Wack Job


It’s incred­i­ble what pass­es for com­mon sense and intel­lect these days. Take Conservative Icon and reg­u­lar FOX mis­in­for­ma­tion pun­dit Anne Coulter for exam­ple. Here’s what this much revered opin­ion mak­er of the right had to say about the game of soc­cer. (America’s inter­est in World Cup soc­cer is a sign of “moral decay.

Coulter went on to say quote, “Soccer is a team sport that doesn’t rec­og­nize the indi­vid­ual achieve­ment that has made America great”. 

Okay I got­ta real­ly lean on my Conservative friends here, real­ly? So the Xenophobic Coulter cer­tain­ly nev­er heard of Pele, Diego Maradona , Socrates Jurgen Klinsmann the American soc­cer coach and count­less others.

What does it take to be a Conservative these days? Does one have to be the most racist Xenophobic , irra­tional moron? It cer­tain­ly appears that way !

The American pas­time Baseball, is a Team Sport. So is American Football, which by the way fields a lot more play­ers than Soccer does per game. What about Basketball , last time I checked it was a team sport or maybe it’s a one-on-one in Coulter-land. Most Organized gamed are played at the team lev­el , includ­ing Boxing, Tennis, Golf, Swimming, and even Gymnastics.

This has got to be the most ridicu­lous state­ment yet com­ing from this hair-brained Racist ide­o­logue. It behooves her and her acolytes at FAKE news to rec­og­nize that America have not done well in Soccer because America did not put the nec­es­sary resources into the game which would make her com­pet­i­tive like oth­er Nations which have done so.

The entire World Plays Soccer and Cricket , America is slow com­ing to that real­i­ty, to that we say wel­come America. Note to Coulter, America did not become great because of peo­ple like you and the FOX crowd, she did so despite you.

Here’s hop­ing America will have a bet­ter show­ing at the next World cup in 2018 despite the nean­derthal rem­nants like Coulter etal.

There is obvi­ous moral decay for sure here, I hope Coulter gets help before it’s too late.