Virginia Governor Declares State Of Emergency In Response To White Nationalist Rally..

A shock­ing dis­play of Neo-Fascism on the streets of an American city, no con­dem­na­tion on Mosque bomb­ing in Minnesota, crick­ets from the white house on the dis­play in the streets.
No Militarization, as white Nationalists rule the streets…

Neo Nazis, Alt-Right, and White Supremacists take part a the night before the ‘Unite the Right’ ral­ly in Charlottesville, VA, white suprema­cists march with tiki torchs through the University of Virginia cam­pus.
Photo: NurPhoto/​NurPhoto Via Getty

According to The Daily Progress, city police esti­mate between 2,000 and 6,000 peo­ple were expect­ed to attend the “Unite the Right” ral­ly. The con­tro­ver­sial event is seek­ing to uni­fy the far-right wing and “affirm the right of Southerners and white peo­ple to orga­nize for their inter­ests,” accord­ing to its Facebook page.

McAuliffe ear­li­er warned that “there have been com­mu­ni­ca­tions from extrem­ist groups, many of which are locat­ed out­side of Virginia, who may seek to com­mit acts of vio­lence against ral­ly par­tic­i­pants or law enforce­ment officials.”

The gov­er­nor also put the Virginia National Guard on alert.

In videos post­ed to social media from Friday night, the white suprema­cists can be seen goad­ing their oppo­si­tion with shouts of “Jews will not replace us” and “white lives matter.”

The dis­play drew con­dem­na­tion from local and uni­ver­si­ty officials.

I am deeply sad­dened and dis­turbed by the hate­ful behav­ior dis­played by torch-bear­ing pro­test­ers that marched on our grounds this evening,” University of Virginia President Teresa Sullivan said in a state­ment. “I strong­ly con­demn the unpro­voked assault on mem­bers of our com­mu­ni­ty, includ­ing uni­ver­si­ty per­son­nel who were attempt­ing to main­tain order.”

Image: A man is helped after being hit in the face with pepper spray during a clash between counter protesters and Neo Nazis, Alt-Right, and White Supremacist groups after marching through the University of Virginia Campus with torches in Charlottesville.
A man is helped after being hit in the face with pep­per spray dur­ing a clash between counter pro­test­ers and Neo Nazis, Alt-Right, and White Supremacist groups after they marched through the University of Virginia Campus on Aug. 11, 2017. Samuel Corum /​Getty Images

The vio­lence dis­played on the grounds is intol­er­a­ble and is entire­ly incon­sis­tent with the uni­ver­si­ty’s val­ues,” Sullivan added.

Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer called the demon­stra­tion a “cow­ard­ly parade of hatred, big­otry, racism and intolerance.”

He added: “Everyone has a right under the First Amendment to express their opin­ion peace­ably, so here’s mine: Not only as the Mayor of Charlottesville, but as a UVA fac­ul­ty mem­ber and alum­nus, I am beyond dis­gust­ed by this unsanc­tioned and despi­ca­ble dis­play of visu­al intim­i­da­tion on a col­lege campus.”

The King Center, found­ed by civ­il rights icon Martin Luther King Jr.‘s wid­ow, Coretta Scott King, tweet­ed that “racism nev­er left America.”

Racism nev­er left America. It remained as a vio­lent, sys­temic evil, and has recent­ly become even more overt. 2017, 2007, 1997, 1987…