Violent Crimes Linked To Political Parties Ties To The Criminal Underworld

What would hap­pen to Jamaica if both the PNP and JLP decid­ed to cut ties with the crim­i­nal gangs to which they are tied and throw their sup­port to the law enforce­ment agen­cies?
I’ll tell you what would hap­pen, we would have Jamaicans liv­ing abroad, return­ing to invest in their coun­try, cre­at­ing untold employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and wealth in our coun­try.
None of this can hap­pen, how­ev­er, because a small cadre of politi­cians placed them­selves above coun­try and have cre­at­ed a sys­tem which is ded­i­cat­ed to their own inter­est coun­try be damned.

Beautiful Jamaica

We Jamaicans are quick to talk about “Jamaica nice,” and yes, of course, God has blessed us with a beau­ti­ful coun­try with some of the most pris­tine beach­es any­where.
The Carribean Sea, which caress­es our shores, oh so gen­tly, is as clear and beau­ti­ful as the blue moun­tain peak is impos­ing in its majesty.
The rivers, streams, and trib­u­taries, mean­ders end­less­ly until they dis­ap­pear beneath a soil so fer­tile our farm­ers pro­duced more than we could ever eat.
For the most part, our peo­ple have been the kind­est, most lov­ing and neigh­bor­ly.
The far­ther inland you trav­el the bet­ter your expe­ri­ence becomes. But now all of that is in jeop­ardy of being lost.
The coun­try is still beau­ti­ful, but peo­ple are los­ing their souls.
Greed and envy replaced com­pas­sion and kind­ness.
The joy of shar­ing with our neigh­bors is replaced with the greed of lot­to cheat-sheets and high-pow­ered weapons.

Our peo­ple were not always blood­thirsty hooli­gans tear­ing at the car­cass of each oth­er’s corpses. We were lov­ing peo­ple, who looked after each oth­er and each oth­er’s chil­dren.
No one group of peo­ple is respon­si­ble for our slide into the abyss of the morass. But none is more cul­pa­ble than those who have been giv­en more pow­er to act on our behalf.
Once the ’70s stepped in Jamaicans began to wit­ness a shift in the way pol­i­tics was retailed.
Gone was the harm­less ban­ter come elec­tion time, replaced with a more sin­is­ter and omi­nous nar­ra­tive that what­ev­er wealth the wealthy had was arrived at illic­it­ly and every­one poor was enti­tled to half of it.

Michael Manley intro­duced Democratic Socialism to Jamaica , social engi­neer­ing which ruined the once thriv­ing Island. Today Manleys fol­low­ers trum­pet his achieve­ments which are large­ly feel-good plat­i­tudes. To his detrac­tors he ruined a beau­ti­ful country.

We all know the con­tin­u­ous nar­ra­tive around that cen­tral theme. A mas­sive flight of cap­i­tal and skilled pro­fes­sion­als result­ed.
Political strong­men moved into peo­ple’s homes and our coun­try was changed for­ev­er.
The next crop of politi­cians learned also that if they devised a way to keep the peo­ple fight­ing amongst them­selves, on their behalf, they could rape and pil­lage the nation’s resources with­out con­se­quence as long as they tossed a few strong­men a few bones to divide up amongst the peas­antry.
No mat­ter how gullible the Lumpenproletariat was, the new­ly mint­ed polit­i­cal class which gov­erned as a pseu­do Plutocracy need­ed a scape­goat when the [Lumpen] becomes agi­tat­ed.
When pub­lic funds are mis­ap­pro­pri­at­ed, there are bound to be short­ages in the dis­pen­sa­tion of pub­lic ser­vices.
When the Lumpen ris­es up the Plutocracy needs a diver­sion.
The JCF which was born out of the Morant Bay rebel­lion was the per­fect diver­sion.

Edward Seaga..

The police are empow­ered no fur­ther than to be rev­enue col­lec­tors, the plu­toc­ra­cy has no fear that a peas­ant upris­ing will end up affect­ing them neg­a­tive­ly. They feel insu­lat­ed from it all. After all their real pow­er bases are in the depressed crime-rid­den gar­risons in which the police is pub­lic ene­my num­ber one.
In 2010 the secu­ri­ty forces were forced to act in Tivoli gar­dens in what was a ver­i­ta­ble war between the state and mer­ce­nar­ies loy­al to a drug lord. Heavily armed, they dared the state to touch them.
In the end, wars have casu­al­ties and there is usu­al­ly col­lat­er­al dam­age.
Tivoli Gardens was no exception.

Who remem­bered the Hannah Town police station ?

Not want­i­ng a shift in the polit­i­cal par­a­digm, the rul­ing JLP and the Opposition PNP which gen­er­al­ly does not agree on any­thing, agreed to a kan­ga­roo com­mis­sion to inves­ti­gate what hap­pened in Tivoli Gardens.
Again the secu­ri­ty forces were the scape­goat and resti­tu­tion and an apol­o­gy giv­en the rogue com­mu­ni­ty which had thumbed its nose at the rule of law. Killing police offi­cers and burn­ing police sta­tions in the process.
The Security forces were round­ly con­demned and indi­vid­ual offi­cers sin­gled out for par­tic­u­lar ridicule and deri­sion.
What stuck in my throat to this day is that they brought in a for­eign­er David Simmons to head the com­mis­sion which heaped scorn on our police and mil­i­tary.
David Simmons is a retired judge from Barbados, a for­mer colony of England, which has its col­lec­tive head so far up her Majesty’s rear end she can feel them breathe.

The Former Darling Street Police Station, a con­crete struc­ture destroyed.

For the PNP con­demn­ing and rein­ing in the police offered the per­fect diver­sion. That par­ty main­tains con­trol of many more gar­ri­son com­mu­ni­ties than the JLP.
In those com­mu­ni­ties, peo­ple vote as a mono­lith and the num­ber of votes cast in elec­tions gen­er­al­ly out­num­ber the num­ber of qual­i­fied elec­tors expo­nen­tial­ly.
The PNP was not about to see its base of sup­port messed with.
As for the JLP, it too con­trols Garrison com­mu­ni­ties, albeit few­er, but the par­ty under­stood fun­da­men­tal­ly what a par­a­digm shift in the way the secu­ri­ty forces are allowed to oper­ate would shift the bal­ance of pow­er ulti­mate­ly to the work­ing class and away from the small bunch of gov­ern­ing plu­to­crats.
INDECOM was born.

Carolyn Gomes

I would be remiss if I did not men­tion the bur­geon­ing and thriv­ing list of lob­by groups which sprung up all claim­ing to be human rights orga­ni­za­tions.
FAST. JFJ. IACHR. And a pletho­ra of dis­joint­ed indi­vid­u­als also latched onto the anti-police growth indus­try which has tak­en over the coun­try.
None were more caus­tic and dan­ger­ous than the Carolyn Gomes led JFJ.
And of course, any­one who buys into the nar­ra­tive that the police is evil and deserv­ing of shack­les gets reward­ed.
Carolyn Gomes was giv­en a nation­al hon­or by the gov­ern­ment. In the end, the lie of JFJ caught up with Gomes and she was exposed for mak­ing porno­graph­ic mate­r­i­al avail­able to minors.
She was forced to step aside in dis­grace and one of her min­ions reward­ed with the top spot.
Out of that whole lob­by­ing effort, Bruce Golding in cahoots with the PNP gave the nation INDECOM to over­see the secu­ri­ty forces.
INDECOM brings brought ego and harass­ment to the secu­ri­ty force mem­bers. Members of the secu­ri­ty forces stepped back from stick­ing their necks out and vio­lent crimes skyrocketed.

Terrence Williams INDECOM

Such is the char­ac­ter of JAMAICA, despite the noise about pros­per­i­ty by the JLP and the sup­posed virtues of Socialism, a failed polit­i­cal con­struct cham­pi­oned by the cor­rupt PNP.
One of the most vis­i­ble com­po­nents of the strat­e­gy to scape­goat the Police is the fre­quen­cy with which Commissioners of police are appoint­ed and fired.
This sleight of hand gives the impres­sion that a com­mis­sion­er of police has the means to mag­i­cal­ly make crime go away.
The truth of the mat­ter is that though sev­er­al of the top cops have been inept polit­i­cal hacks, the truth is that all have been giv­en the prover­bial bas­ket to car­ry water.
The lack of resources the police are forced to con­tend with is nev­er about the mate­r­i­al inad­e­qua­cies only, but more impor­tant­ly, the agency is not allowed to ful­ly enforce the laws.
And so com­mis­sion­ers of police come and go and some try their best while fail­ing to speak out at the bla­tant pow­er play and micro han­dling the plu­to­crats engage in with the police depart­ment while speak­ing out of the two sides of their filthy mouths.
On the one side, they talk about the need to low­er or curb crime, even though their polit­i­cal enclaves are ver­i­ta­ble crime fac­to­ries.
On the oth­er hand, they make it impos­si­ble for the police to enforce the laws through the myr­i­ad tac­tics I have outlined.

Owen Ellington for­mer com­mis­sion­er of police

I believe no Commissioner of police has done more to acqui­esce to the dic­tates of the cor­rupt plu­toc­ra­cy than the com­pro­mised Owen Ellington who stepped down under spu­ri­ous cir­cum­stances.
In a series of moves intend­ed to pla­cate the pub­lic, rather than speak­ing out against the plu­toc­ra­cy Ellington gave away the store through a series of strate­gies he devel­oped.
In some instances what he gave up the pub­lic had no right to. That includ­ed mak­ing the (police force orders)pub­lic.
The Force orders is a week­ly pub­li­ca­tion which com­mu­ni­cates dic­tates from the Commissioner and his staff to the depart­ments and offi­cers. It includes per­son­nel move­ment along with oth­er per­son­nel mat­ters.
Nothing in the force orders is infor­ma­tion which the pub­lic has a rea­son­able inter­est in hav­ing.
Additionally, Ellington intro­duced mea­sures which all but made the police a laugh­ing stock.
One such direc­tive is as fol­lows.

Tactical Retreat. Our police offi­cers are cul­tured to pay the ulti­mate price rather than retreat from an armed crim­i­nal attack.
We are work­ing on a set of pro­ce­dures which could accom­mo­date “tac­ti­cal retreat” as an option to pre­serve human life with­out under­min­ing the sense of pride and hon­or of front-line offi­cers. We will begin the con­ver­sa­tion with the idea that a tac­ti­cal retreat does not sig­nal an aban­don­ment of the cause. 

Owen Ellington knew noth­ing about deal­ing with or con­fronting crim­i­nals. He was reared in one office or anoth­er with­in the depart­ment.
There is noth­ing wrong with a tac­ti­cal retreat as it relates to polic­ing. That can be (a) so that a hostage nego­tia­tor may talk to a per­son who has tak­en hostages.
(b) So that an armed sus­pect may be allowed room to move away from inno­cent civil­ians.
© So that offi­cers may set up a wider, more effec­tive and com­pre­hen­sive perime­ter around a hot zone.
In none of these cas­es does it mean sur­ren­der­ing to crim­i­nals or allow­ing crim­i­nals to leave unpun­ished.
The hap­less Owen Ellington naive­ly believed that for Frontline offi­cers, it was all about a sense of pride and hon­or, not to retreat, or about ” aban­don­ment of the cause.”
For front­line offi­cers, it has noth­ing to do with any of what Owen Ellington placed into his pol­i­cy posi­tions. It is about pro­tect­ing life and enforc­ing laws.
That is what it has always been about but an office cop would have no idea about that now would he?
Today Officers are run­ning away from crim­i­nals and crowds alike, made to be a laugh­ing stock.
Police offi­cers hid­ing in super­mar­kets and offices for doing their jobs.
Tactical retreat Own Ellington style?
Or cow­ardice and a lack of tes­tic­u­lar for­ti­tude, you decide.