Vladimir Putin Is A Genius, Look At How He Split America Into Two Camps…

Donald Trump’s asser­tion that Vladimir Putin is a genius is cor­rect; after all, Putin turned a total clown, an igno­ra­mus, into an American pres­i­dent. I’d say that’s genius. But even more astound­ing than putting a car­ni­val clown into the high­est exec­u­tive office in America, he had the vision to imag­ine an American pres­i­dent that obeyed his every com­mand with slav­ish obedience.
A long game that includ­ed an American President opposed to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), an alliance the United States and oth­ers formed that has basi­cal­ly kept the world from anoth­er world war since 1945, a full 77 years.
Between the end of the first world war and the begin­ning of the sec­ond was 21 years. It is dif­fi­cult to argue against the insti­tu­tions set up after World War II to help main­tain world peace when the results are this stark.

Vladimir Putin’s strat­e­gy to put Donald Trump into the White House may have been even more suc­cess­ful than even the genius fer­al-eyed lit­tle man envis­aged. After all, it would require a deep sense of inge­nu­ity to imag­ine that over forty per­cent of the American pub­lic could become wide-eyed admir­ers of the Russian Federation and its auto­crat­ic leader.
Vladimir Putin under­stood America’s Achilles heel-Racism.
He inge­nious­ly under­stood that if he were able to install his own Manchurian can­di­date into the pres­i­den­cy, one that has broad appeal and can gal­va­nize the base racist ele­ments that lurk beneath the sur­face of American life, he would be able to split the coun­try down the mid­dle; he accom­plished that feat with inge­nious precision.

Genius all right; Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

Whether the world real­izes it or not, we are on the brink of anoth­er world war. That is not to say that this par­tic­u­lar con­flict between Putin and Ukrain will inex­orably lead to armaged­don, but there are no guar­an­tees that it won’t either.
The stark real­i­ty is that no mad­man in his­to­ry who sought to use mil­i­tary pow­er to accom­plish his aims ever backed down in the face of oppo­si­tion. Adolph Hitler cer­tain­ly did not, even in the face of insur­mount­able odds fac­ing him with the awak­en­ing of the mighty American indus­tri­al machine that would even­tu­al­ly over­pow­er his armies with new­er and bet­ter and a lot of armaments.
President Joe Biden is set to deliv­er his first state of the Union address to the American peo­ple on March 1st. His first year has been fraught with a world­wide pan­dem­ic, an econ­o­my sig­nif­i­cant­ly affect­ed by it, and the poten­tial for a third world war.
Despite that, the President has risen to the task res­cued the econ­o­my with no Republican sup­port even as he bat­tles with Republican forces in his own par­ty that cares more about main­tain­ing white pow­er than the advance­ment and well­be­ing of the nation.

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The par­ty that once lion­ized a failed actor (Ronald Reagan) for famous­ly telling Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down that wall on June 12, 1987, has now become the par­ty of Vladimir Putin. The par­ty that lion­ized and gave Reagan cred­it for send­ing the American debt through the stratos­phere by out­spend­ing the Soviets on weapons of war now open­ly sup­ports a tyrant from that same coun­try 35-years lat­er over its own country.
As President Biden redies to give his first state of the Union, what has the Russian-sup­port­ing Republican cau­cus in the United States Congress done-it con­venes a press con­fer­ence to denounce the American President and give suc­cor to the mon­ster in Moscow.
A weak­ened America means a strength­ened Russia; American racism has been the great­est threat to its own advance­ment and strength. Racism result­ed in a civ­il war result­ing in a mil­lion-plus dead between 1861 to 1865.
Ignorance now dwells where knowl­edge should abound; at its most recent CPAC, one fas­cist clown sought to ridicule the con­cept that America’s strength was its diversity.
The speak­er point­ed to both China and Russia as ful­ly homoge­nous soci­eties as great soci­eties- the [Kkkrowd] roared with delight. The sad irony is that despite its ills, America, a diverse nation is still head and shoul­ders above both China and Russia.
But in this dystopi­an real­i­ty, facts take a back seat to charged racist rhetoric…






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.