Virginia Cop Identified As Part Of White Nationalist Group

Leaked chat logs reveal that Daniel Morley, a school resource offi­cer, recruits for Identity Evropa. 

By Andy Campbell


A police offi­cer has been con­nect­ed to white nation­al­ist group Identity Evropa, join­ing a grow­ing list of pub­lic employ­ees who have been iden­ti­fied in a gar­gan­tu­an leak of the group’s chat logs.
Daniel Morley, 31, a school resource offi­cer at L.C. Bird High School in Virginia, holds a side gig as an orga­niz­er for Identity Evropa, a group not­ed for its part in the orga­niz­ing of the dead­ly Unite the Right ral­ly in Charlottesville in 2017. The group (also known as the “American Identity Movement”) tasked Morley with help­ing new recruits through the appli­ca­tion process. 
He was first iden­ti­fied by anti-fas­cist activists scour­ing through hun­dreds of thou­sands of mes­sages leaked by Unicorn Riot, an inde­pen­dent media orga­ni­za­tion.
Morley been sus­pend­ed from his job at the high school, and Chesterfield County Police Chief Jeffrey Katz rec­om­mend­ed he be fired pend­ing a state-man­dat­ed dis­ci­pli­nary process, accord­ing to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

We are con­cerned and com­mit­ted to deter­min­ing if there is any truth to these alle­ga­tions,” Katz said Monday. “There is absolute­ly no place for intol­er­ance or prej­u­di­cial behav­ior in pub­lic ser­vice, and we will not tol­er­ate affil­i­a­tions which even remote­ly lend them­selves to pre­dis­po­si­tions of bias.”
Morley ― using the moniker “Danimal876” ― had been post­ing on the white nation­al­ist group’s pri­vate chat serv­er since at least 2017, accord­ing to The Daily Beast. He used that han­dle on mul­ti­ple plat­forms, includ­ing the white suprema­cist forum Stormfront, to espouse racist views and engage with like­mind­ed big­ots as far back as 2009.
On Identity Evropa’s serv­er, he active­ly worked on recruit­ment. “Good after­noon new­com­ers to IE! I’m the new pledge coör­di­na­tor,” he wrote in September, accord­ing to the Daily Beast. “My job is to help guide peo­ple through the process of apply­ing to IE and becom­ing full mem­bers of this great orga­ni­za­tion. If you have any ques­tions about what you need to do next, DM me and I’ll get back to you.”

In August of 2018, the Chesterfield County Police Department post­ed a video of Morley, in which he intro­duced him­self as the high school’s new resource officer.“I want to ensure that the chil­dren of this coun­ty get to have the same safe child­hood that I did grow­ing up,” he says in the short clip. 

Unicorn Riot’s leak of more than 700,000 mes­sages has led to numer­ous ground­break­ing reports about white nation­al­ism, par­tic­u­lar­ly as it per­tains to pub­lic fig­ures and employ­ees in the United States.
HuffPost report­ed exclu­sive­ly this week that sev­en mem­bers of the U.S. mil­i­tary were work­ing direct­ly with Identity Evropa, help­ing the group recruit on cam­pus­es and in cities across the coun­try. There’s been report­ing on the group’s efforts to sup­port promi­nent white suprema­cists in office like Iowa Rep. Steve King; legit­imize itself and recruit through col­lege groups like Turning Point USA; and even infil­trate the GOP head-on.
Since Unicorn Riot’s drop, Identity Evropa attempt­ed to rebrand by renam­ing itself the “American Identity Movement.”
