Wading Through The Psychological Morass Of Divide And Conquer

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. National Action Network. American Civil Liberties Union. National Urban League. Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. Rainbow push. The list goes on and on . There are no short­age of Civil Rights Organizations in America .Where are they ? Why are the peo­ple of Ferguson stand­ing alone in the face of thug­gish Police aggression?

Whats hap­pen­ing in Ferguson Missouri is not iso­lat­ed. This is a much small­er part of a larg­er pic­ture of abuse and undue aggres­sion by Police all across America. The killing of Michael Brown is just the lat­est in a life­time of abuse by thug­gish cops in America. The pat­tern of abu­sive behav­ior by police have been going on for decades. There is a part of the soci­ety which turns a blind eye and pre­tend it’s not hap­pen­ing, because it’s not hap­pen­ing to them. In case after case, they kill and abuse black men and even women, then use char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion essen­tial­ly turn­ing vic­tims into crim­i­nals. Criminalizing the victims.

The lat­est nar­ra­tive com­ing out of Ferguson is that Micheal Brown rushed at the Cop who killed him. Of course they do this using plants who spread mis­in­for­ma­tion and char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion. We heard the same nar­ra­tive in the Trayvon Martin case. A woman is now report­ed to have told a Radio Station that Micheal Brown strug­gled with the Cop, Darren Wilson for his weapon. She report­ed that Wilson told her this soon after the shoot­ing of Brown. Witnesses to the killing gave a vast­ly dif­fer­ent account of the events.

♦What are the chances Wilson called a female civil­ian friend to detail his account of events a lit­tle while after killing Brown?

♦ Who believes Michael Brown reached into a Police car to get the gun of Darren Wilson, which for all intents and pur­pos­es should have been in his hol­ster, while he sat in the car?

The Media is com­plic­it in the spread of this, they pick­up this mis­in­for­ma­tion and loop it until it is woven into the nar­ra­tive. It is looped until the lie becomes the nar­ra­tive. The Cop ulti­mate­ly walk free until the next killing and we go through the cycle again.

The lat­est attempt to jus­ti­fy killing Micheal Brown fell flat on it’s face in my esti­ma­tion. It shows that the Police is out­right lying to cov­er up what is an ille­gal killing. A cop can­not just kill some­one because he feels like it, par­tic­u­lar­ly if the per­son is unarmed. We do not know what pre­cip­i­tat­ed the killing of Brown. What we do know is that the atti­tudes of Police when they deal with peo­ple of col­or is dif­fer­ent than the way they deal with whites.

CNN this morn­ing looked at the cop who gunned down Michael Brown, one of the ques­tions asked of the cops friends was “whether he had ever expressed racial ani­mus toward peo­ple of color”.Sure his white friends are going to tell you how racists he is. (sic.

The truth is that this cop Darren Wilson may not be a racist cop. He may be a great guy. He may even have black friends. Yet the his­tor­i­cal per­cep­tions of blacks in America by white author­i­ty may have influ­enced his deci­sions to use lethal force where non was war­rant­ed. That in and of itself shows just how deeply ingrained racial dif­fer­ences are ingrained in this country.

Rabid detrac­tors who sup­port what­ev­er wrong Police do ‚will have you believe peo­ple of col­or do not want law enforce­ment to do it’s job. That is baloney . What peo­ple want is equi­table and fair enforce­ment of laws and equal dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice across all racial lines. From grade school through adult­hood, black Americans are dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly penal­ized by the sys­tem. that bears men­tion­ing, that needs fixing.

What com­pounds the issue of police abuse is the inabil­i­ty of blacks to rec­og­nize how eas­i­ly the pow­er struc­ture divides and con­quer them by using buzz terms. The buzz term being used to dele­git­imize the excess of police is “out­side agi­ta­tors”. The so-called black lead­er­ship has total­ly fall­en for it . The pow­er struc­ture does not want peo­ple from across the coun­try com­ing togeth­er in push­ing back against Police thug­gery. I becomes imper­a­tive then that they demo­nize any­one who enters Ferguson in sup­port of the strug­gle. They are labeled out­side agitators.

Journalist are not immune from abuse, sev­er­al have been arrest­ed for mere­ly doing their job. Clearly the prob­lems of the 60’s, at least as far as police are con­cerned, are far from over.

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When Martin Luther King went to Memphis Tennessee in sup­port of strik­ing san­i­ta­tion work­ers he was labeled an outside

Governor Jay Nixon with captain Ron Johnson
Governor Jay Nixon with cap­tain Ron Johnson

agi­ta­tor. When the free­dom rid­ers entered the South in a show of defi­ance against seg­re­ga­tion they were labeled out­side agi­ta­tors. This term “out­side agi­ta­tors” is not new ‚it has been used effec­tive­ly to neu­tral­ize blacks from com­ing togeth­er . We all know how King and some free­dom rid­ers and count­less oth­er end­ed up, under the guise they were out­side agitators.

The ques­tion we must ask is this, “Were Michael Brown a white 18-year-old would he have died” 

I believe it is safe to assume the answer is no. Therein lies the prob­lem. It is an insult to put a black cop in charge of a fes­ter­ing prob­lem while the same peo­ple pull the strings from behind. Does any­one believe State Police Captain Ron Johnson is in charge?

The answer is also no . What the Governor of Missouri have done is put a black face on a dan­ger­ous­ly fes­ter­ing prob­lem . The Governor like every­one else, knows that the world is watch­ing. It does not look good for the world to see the white pow­er struc­ture once again beat­ing down and abus­ing its minor­i­ty population.

The dif­fer­ence this time, thanks to social media and blogs, peo­ple do not have to wait to be spoon-fed by the very media owned by the Oligarchs.