Vote This Once And Then You Won’t Have To Vote Again, We’ll Have It Fixed…

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Donald Trump, like any oth­er cheap con­fi­dence hus­tler, knows all too well the pow­er Religion has over vul­ner­a­ble and gullible peo­ple. It is no sur­prise that after a life­time of being a Democrat and sup­port­ing Democratic can­di­dates he switched par­ty and decid­ed to run as a Republican.
Before he ran he said if he ever decid­ed to run he would run as a Republican because they are stu­pid. He also knew that many of them claimed to be Christians while being fun­da­men­tal­ly racist and xeno­pho­bic, in oth­er words they were exact­ly like him.
Former President Barack Obama in a pri­vate set­ting before he was elect­ed, in a rae slip-up said, Republicans cling to guns and Bibles, a tes­ta­ment that he under­stood the cult like ded­i­ca­tion those vot­ers had to reli­gion and whiteness.

All across the world, cheap hus­tlers use reli­gion as a tool to threat­en hell fire to gullible peo­ple who open up their wal­lets to them, leav­ing them­selves with­out. In the mean­time they fly in style in elober­ate gulf­stream jets, live in lav­ish man­sions and pay no taxes.
It is no sur­prise that every con­fi­dence hus­tler wants to wear a col­lar so they may blud­geon the gullible with threats of hell fire and clean out their wal­lets and pocketbooks.
Though not reli­gious Donald Trump is at least smart enough as anoth­er kind of con artiste how to exploit the gulli­bil­i­ty of the wet mind­ed. Right after order­ing General Mark Milley to shoot down peace­ful pro­test­ers in DC and was rebuffed by the General, he had his police goon-squad beat and tear­gas those pro­tes­tors so they could clear space to could stand in front of a church with a Bible held upside down as a prop.

Trump’s Bible pho­to Op.

Despite this most Anti-Christ-like action from this most despi­ca­ble con ‑artiste, tens of mil­lions of racist so-called Christians flock to this imbe­cel­lic clown as if he is the sec­ond com­ing of the Messiah.
There was nev­er any rea­son to doubt that those peo­ple would flock to a char­la­tan like Donald John Trump, their par­ents and grand­par­ents would lit­er­al­ly leave church ser­vices and attend­ing the lynch­ing of Black Americans.

Photo cred­it the NYT.

The dis­s­a­point­ment today comes from some of the Black religous hus­tlers who are too dumb to rec­og­nize that reli­gion is noth­ing more than a tool of phy­cho­log­i­cal and men­tal con­trol. The fear of God and hell­fire keeps purs­es and pock­et­books open and adher­ents con­trolled and sup­pli­cant. I expect­ed white Christians to fol­low the pied ‑piper but the black ones does alarm me,- then I recall that there were Black cool-aid drinkers with Jim Jones in the South American Jungles too. So it should come as no sur­prise that the great con artiste on Friday told a bunch of ador­ing racist reli­gious zealots dur­ing an event in Florida, “You won’t have to vote in future, we’ll have it fixed.” 
He encour­aged them to vote but assured them that if he is elect­ed they won’t have to vote anymore.
And they cheered!!!”
Christians get out and vote. Just this time,” he urged. “You won’t have to do it any­more. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote any­more my beau­ti­ful Christians.”
And the Sheep cheered some more!!!

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