Violent & Inartful Language But Always Concessions

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In this com­men­tary, I repeat­ed­ly said nei­ther polit­i­cal par­ty has ever refused to con­cede. I was cor­rect­ed by a view­er who remind­ed me that when Bruce Golding defeat­ed Portia Simpson Miller, she threat­ened to be a ter­ror to the then-JLP government.
I am uncon­vinced that a threat to be a ter­ror is the same as refus­ing to con­cede defeat. I do recall the inci­dent, but I also do not remem­ber the full con­text in which for­mer Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller made those unfor­tu­nate comments.

Without try­ing to get into the mind of the inart­ful Portia, I believe that she meant that she would be vig­i­lant in oppo­si­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly because of the slim mar­gin by which the JLP had secured the victory.