den all these states the DEMOCRATS used to win and now TRUMP broke down all the so-called “BLUE WALLS.” Think about it, realistically?
    Most BLACK peo­ple are like organ­ic robots and can­not think for them­selves inde­pen­dent­ly. If they lis­tened to DONALD TRUMP yes­ter­day, he spoke about fix­ing the BLACK COMMUNITIES in America, because he knows that if these res­i­dents have jobs, the crimes would be less. CRIME ISFINANCIAL ISSUE for black peo­ple on the whole.
    BLACK People look at the brighter pic­ture: Donald Trump is an ACTOR, and he is good at what he is doing. So, far he is bet­ter to the BLACK COMMUNITY than BARACK OBAMA because he is NOT pro­mot­ing or telling BLACK PEOPLE about being gay this or that.
    BLACK PEOPLE look at the brighter part of DONALD TRUMP’s plans for the BLACK COMMUNITY. HE is a racist, but some­times peo­ple changes. Look at the black com­mu­ni­ties in America; they are like crap, junk­yard, and in deplorable con­di­tion. Maybe at the end of Donald Trump’s pres­i­den­cy, the DEVILCRATS lose the entire BLACK, HISPANIC, and oth­er minor­i­ty groups because they are the com­mu­nist in this coun­try and the DEVILS.
    DONALD TRUMP: although he was a DEVILCRAT, he is now a REPUBLICAN! So maybe our “FREEDOM OF SPEECH” [speak­ing the truth about sci­ence and a cer­tain behav­ior that the DEVILCRATS] will return in this coun­try and you won’t be FIRED from your job for call­ing the LIES, DECEPTION, and LAWLessnes by the Obama’s administration.
    This pres­i­dent has NOT done any­thing for this coun­try, but impos­ing homo­sex­u­al­i­ty on the pop­u­lace, and going around the world threat­en­ing Africa and oth­er small black coun­try to embrace HOMOSEXUALITY or face eco­nom­ic terrorism.
    To date, Donald Trump has­n’t pas­sive­ly or active­ly done any­thing to affect the lives of black people.
    DONALD TRUMP in the long run maybe the best thing ever hap­pened to black people.
    Listen, Louis Farrakhan, and Don King endorsed Donald Trump who is the bet­ter black peo­ple to endorse this man’s character.
    To date, have DONALD TRUMP comes out and sup­port­ing Barack Obama’s BATHROOM LAWS: by allow­ing men who think in their minds that they are women to go into the ladies restrooms?

  2. Yes, the Liberals/​Democrats [Devilcrats] thinks that they have bul­lied Americans into their lit­tle cor­ners, so they must be seen and not be heard, because if they speak their minds, they are labeled big­ots, xeno­phobes, and homophobes.
    Look at this from a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive; only a bul­ly can destroy anoth­er bul­ly! Whether you want to agree with me or not, that is the fact of the matter.
    The biggest “BULLIES” in America are the LIBERALS; they con­trolled the media, big busi­ness­es, and big-gays. If you dare to speak the truth about any­thing whether it can be sup­port­ed by facts (sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence), you are labeled by these peo­ple, and your name places and entered in a file/​system of “Homophobes,” which have been set up by the American government.
    A lot of Americans or oth­er peo­ple around the world may think that America is the sweet­est, freest, and most open coun­try in the world when it comes to democ­ra­cy. But, the facts of the mat­ter America at this point is more a com­mu­nist coun­try than any oth­er coun­try on earth!
    Yes, you can’t believe what I am writ­ing because I am a mad­man! Whenever you speak the truth, to dis­re­gard your point or argu­ment, they have to find some means label to dis­cred­it you whether it is men­tal, phys­i­cal, or racial issues.
    America is the epit­o­me of what an oppres­sive gov­ern­ment and Barack Obama, the black king and the worse pres­i­dent this coun­try have ever seen have divid­ed this coun­try with his homo­sex­u­al agen­das. Arresting and silenc­ing those who dare to speak the truth about his wicked, dev­il­ish, and evil policies.
    They [Devilcrats] are blam­ing oth­ers for los­ing the elec­tion, but not them­selves! When they have been qui­et­ly silenc­ing the peo­ple because they are NOT allowed to speak the truth about any­thing unless you get per­mis­sion from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
    IF some­one is engag­ing in a lifestyle that is unhealthy, the good, decent, hon­est, and respect­ful per­son would tell that com­mu­ni­ty that what you are doing going against the laws of nature, God, and decency.
    Barack Obama has sin­gle-hand­ed­ly changed this coun­try overnight by bul­ly­ing our leg­is­la­tors to let homo­sex­u­als served in our mil­i­tary open­ly. Men on our ships and mil­i­tary bases wear­ing “dia­pers, pam­pers, and plugs.” What the heck is happening?
    The rise of Donald Trump is NOT because of his racist rhetoric; it is because of the Obama’s homo­sex­u­al agen­das, and this was the last stand to bring the coun­try to the center/​middle.
    Maybe, Donald Trump is the one who is going to restore America to its great­ness! America won’t DISRESPECT oth­er people’s coun­try cul­ture by telling them that GAYS rights are human rights and that they must sup­port it through leg­is­la­tion or they will NOT get any aid from America.
    A siz­able amount of black peo­ple vot­ed for Donald Trump! If he was such a big­ot why did they vot­ed for him? Show me one good thing that Barack Obama or the Democrats have done in Congress to improve the lives of black peo­ple? The only thing that Barack Obama has done is to give the American peo­ple HOMOSEXUALS 2.0. And if you dare speak out against IMMORALITY, then you are a homophobe.
    This coun­try has been mar­ket­ing lies for years, espe­cial­ly under the pres­i­den­cy of Barack Obama! The American peo­ple are like organ­ic robots, and they have lost their cog­ni­tive think­ing because they want to feel close to the mer­chants of wicked, patho­log­i­cal liar, uncon­scionable rep­til­ians, and evil in every way you can think of.
    Donald Trump is our pres­i­dent-elect, and he won fair and square it doesn’t mat­ter how he won, he nev­er cheat­ed; he used an unortho­dox method that goes against the rail, and that is what is shock­ing to the American peo­ple. With Trump tak­ing over we know who he is and what he rep­re­sents, and he is going to be the pres­i­dent of America, and I do not expect him to be a saint or change a man, but a bet­ter liar and maybe the least racist President!
    This elec­tion is the one that peo­ple in this coun­try who are afraid of express­ing them­selves pub­licly: in per­son or the inter­net with­out the sys­tem retal­i­ate, vil­i­fy, and labeled them as “homo­pho­bic.” They got the chance to express them­selves, and America is in shock, dis­ar­ray, and mourn­ing. When they are too blind to see is that one moral­ly bank­rupt can­di­date who is covert­ly racist los­es an elec­tion to the oth­er can­di­date who is overt­ly racist. Sometimes in life, your best friend is your worse ene­my, and your worse ene­my is your best friend. Let’s hope that Donald Trump is going to be a good pres­i­dent for all Americans, and black peo­ple can see some improve­ments in their lives.
    Finally, to those who are denounc­ing Donald Trump because of his rhetoric are ill-advised, fool­ish, and stu­pid. The man is hon­est, by telling oth­ers how he feels about the oth­er seg­ment of the pop­u­la­tion. Give the man cred­it because he is HONEST about one thing, maybe he is hon­est about every­thing. The oth­er can­di­date prob­lems were hers and hers alone, and she must accept respon­si­bil­i­ties for her actions. Donald Trump is a con­man, and we all know that! But at least he is hon­est about some of the things he said dur­ing the elec­tion. Give him a chance he deserves to serve the American nation; America is our coun­try, divid­ed or not we want the best for our fel­low broth­ers and sisters!

  3. The Smarter, Better and Honest Bully won!
    African American peo­ple are stunned! White Americans are shocked! Hispanics are in mourn­ing! Asian Americans are depressed! Really? Why are they demon­strat­ing the elec­tion? It is his­to­ry and it is what it is? It is called democ­ra­cy! So, to the cry babies and the non-vot­ers, think how to make your lives better
    Mr. Trump won the elec­tion fair and square, so what is their prob­lem? They are two America: rur­al and urban, and the both don’t see eye to eye. Rural America believes in their God, Guns, and fam­i­ly. Urban and sub­ur­ban America do not believe in God and immoral­i­ty is cel­e­brat­ed, revered, and pro­mot­ed. Lies are truth, and truth is lies to the Urban and sub­ur­ban Americans.
    Who are the Americans present, clear, true and real ene­my? It is not Donald Trump; it is the MEDIA hous­es, that who are brain­wash­ing the peo­ple to ignored their con­sciences, decen­cy, and the laws of nature. The real ene­my makes the peo­ple think that they are their friends, they are NOT; they are like Nazi’s dis­guis­ing as mer­chants of decen­cy, when they are the wicked, evil, and patho­log­i­cal liars!
    The rural/​redneck (white) and some African Americans, their coun­try (America) is for­eign to them because they have seen their reli­gions being attacked, oppressed, and sup­pressed! They have been oppressed, treat­ed with dis­dain, and vil­i­fied for their faith, beliefs sys­tem, and their con­sciences by the first black man “Barack Obama.”
    Barack Obama has destroyed the fab­ric of their coun­try, the true mean­ing of fam­i­ly, their way of liv­ing and they do not know the new America. These peo­ple who used to a decent America where a girl is a girl and a boy is a boy, have seen that part of America dis­ap­pears, and free­dom of speech is labeled “Hate Speech, Bigotry, and Homophobic.”
    Immorality is cel­e­brat­ed, revered, pro­mul­gate, and the truth is vil­i­fied and brand­ed as LIES and HATE. The peo­ple have it up on their necks because they have forced them into a cor­ner where they must seen and not be heard; the media drown their voic­es BULLIES, the real ene­mies of the peo­ple in America and the world. Those who dare to speak up is attacked, and eco­nom­ic ter­ror­ism is the way to destroy them if not to kill them.
    Obama’s America does not rep­re­sent their cul­ture, norms, and way of liv­ing every­thing has become for­eign to them, and abnor­mal behav­ior is being nor­mal­ized, cel­e­brat­ed, and pro­mot­ed as the truth.
    What is hap­pen­ing to these Americans who are con­trolled by the media pro­pa­gan­das, lies, deceits, decep­tions, and mad­ness have the best infor­ma­tion to them­selves which are the truth. It is like an inva­sion, and they have lost con­trol of their coun­try, and I am in total agree­ment with them! How on can you bul­ly peo­ple to accept lies as truths? When you are going to do that you have lost all cred­i­bil­i­ty on the world stage and America is seen as an ene­my of truth in the inter­na­tion­al are­na and many Americans DO NOT know this!
    Most Jamaicans, do not live in America, so the media in Jamaica is regur­gi­tat­ing the same nar­ra­tives to the peo­ple there so as desen­si­tized them and mak­ing them think how they want them to think. They are going to be pro-DEMOCRATS, as for me pro-DeVILCRATS!
    Barack Obama has not been a friend to Jamaica, Africa or the Jamaican peo­ple or the African peo­ple. He has done noth­ing to advance these people’s life! The only thing he is inter­est­ed in and has been impos­ing, threat­en­ing, destroy­ing the Jamaican and African people’s cul­ture by impos­ing white immoral­i­ty on them by using Economic ter­ror­ism. This man is and was NEVER a friend of black peo­ple or the TRUTH! All he want­ed was to turn them into depraved mind­ed peo­ple and ignor­ing their con­sciences by denounc­ing the truth, sci­ence, laws of nature and human decency.
    The pro­test­ers in America are BRAINWASHED, and organ­ic robots are doing what the media hous­es want­ed them to do because they are the ene­mies of the peo­ple and the peo­ple feel clos­er to the ones who are oppress­ing them!
    The Democrats/​DeVILCRATS have the peo­ple in an illu­sion to let them feel as if the sys­tem is inclu­sive but inclu­sive of what? And they have been lying to them about everything.
    I know sev­er­al Jamaicans who have vot­ed for Donald Trump because of what Barack Obama’s Ambassador have done with the GAY Flag in Jamaica. Why did the Americans do the same in Africa or the Middle East? No, these peo­ple would have attacked the American Embassy with vio­lence because you’re dis­re­spect­ing their coun­try, cul­ture, and sov­er­eign­ty. Can anoth­er coun­try go into America and imposed their ide­ol­o­gy and what they think the American peo­ple should do about their cul­ture? No!
    Jamaican peo­ple do you think it was a coin­ci­dence that the peo­ple there have Chick V that killed some of your rel­a­tives? DO you think it was a coin­ci­dence that Africa was attacked with the Ebola dis­ease? Think again! It is time for you as a peo­ple to know that some­times your friend is your worst ene­my and Barack Obama was one and your worse ene­my is your best friend, Donald Trump! Maybe, Trump is the one who is going to help black peo­ple in America and around the world!!!
    Finally, the peo­ple have spo­ken, and they want their coun­try back! And that is what is going to hap­pen and hope Donald Trump deliv­er as he’d promised; deport the peo­ple who have bro­ken the immi­gra­tion laws, get rid of sanc­tu­ary cities, and have a con­gres­sion­al hear­ing on this homo­sex­u­al agen­das also get rid of all of Obama’s poli­cies, all of them!!! Obama has been one of the most oppres­sive, wicked, and evil pres­i­dent towards black peo­ple espe­cial­ly African-Americans, Jamaicans, and Africans.

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