Voters In States Like Texas And All Across The South And Elsewhere Will Vote The Republican Obstructionists’ Clowns Right Back Into Office.

There have been dozens of shoot­ings and oth­er attacks in U.S. schools and col­leges over the years, but until the mas­sacre at Colorado’s Columbine High School in 1999, the num­ber of dead tend­ed to be in the sin­gle dig­its. Since then, the num­ber of shoot­ings that includ­ed schools and killed ten or more peo­ple has increased. (Courtesy DailyMail)
Columbine High School, April 1999, twelve(12) slaughtered.
Red Lake High School March 2005, Seven(7) were slaughtered.
Virginia Tech, April 2007, thir­ty-two (32) peo­ple were killed on the cam­pus, and more than two dozen oth­ers were wounded.
At the Sandy Hook Elementary School, December 2012, 20 first-graders and six edu­ca­tors were slaughtered.
Umpqua Community College October 2015, nine peo­ple at the school in Roseburg, Oregon, wound­ed nine oth­ers injured; the cow­ard­ly punk then killed himself.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, February 2018, four­teen (14) stu­dents and three staff mem­bers were mur­dered at the school in Parkland, Florida.
Santa Fe High School, May 2018, ten (10) peo­ple were mur­dered, most of them students.
Robb Elementary May 2022, nine­teen (19)students and two teach­ers were murdered.

The afore­men­tioned data tells only a small part of the sto­ry of the gun epi­dem­ic plagu­ing America. The bod­ies of the slain 10 in Buffalo, New York, were not yet buried when the Uvalde shoot­ing occurred. Law Enforcement opines that some­times the fre­quen­cy of the shoot­ings sug­gests some may be copy­cats. The prob­lem is not just about the over four hun­dred mil­lion guns float­ing around in the hands of a minor­i­ty of the pop­u­la­tion; the real ques­tion is, why are the laws not upgrad­ed to ren­der the shoot­ers domes­tic terrorists?

While we are on gun own­er­ship, it is impor­tant to under­stand that it is a minor­i­ty of the US pop­u­la­tion that owns the bulk of the weapons float­ing around. Three-in-ten American adults say they cur­rent­ly own a gun, and anoth­er 11% say they don’t per­son­al­ly own a gun but live with some­one who does. (PewResearch).
The police response in Uvalde, Texas was not an anom­aly; cops in Connecticut wait­ed five (5) min­utes before enter­ing the school while the gun­man wreaked hav­oc inside.
No real action will be tak­en; no one will be fired; it is par for the course.….. Texas Governor Gregg Abbott lied to his state that the law enforce­ment response was spec­tac­u­lar (para­phras­ing). It turned out that it was a lie, so he back­tracked. The fact of the mat­ter is that not only was their response atro­cious, but rather than enter the school and do what they swore to do, they were busy out­side pep­per-spray­ing and tas­ing the par­ents of the chil­dren stuck inside.
The par­ents want­ed to go in to save their chil­dren, they did not have guns, but the police who had guns were too pissed-scared to enter the school.
Their blind sup­port­ers at FAUX news argued had they entered, they could have been killed. Every damn per­son who takes the oath of a police offi­cer knows that they may be called upon to put their lives on the line to save that of a total stranger. That is what they sign up to do; I signed up to do the same many years ago.

As I was work­ing on this arti­cle, I received a noti­fi­ca­tion that at least three peo­ple were mur­dered at a Hospital com­plex In Tulsa, Oklahoma. There are over 18,000 police depart­ments across the United States. As I said, the small­est inci­dent draws two, three, and up to five agen­cies at any giv­en time.
More than 800,000 sworn law enforce­ment offi­cers are now serv­ing in the United States, rep­re­sent­ing the high­est fig­ure ever. I keep remind­ing you, my read­ers, that they will tell you when­ev­er there are crises like the mass killings that what is need­ed is more police offi­cers. The truth is that they are lying to you, but they have already con­vinced their vot­ers that what is real­ly need­ed is more guns.
Texas’ Harvard edu­cat­ed junior Republican US Senator Raphael Cruz argues all that is need­ed is a good guy with a gun to counter the band guys. Ironically, the so-called good guys with guns are gen­er­al­ly too busy harass­ing and bru­tal­iz­ing the inno­cent to stop any shooter.
Their brav­ery is reserved for unarmed African men and women; even unarmed preg­nant black women stand no chance against their bar­rage of bul­lets. Those are the mon­sters cel­e­brat­ed by FAUX news.
Let us cut to the chase and stop with the bull-shit, the main­stream media won’t say it, but I damn sure will; the Republican US Senators in Texas, Oklahoma, and every state run by Republicans know that they have noth­ing to fear from their voters.
They under­stand that their vot­ers will not pun­ish them at the bal­lot box.
In Texas, nei­ther John Cornyn, Raphael Cruz, nor Governor Gregg Abbott needs to wor­ry about con­se­quences to them from voters.
The sad real­i­ty is that even as those Mexicans who set­tled in Uvalde, Texas, grieve the loss of their chil­dren, they will march right back into the vot­ing booths come November and vote Republican like the Racist whites who vote col­or over issues.

Democrats are raked over the coals by repub­li­cans for alleged­ly oper­at­ing an open-door pol­i­cy that allows ‘hordes’ of undoc­u­ment­ed immi­grants from Latin America access to the coun­try so they may vote for them.
Of course, there is no truth to it; it is a xeno­pho­bic attack on Spanish-speak­ing peo­ple seek­ing asy­lum in America, but their racist con­stituents gob­ble it up like hun­gry free-range chick­ens in a Texas farmyard.
Unfortunately, even the griev­ing Hispanics in Uvalde, Texas vote for the racist, xeno­pho­bic repub­li­can par­ty, hop­ing to be clas­si­fied as the newest iter­a­tion of whiteness.
This is true from Texas to Florida and places beyond; there is no evi­dence that Hispanics vote with the par­ty that best rep­re­sents their interests.
In fact, new data from Gallup sug­gests that 26 per­cent of Hispanics iden­ti­fy as Republicans, 56 per­cent of Hispanic Americans iden­ti­fy as Democrats or as inde­pen­dents. If that 56 per­cent is split even­ly between Independents and Democrats, Democrats are only pulling 28 per­cent of the Hispanic votes, with the oth­er 28 per­cent up for grabs as swing votes by both par­ties. Even if the split between Democrats and inde­pen­dents comes down in the Democrats’ favor, it does not mean that Hispanics are turn­ing out in droves to sup­port the Democratic par­ty that has been cham­pi­oning their causes.
More than any­thing this ought to be a les­son to Black activists who hitch their wag­on to Hispanics when they talk about dis­ad­van­tages to Black & Brown people.
These peo­ple have their own agen­da but they do not mind pig­gy-back­ing on the Black civ­il rights struggle.
Gays and les­bians were allowed to mar­ry and live nor­mal lives because of the Democratic par­ty and President Barack Obama yet many of them turn right around and vote for a Republican par­ty that votes to take their rights at every turn.
I am not sug­gest­ing that vot­ers should be sin­gle issues vot­ers, what I am say­ing is that the Republican par­ty cares more about white suprema­cy than any oth­er issue, and so too does their voters.
The United States Senate is dead­locked at 50 – 50, this November there will be elec­tions in which sev­er­al Republican Senators are up for reelection.
There are crit­i­cal issues to be addressed, vot­ing rights, abor­tion rights, infra­struc­ture, gun vio­lence, the pro­lif­er­a­tion of white suprema­cist groups, and the pro­lif­er­a­tion of dan­ger­ous guns on our streets, among oth­er issues.
All of these issues Republicans have stood in the way of solv­ing. Voters in states like Texas and all across the south and else­where will vote the repub­li­can obstruc­tion­ists’ clowns right back into office.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, a free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.