Violent Crimes On The Uptick , But Who Are The People Doing The Shooting?

The sentence meted out to this sociopath will mean absolutely nothing. It will not change a single white racist cop’s behavior. There are far too many protections for their criminal conduct.

Derek Chauvin

Minneapolis con­vict­ed killer-cop Derek Chauvin is sched­uled to be sen­tenced today, Friday, June 25th, by judge Peter Cahill for mur­der­ing George Floyd.
This is not a case n which jus­tice can or will be served; there is no bring­ing George Floyd back to life.
No amount of tax­pay­ers’ mon­ey paid to the Floyd fam­i­ly will com­pen­sate for his loss; no amount of prison time for that degen­er­ate killer will mean that jus­tice is served.
For mil­lions in this coun­try, mis­ter Floyd’s life was worth­less, unde­serv­ing of respect, unde­serv­ing of def­er­ence and care.
We can­not change those hate-filled [deplorables], but for the rest of us, we must con­tin­ue to observe the unique nature of how sacro­sanct the one life God gave us is.

Gorge Floyd

American police con­tin­ue to kill unarmed civil­ians at a rate that makes it dif­fi­cult to believe they do not go out look­ing for rea­sons to fire their weapons.
The lev­els of dis­re­spect they exert when deal­ing with Black Americans are shock­ing to behold, but it is not just the hos­til­i­ty with which they car­ry out those polic­ing func­tions; it is also the arro­gance and sense that they do so with­out any fear of being held accountable.
No one, cer­tain­ly no one in the Black com­mu­ni­ty should be under any illu­sions that any­thing that resem­bles a fair sen­tence by Peter Cahill today will sig­ni­fy that police are being held account­able for their crimes.
White racist cow­boys across the coun­try, pro­tect­ed by acqui­es­cent pros­e­cu­tors and judges all the way up to the Supreme Court’s qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty doc­trine, con­tin­ue to bru­tal­ize and kill inno­cent peo­ple of col­or under col­or of law daily.

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The con­vic­tion and sen­tenc­ing of a mur­der­ous sociopath who killed with aggra­va­tion (in front of chil­dren) should not lull any­one into believ­ing that any­thing is chang­ing about this mur­der­ous sys­tem that has nev­er respect­ed the lives of Black citizens.
What has hap­pened is that despite the social jus­tice march­es of 2020, we see a con­ve­nient] across-the-board uptick in vio­lent crimes, which is serv­ing to shift the focus from police crimes to look­ing at oth­er crimes.
One is forced to won­der, who are the peo­ple doing those shootings?
Why is it that at a time when there is a nation­al focus on reimag­in­ing polic­ing, all of a sud­den, gun crimes begin to tick upward after decades of low­er vio­lent crime sta­tis­tics (if we dis­re­gard the white mass killings that plague America)?




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.